View Full Version : I have an idea with Teddy...advice please...

01-06-2004, 07:05 PM
I called Pat to ask him how Teddy was doing. Pat said that he loves Teddy to death, but he can't get him potty trained for the life of him. Pat and his wife took three weeks off of work, and they are getting no where. Pat said that he is going to give Teddy more time, but he'd rather not keep him if he can't potty train him. (Pat lives in the mountains, wild animals would get Teddy if he was an outside dog.)

I miss Teddy like crazy! He's neutered now. I was thinking of enrolling him in a three week obedience course. He'd go and live with the trainer. It's really expensive ($600-900). but if it would work, it would be priceless.

What do you all think? I'm just throwing this around right now. I just want to know ahead of time what my battle plan will be if I get Ted back.

01-06-2004, 07:08 PM
I know you don't want my advice or it means nothing to you, but I just think it would be confusing for Teddy to move around so much.

It sounds like a good idea and it may help him, but also may be stressful/confusing for him.

01-06-2004, 07:10 PM
I, personally, am not a big fan of sending your dog off for training. First off, I think a good majority of the bond made between an owner and their dog is through the training process...that's where they learn to listen to you and work alongside you. Also, I'm with Kay on the fact that the moving around and shuffling is not a good idea. If anything, it could have an even worse effect on him and make him even harder to train.

But hey, it's up to you.

01-06-2004, 07:15 PM
I have heard that sometimes the problem with having someone else train your dog is that your dog will just listen to that person. I would say that unless the training includes sessions teaching you the training methods being used, it may be a waste of time and money.

But then I don't know a lot about training, this is just a guess based upon some things I heard others say.

01-06-2004, 07:19 PM
I also don't think sending dogs off for training is a good idea. I would tend to worry what exactly the trainer is doing with my dog. Also, as people already mentioned, training strengthens the bond between the person and the dog and Teddy may come back still not listening to you. Training classes that give you the knowledge to train your own dog are most beneficial.

Would you be sending him to the training classes for potty training? I would try crate training instead. What were Teddy's other issues besides marking?

01-06-2004, 07:31 PM
I agree with the others in regards to sending him off for training.
When I train dogs I make sure the owners are with me for a couple sessions, and anytime I work on something new with the dog I tell/show the owner what I'm doing and explain why.

I also agree with Aly that they should give crate training a try, maybe coupled with attaching Teddy to Pat when he's out of the crate so that he has no excuse for not watching him.

If worse comes to worse he can always use belly bands on him in the house, which will only be a band-aid to the problem, but will make it livable. I would try crate training first though.

Good luck!

01-06-2004, 07:33 PM
Another thing to keep in mind is that Teddy has gotten himself into a habit of peeing inside, so it will take time and effort to correct the problem.

Good luck to Teddy!

01-07-2004, 12:21 AM
Yeah, I agree that moving Ted around is not good. Pat is pretty experienced with dogs and he intends to give Ted a long and hard try. I hope to God that Pat can break Ted's habits.

BTW, he's been crate training for over a year now. He won't make a mistake in his crate. But the second you let him out, he'll go outside and fake pee. He saves his pee up to mark territory in the house. He doesn't technically have a habit with potty "accidents". Hopefully now that he's neutered the habit will break sooner or later.

I am kind of thinking to far ahead. I just want the best for Teddy. I am sure that Pat can work it out with Ted. He has much more experience and patience with small dogs.

I am just bummed that things are not going perfect. I was kind of hoping that with a new start, new owner, and getting fixed, Ted would have a quicker turn around.

01-07-2004, 08:30 AM
i agree with the others, sending him off would be more confusing to teddy & he may listen to the trainer but not Pat when he comes home. How about a trainer that comes to pats house? Or a class near the house that pat & his wife can take him to?

Also if he continues to smell his mark in the house he will continue to go there, have they cleaned each area extremely well with solutions made for urine?

Does he defecate in the house or just urinate?

Are there other animals in the house with him?

Im sorry but i faintly remember posts regarding teddy in the past but i cant remember, what breed & age is he?

I wish teddy the best of luck with potty training!

01-07-2004, 11:03 AM
Teddy is a male pomeranian. He turned one on November 4th. Because of a battle with my husband on breeding, he didn't get neutered until now. It's kind of a long story, but we had to give him to a more experienced friend because we were having such a rough time with him.

Don't you ever wish that you could just sit down with your dog and have a serious talk? There was so many times that Ted would sit on my lap after harrassing the cats, running off, or marking my pillow :rolleyes:...and I'd look him in his beautiful brown eyes, and go..."Ted, please! Don't you understand?" I wish that I could just drive to Pat's house and have a heart to heart talk with Teddy. I've never had so much difficulty with a dog.

01-07-2004, 11:21 AM
I feel bad for you and the troubles you've had with him.

I know 110% what you mean about wishing you could have a talk with them and have the understand! I need to tell Buddy he doesn't have to be afraid of my hubby! Buddy is SCARED TO DEATH of my hubby!! No one else... no other men... no one at all! Just my hubby!! We've had him for 13 months already!

I wish you, Pat and Teddy all the luck in the world!!!!!

01-07-2004, 11:21 AM
Well i am sorry you & teds new owners are having such a hard time with him but I wish yous the best of luck. I really dont have any other advice, besides what I previously posted.

01-07-2004, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
BTW, he's been crate training for over a year now. He won't make a mistake in his crate. But the second you let him out, he'll go outside and fake pee. He saves his pee up to mark territory in the house. He doesn't technically have a habit with potty "accidents". Hopefully now that he's neutered the habit will break sooner or later.

Someone needs to go outside with him to make sure he pees. If he doesn't then he comes back in and is put in the crate for a bit, then is taken out. When he does pee treats and praise need to be given right then. Also he should not be unsupervised in the house, not even for a couple minutes, especially if he is used to running off and finding something to mark.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out for Teddy and Pat :)

01-07-2004, 09:51 PM
He'll pee, but he'll save just enough to mark somewhere. Also, he can go forever without an accident if you keep him right with you. But the second you give him freedom, he marks. We've even gotten him to go weeks without accidents. But he was tied right to us. He'll try right in front of us, but at least we can stop him in action when he's tied to us.

Hopefully Pat has better luck. Pat's trained many dogs in his life and he even said that Teddy is the most stubborn dog he has met. lol.

01-07-2004, 10:46 PM
Was looking at the profile for poms today in my dog book. In the paragraph with their description, it says this: "Behavior problems may include irritable snapping, dominance guarding, and willful disobedience."

Interesting huh? :p

01-08-2004, 06:33 AM
Willful disobedience is Teddy's middle name! lol.

Like I said before, Ted is the most difficult dog that I have ever encountered in my life. Why's he have to be so darn cute?!

My Peanuts
01-08-2004, 07:54 PM
Sylvia took a long time to potty train. She still has accidents. In my opinion it doesn't matter if someone is home all the time (Sylvia was rarely home alone). When Teddy is ready it will happen, but it WILL happen. I don't think you need to spend that much money on training.

01-08-2004, 09:08 PM
I am kind of feeling that way. I spent 5 months at home after my shoulder surgury with Ted. Mike and I joked that once he gets potty trained, we're going to steal him back from Pat. lol.