View Full Version : Cassy and Livvy are VERY intent these days

01-06-2004, 05:00 PM
I almost feel like I'm living in a cat-free home recently. Apparently a humming bird has built a nest just outside my bedroom window, and judging by the to-ing and fro-ing recently they've had "a blessed event". (I know, doesn't seem reasonable this time of year, but...) Cassy and Livvy are pretty much glued to our bedroom window. I can add kibble to the bowls with no audience. :rolleyes: I can clean litter trays with no supervision. ;) I can be IN THE KITCHEN (gasp) with no watchful eyes hovering or busy paws underfoot. :p It's a lot like having no cats at all recently -- except that the bedroom window is getting quite grubby. :o

Occasionally, apparently when the anticipation just gets overwhelming, Cassy will jump up and race around the room, bouncing off furniture and tearing under the bed, then leaping on the window perch (and Livvy, to her disgust). Otherwise things are unnerving quiet at our house.

How are things at your house when birdies tantalize?

01-06-2004, 06:03 PM
ACK...ACK....ACK.... is the "I see a bird sound around here". But amazingly enough, they dont' ALL really care. Some are content to continue to decorate the furniture vs. watch out the window.

01-06-2004, 09:36 PM
Sassy (RB) used to make little "ACK" noises, too. Cassy and Livvy are silent, but their tails lash rather violently.

01-07-2004, 02:25 AM
Originally posted by AmberLee
How are things at your house when birdies tantalize?
Milly goes outside and tries to catch it !!

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-07-2004, 05:49 AM
The only bird that we ever see are these reeeeally little birds that hop around on the back patio outside the sliding glass door...

Tinky and Jupiter don't make any noises.. they just sit low to the ground swishy tailed,wide eyed and glued on the little birdies like they wish they could pounce on every single on of them...:)

nowwww flying bugs.. Tinky chirps her head off.. but not birds :rolleyes:

01-07-2004, 06:07 AM
Most of my kitties do that ack talk thing to the birdies. They will sit and watch for long periods of time but I don't think I have ever had as much peace and quiet as you seem to be having!!!
You will probably start to miss all the kitty intervention here soon and then wonder why when they start helping again!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

01-07-2004, 07:23 AM
hehehe I can't say I've had my two like that

The house next to us has a nook where a few birds have nested, and they are always flying back and forth, so Toby just loves sitting in the window sill and chirping at them! Lily does it for a bit, but she gets bored more quickly. If Toby were an outdoor cat, he would be a supurb hunter, as long as he'd hold of on all the chattering! :D

01-07-2004, 09:30 AM
My two "chatter" at the birds that fly around the window. :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-07-2004, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by AmberLee
Occasionally, apparently when the anticipation just gets overwhelming, Cassy will jump up and race around the room, bouncing off furniture and tearing under the bed, then leaping on the window perch (and Livvy, to her disgust). Otherwise things are unnerving quiet at our house.

Oh Cassy you little character you. :D

T & P like to watch the birds in the backyard. Peanut will chatter, but Tubby just watches. It's funny because in the summer when we have the back door open (screen door closed) Peanut will sometimes hunker down like she's going to pounce on the birds, but of course she can't get anywhere near them. And she's the wimpiest thing, so I'm sure even if she were outside she'd never catch the bird anyway. :rolleyes: :D

01-07-2004, 10:19 AM
Pickles goes crazy when anything moves... and sometimes when things aren't moving! Last night he lept up and pounced on a spot on the wall. Marshmallow, however, would never act like that. She never even pays attention to our pet mouse!

01-07-2004, 10:23 AM
I put a bird feeder just outside the sunroom windows where the cat tree is. That is where Jazz and Scout spend most their days. Scout never makes a noise but Jazz chatters and clicks her teeth together so hard I know it has to hurt.

Ripley loves to watch wildlife outside and chatters and talks to them while his tail dusts everything around.

01-07-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat
...Ripley loves to watch wildlife outside and chatters and talks to them while his tail dusts everything around.

Wow! Now there's a thought... how to get the cats to help with house cleaning vice house wrecking?

Great idea!

01-07-2004, 11:52 PM
My cats don't have the opportunity to see many birds. When they do, Storm will do the chattering noise and Sunny will get very wide eyed and swish his tail around. I'm not too sure how Cirrus and Sky react because I've never seen them looking at a bird before. My RB Pepper used to make the chattering noise too.