View Full Version : cat clocks

01-06-2004, 04:13 PM
Does your cat have a clock?

My mom mentioned to me that she hears Eddie come to the door and begin to SCREAM about one half hour before I pull into the driveway.

He also knew when his mom would come home.
He'd go to the window and wait for her car...

01-06-2004, 05:32 PM
Yes. 5:00 a.m. is feeding time. 6:00 p.m. in feeding time. 1:30 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. is come-play-with-me time all announced with very loud meow alarms and/or percussive awakening gestures (15 lb. cat walking on human). Doesn't matter what day of the week it is, if it's a holiday or if mom is on vacation. Those times are chiseled in granite and must be obeyed always! :D

01-06-2004, 05:51 PM
Well one thing for sure every sunday is grocery shopping day in my home, and who is always there to greet us on our arrival home, Ash and Lexie, I am sure they know its grocery day and their are some nice treats in there for them, we have to enter the house through the laundry which is kinda small, and you can imagine three people, two cats, bags of groceries and a chili bin all trying to get in at once.:)

01-06-2004, 11:23 PM
Bastets Daily Itinerary

6.30am - Growls at alarm, rolls over and begins to knead my legs in bed.

7.30am - Sulks on tree as meowmie goes to work.

6pm - Sulks on windowsill as she watches meowmie come home then meows a welcome and crowds me at the door.

6.01pm - food

6.15pm - running up and down the hall. Running up and down the stairs. Mrrrrrrts at gecko's and birds before relaxing on the tree to watch meowmie cook dinner.

6.30pm - meat from meowmie (cos she has been good)

7pm - sulks in bedroom after being moved away from the dinner table/lounge chair

7.30pm - sleeps until 10pm

10.01pm - decides to do what she did at 6.15pm while meowmie is getting ready for bed.

10.30pm - knocks off all the books in the library for attention.

10.35pm - decides its better to be good and go to bed with meowmie than being roused at for knocking over the books.

01-07-2004, 01:44 AM
Nellie always awaits me when I return home from work and according to my husband she gets ready to greet me about five minutes before I'll arrive...no matter at what time I'll come home...

They are brilliant and I am constantly amazed...

Rupert Sheldrake has written a book about it "Dogs know when their owners are coming home"...and cats definately know as well...;)

01-07-2004, 07:31 AM
There are things that must happen at the same time everyday no matter what!! I MUST be up at precisely 4:30 am. Breakfast must be served by 4:40 am.
I know they always greet us at the door. They will be sitting in windows that face the driveway watching. When I'm on vacation I notice that about ten minutes before we normally come home they all start to yawn and stretch. They begin to gather in the kitchen when it's time for us to come home. Dinner is to be served within ten minutes of our arrival.
I say "Yes they have clocks"!!

01-07-2004, 08:37 AM
7:35 am - Alarm goes off, Meowmie hits snooze. Toby is wandering around, Lily jumps on the bed and walks over Meowmie.

7:40 am - Toby scratches the door siding as an attempt to get Meowmie and Daddy out of bed for feeding time. Attempt failed.

7:45 am - Alarm goes off. Toby still wandering, Lily sleeping by Meowmies feet. Meowmie wakes up.

8:00 am - Meowmie gets a bowl of cereal. Both Toby and Lily surround Meowmie as she eats and attempts to get a lick out of the cereal bowl!

8:45 am - Meowmie leaves. Toby and Lily wander. I bet they sleep all day.

5:20 pm - Meowmie and Daddy are back home. Lily is waiting by the door to run out the in the porch, so she can go sniff stuff. Toby waits on the stairs.

5:25 pm - FOOD! Toby swallows down some adult food but mostly waits for Lily to finish eating so he can get some kitten food :rolleyes:

5:35 pm - MASSIVE groom session. Then snooze time.

6:30 pm - 12:30 pm - Lily follows Meowmie around the whole night, if Meowmie gets on computer, Lily sits on her chair. If Meowmie watches TV, Lily gets on the couch. Meanwhile, Toby sits next to the closet everytime either one of us goes near it and meows to play with his favourite toy. He does this every day. Other than than he spends the night snoozing.

1:00 am - Meowmie goes to bed, finally. ;) Lily kneads the blankets for 10 minutes and falls asleep. Toby is off doing something we dont' know about until we hear a "clunk", "bang" or "rattle" :)

And thats a day in the life of Toby and Lily ;)

01-07-2004, 09:05 AM
JJJ3 has a clock that tells me that it is time for Temptations. But it runs 24/7.

01-07-2004, 09:26 AM
When I first adopted Max and Speckles 6 yrs ago their internal clock used to go off at 6am precisely. At that time, Max would stand up (he was arleady sleeping on the bed) and meow in my face until I got up and put a little dry food in his dish.

Then I'd go back to bed, Max would eat and jump up and go to sleep again.

These days they really seem to be slowing down. Max will sometimes get me up at 7am if I'm still sleeping. I'm so lucky that I don't have to deal with bangs, clinks, crashes during the night. Blessed be the older cat.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-07-2004, 10:10 AM
Tubby definitely has a clock. Peanut I'm not so sure about - oh wait, she definitely does too. And how I know this is because at 4:00 every morning, Tubby decides it's time for Peanut's morning lick job. So he gets up and starts licking on her and the spat starts. He also knows when I get home from work. All day long he sleeps in his little bed upstairs in the loft on the couch. Terry says about 4:30 or so he (Tubby) gets up, stretches, then heads downstairs to wait for me. He is always waiting just inside the door for me. I always feel bad when I get home later than normal because I know he's sitting there waiting.

Peanut knows when it's 2:00 in the afternoon because that's when she will finally be allowed to sit on her daddy's lap while he works. Before that he will put her down so he can get some work done. And she also knows when it's bedtime. If we aren't headed to bed by the time she says it's bedtime, she'll come over to us and meow, telling us to hurry up and go to bed so she can snuggle with us (she prefers bed snuggling over couch snuggling).

So, yes, both T & P have clocks. :)

01-07-2004, 12:47 PM
They certainly have, I had been up this morning early like 5.30 am, making lunches for my boys(hubby and son) and went back to bed for my so called lie in, in the school holidays, son had let Ash back inside, I am just about asleep , when I get this rude awakening a big chubby 14 pound grey ball of fluff running over my weary body, ouch, I guess Ash had decided it was time he had his breakfast, and yes he won out, I got up and gave him his brekky, Ash in never vocal, but he sure lets you know in his own unique way what he wants and when. CATS EH?

01-07-2004, 03:12 PM
Yes, here it goes.............

6:00 am- Feeding time, wakes mommy up by biting her toes/fingers/nose..... Mommy chases me into livingroom and I sit by food bowl.....

6:15 am- Play Time rewakes mommy or daddy by meowing as loud and possible or wrestling a sister or two on the bed....

7:00 am- Mommy and Daddy wakes up, Makes coffee, we are under thier feet....... make tem trip, they yell, we hide.....

7:30 am- we come back out for them to appoligize, Its THIER fault they step on us, WATCH WHERE YOUR WALKING!

8:00am- They have gone to work...

8:00 am-5:00 pm- SLEEP!

5:30 pm- Mommy and daddys dinner time, OURS TOO!!!

6:00 pm- Meows until petted... while mommy and daddy watch TV

8:00 pm- Wrestle with sisters and eat

10:00 pm- Mommy and daddy go to sleep, TIME TO PLAY!!

10:15 pm- Get squirted by water bottle....

10:45 pm- hold meeting on how to get water bottle away from daddy!!!!


12:15am- Get squirted again, CANT A CAT HAVE FUN AROUND HERE?

1:00 am- Sleep Until Breakfast Time!!

As Told By Tony!
