View Full Version : BIGGEST Peeve!!

01-06-2004, 12:40 PM
Picking up your doggies poop is part of dog ownership. This is something I knew and came to terms with when we got Drake 3 years ago. I never leave the house without a poop bag.

You can get fined in America for not picking up after your dog. I was told the same held true in Germany. I have actually seen a policeman make a dog owner pick up his dog's poop. But when the policeman isn't looking (which is 99.99% of the time) no one picks up after their dog!! It makes me mad. I live in the city and there is crap everywhere. You have to watch every single step!! Why won't people pick up after their dogs!!! :mad: :mad: People walk everywhere here, do they not get annoyed by all the poo that is everywhere?

Then my upstairs neighbor has a small dog. Not sure what breed since I have only caught a quick glimpse of him. His name is Gigalo!! That poor dog's name makes me furious!! :mad: Anyhow, he pees in the stair well all the time and she never cleans up after him!! I stepped in a puddle of pee this morning and was soooooooo mad. I have seen him peeing and she lets him do his thing and keeps on going!! I have tried saying something to her, but she doesn't speak English.

01-06-2004, 01:34 PM
OMG, I can't believe she lets the dog pee in the hall!!
Give me a break!! Don't be so lazy and take the dog outside!!

I don't know about dog poo laws here in Cleveland!

01-06-2004, 01:44 PM
That's awful! How rude to the other people who live there. Can you complain to a manager or landlord?

I had to live in an apartment for a couple years with my collies and there were people there who didnt' pick up after their dogs too. I ALWAYS have little baggies in my pocket when we go out somewhere.

Some people are so irresponsible and inconsiderate.

01-06-2004, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
I have tried saying something to her, but she doesn't speak English.

It's bad when some of your first german words to learn are regarding this subject.:(

Cinder & Smoke
01-06-2004, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
... he pees in the stair well all the time and
she never cleans up after him!! :mad:

... she doesn't speak English.


Does ANYbody clean the Halls & Stairs (Management, maybe)??

That might get a lil bit *rank* when warm weather comes...

Might make a poster to hang on the wall above his
"favorite spot"...

Her Apartment Number on top;
A *BIG* Arrow pointing down;
and a picture of a Mop & Bucket...

Some people! :mad:

01-06-2004, 01:55 PM
Next time I smell pee in the hall I am calling the landlord!! Drake and Gigalo are the only dogs inthe building. We live in a very nice neighborhood and gorgeous building and she is being trashy.

Phred, we have a lady that comes and cleans the building (ie stairs, glass, etc...) and she was telling me about the problem. Guess the landlords never say anything to her. I do like your sign idea. Wonder how well that would go?

01-06-2004, 02:13 PM
How infuriating! Here at my apartment it's a $25 fine if you leave poop on the ground... thing is... they can only fine the people they catch... and sadly they rarely do. :( :mad:

The complex even provides poop bags free of charge.

01-06-2004, 02:17 PM
We have bylaws in NZ regarding dogs,if your'e dog poops you must scoop, but to be honest alot of people completely disregard this bylaw, and I don't see it being enforced much either.

I get really annoyed if I see someones dog doing its stuff outside our section, even though the land belongs to the council, we are responsible for mowing it, so guess who ends up picking up someone elses dog poop, yours truely, if I catch them I will say something, but they could just walk on and do nothing.

Most beaches donot allow dogs on them for this reason alone, and we do have dog parks, especially for taking your dog for a walk, it is only common decency to poop and scoop , a little consideration goes a long way, to keeping our environment clean and healthy, if only we all would do our bit.

Cinder & Smoke
01-06-2004, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
... I do like your sign idea.
Wonder how well that would go?


With Gigalo's MOM??
Prolly not too well! :rolleyes:
Mite not get an Xmas card from her next year. :(

As for the Other Neighbors...
You might be nominated for SaintHood! ;)

Ask the Cleaning Gal -
Has SHE ever mentioned the problem TO the Landlords????

They (Landlords) might Not KNOW what Gigalo is doing.
I'd think the Cleaning Gal would be telling them on a daily basis.
You should certainly ASK the Cleaner to pass the message to Management!

01-06-2004, 03:10 PM
That was one thing I hated when I lived in my apartment--many people didn't clean up the poo!!! Usually the ones with the bigger dogs too!! A very sweet older couple who had a bichon ALWAYS carried a big grocery bag with them--I used to laugh--I don't think they needed a bag quite that large. Maybe once or twice I forgot a bag, but I either went back out and picked it up, or scooped it up with some leaves or something I found on the ground.
With a notorious poop muncher *coughKitocough*, I always knew where the spots were. It's funny though, after a certain woman and her collie moved out, there were a lot less.

Good luck dealing with this--I cannot believe someone lets their dog pee in the hallway--that is absolutely disgusting!!!

01-06-2004, 03:22 PM
I had a family friend whose neighbor's dog always pooped on his yard. Everytime he picked up the neighbor dog's poop as well as his own dog's poop, he'd leave it on their front porch. They got the hint real quick. lol.

That's totally disgusting that she lets her dog pee on the stairwell. I'd go to the management for sure.

01-06-2004, 07:49 PM
Where I live it's a $250 fine for not scooping after your dog.
Of course like other's have mentioned they have to catch you to fine you.

01-06-2004, 08:00 PM
Mine normally never poop anywhere other than our backyard. when they do, I pick it up. If I don't have a bag, you can ALWAYS find VERY old newspapers that come in little orange bags around here. I use those if I forget a bag.

I hate at the dog beach (Valerie knows) there's this long long trail leading out to the beach, it's kept cut (the grass) and there's poo there sometimes, that people don't pick up. I don't mind if they poop in the area's with the long, tall grass, where no one's supposed to walk -- but when it's on the trail atleast have the consideration to pick it up!

I always tell people when they go in our backyard to watchout for 'landmines'. That's if we haven't cleaned upin a while.