View Full Version : Describe your one true passion

01-05-2004, 10:50 PM
My one true passion would have to be described sort of like..

" Chills and Thrills*

I know that you may be thinking, well what is so spine chilling about barrel racing? Let me try to explain..:)

Let's say it's your first rodeo. There is a gigantic crowd that night. You start to get the feeling that so many people are watching, if you mess up, all of your friends saw it. I mean, with so many people watching, and not being used to it, it is spine chilling.
The real chill is thinking about your horse making a fall. When your horse is * flying* around the barrel, and it's back legs hit it's front, the horse comes crashing down. That is my one true chill with barrel racing. That is why I always slow my horse down at the barrel.
Now the thrills goes on forever. I get SO MUCH from barrel racing. When I was a little girl, I didn't care about when to kick the horse from the outside, when to pick up it's shoulder, when to sit back and stand up in the saddle. I just knew that I wanted to race, and that racing was the funnest thing I had ever done.
Racing is pretty much my life, now I love the thrils! I love the chills! I love the excitement and the dissapointment!! I just have such a large love for it. Barrel racing is and will always be my one true passion.

Thanks for listening.:)

Please share your one true passion.:D

01-06-2004, 08:42 AM
I know this might sound like a cliche answer and many people might even have the same passion, but honestly, my one true passion is CATS.

There is nothing else in this would that makes my heart melt like a cat.

For example: Seeing "road kill" doesn't effect me too badly unless I see a dead cat.
Homeless dogs or other pets don't effect me any where nearly as much as homeless cats.
If I get bitten by a dog grooming customer I have no patience for unruely behavior, but when a cat grooming customer bites (even though the bite is likely to be worse) I just can't get as furious.
I've never met a cat I didn't want to smooch.
And I feel so bad for the ones who aren't loved.
I want to help them all, they are God's perfect creature.

If this offends any dog owners, sorry, but this is who I am. Even though I groom for a living, when I go home, it is the cats that rule and if I don't even see another dog until the next day at work, all the better. I know a few "dog" people who have the exact opposite feeling as me and I accept them.
(I just don't understand them...hee hee)

01-06-2004, 09:15 AM
Everything that Jen said goes DOUBLE for me!!!

Rio and Me
01-06-2004, 09:38 AM
My one true passion is dog's, I love all the hard work thats comes with them, I love to show my dog (she's not pure bred) but i still love to take part in local fun show's to SHOW her off he he he,
I'm starting Agility on the 13th and I just cant wait to get in there a get to the top,lol, and if we dont get to the top it will be great fun trying.
also horse's comes close second, I dont get much time to ride my horse these days but when i do, its fast and furious,lol (and fun)
Ky and Rio

01-06-2004, 10:01 AM
Another cliche answer, but mine is Dogs.

There is nothing in this world, like a dog. I've never met one I didn't like. They don't care how you look, if your breath stinks, if you're rich or poor, they accept you for who you are. Every week when I walk into the shelter, and see all the homeless dogs, I can't but wonder why such a perfect creature has to suffer like this. They forgive us for making mistakes, and still love us unconditionally. The way they wag their tails when you come home from a long day, the way they drop the tennis ball into your lap, their desire to please, the different jobs they have to help humans, (EX: Guide Dogs, Search and Rescue, Service Dogs) I could go on and on. They're perfect.

01-06-2004, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Another cliche answer, but mine is Dogs.

There is nothing in this world, like a dog. I've never met one I didn't like. They don't care how you look, if your breath stinks, if you're rich or poor, they accept you for who you are. Every week when I walk into the shelter, and see all the homeless dogs, I can't but wonder why such a perfect creature has to suffer like this. They forgive us for making mistakes, and still love us unconditionally. The way they wag their tails when you come home from a long day, the way they drop the tennis ball into your lap, their desire to please, the different jobs they have to help humans, (EX: Guide Dogs, Search and Rescue, Service Dogs) I could go on and on. They're perfect.

I agree with you %100 Julie. That is the way the love of a dog should be told. I don't really agree with some people about dogs having * blind* love. I think that you have to earn their trust AND love before you can really get through to them. I have never seen a dog just start loving a person straight on from meeting them. I don't think I ever will.
I cry throught the whole ride if I see a dog dead in the road, or a homeless dog in other towns or even states. Any other homeless animal or road kill I don't really cry over, just dogs mainly. I love all animals... But dogs just reach my heart like no ther animal. Same as horses. But you rarely see a dead horse in the road or a homeless one around here, so... Dogs just will melt me. The first time I look into there eyes, or see that tail inbetween their legs, my eyes just swell up with tears. I will ALWAYS bring in a homeless dog, or help it as much as I can every single time I come across one.

01-06-2004, 10:57 AM
I love dogs, but my true passion is cooking! I love to cook and plan on opening my own place one day. I have been wanting to get out of the office and into the kitchen for quite a while. There are many opportunities here, but I can't speak German. I am planning on going back to school for a degree in Culinary Arts.

01-06-2004, 03:31 PM
My number one passion is of course, animals.

My second passion is Muay Thai Boxing. I had shoulder surgury in May, and the soonest I will be able to go back is March. I miss it so bad! BTW, just because it's my passion, doesn't mean I'm any good. I suck! lol. But I still love it.

Also, my job is actually my passion. I actually wake up in the morning excited and wonder what I am going to do for the day at work. I love working outdoors and having constant change.

01-06-2004, 03:41 PM
Interesting footnote:
Passion is one of the few words which, by definition, can contradict itself. Passion means both suffering or agony (in the traditional use) and extreme fondess or enthusiasm. Additionally, it can me extreme anger, rage or fury or sexual desire.

Odd word, this Passion.

01-06-2004, 03:53 PM
I want to fly with the Blue Angels.

01-06-2004, 04:27 PM
OMG jan when i first saw this thread i was thinking about what to write i had it all planned out in my head and guess what you stole EXACTLY what i was going to say lol:p :D :p :D :p :D my other ones would have to be animals i want to be a vet or vet tec on of these days my other would have to bet playing with little children :p :D :D

01-06-2004, 04:50 PM
My one true passion:animals:) I don't know if I'm going to be the only one who thinks this, but sometimes I like animals more than people. Well, certain people I guess. I love ALL animals, I have for a long time already.
I ove cats and dogs especially. I SO want to get a dog, but if only I was allowed to:(

01-06-2004, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by bluekat
I love cats and dogs especially. I SO want to get a dog, but if only I was allowed to:(

I'll let you "borrow" Molly and Daisy if you come to CA! ;):p

01-06-2004, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
I'll let you "borrow" Molly and Daisy if you come to CA! ;):p

Really?:D But I might try to bring them back with me too;) lol
Ok, I'll come to CA for my next vacation, hehe:D

01-06-2004, 05:17 PM
Could I honestly put my one true passion into words? I'm not so sure...

A wagging tail, two soulful eyes, floppy ears going every which way, or even upright. Coats of all sorts, rough, soft, coarse and fine. A loud, deep voice, or a high pitched 'yappy' voice.

A heart made of gold, filled to the top -- whether it's filled with love for their human, or for treasures in the backyard. A heart so filled and so strong, that if only the human race could rise themselves to be as great, the world would be a much better place.

Playful, yet laid back at times. Times in which all that's on the schedual is to lay around on the couch watching TV, and eating potato chips, they don't care if all they get is a few dropped crumbs.

Again, those soulful eyes, meaning they see into your heart, your soul -- not caring what's on the outside, as well as allowing you to see thiers, with great compassion. With such charactor, coming in all different colors.

If you haven't guessed it so far...

My true passion is my dogs, other people's dogs, stray dogs, small dogs, TAN DOGS, black dogs, white dogs, brindle dogs, fat dogs, skinny dogs, tall dogs, short dogs,


Desert Arabian
01-06-2004, 05:28 PM
My one true passion is horses.

I can't live with out them. My mom told me I have loved horses since before I knew how to say "horse". I started riding when I was 6. When I am around horses I am in a whole different world, where all my worries about my life disappear, my stress is no where in sight, and it seems like the world stops turning. Just about all of my best memories which I will cherish forever has horses in it somewhere. As soon as I have enough money, good paying job, etc, I am getting a horse. Heck, my mom told me I could get a horse now, but I don't have the money, and I have to focus on school. My plan for my future is to go to college, get a good job, and live on a small horse & mule ranch. I don't know what my life would be like if I didn't have horses in it. Everyday I am on some horse website researching various horse topics. All of my vactaions deal with horses (or mules) too. I have been to Kentucky many times to tour the Thoroughbred breeding farms, visit Keenland/Church Hill Downs, Kentucky Horse Park, etc. Mom and I also went to Tennessee and stayed at a horse ranch. We also go to Missouri a lot for mule festivals. As you can see...my trips revolve around horses. :D Oh...not to mention the horse camp I volunteer at for 6 weeks in the summer, and on the weekends in fall.

Jack and Spirit are extremely special to me, and will always be. I have had so many great experience with them, and so many memories have come from times spent with them. I will never forget the time when Jack and I were frolicking in the field, watching a distant thunderstorm. It was so awesome, I will ALWAYS remember that. I have learned so much from Jack & Spirit, they are very dear to me. If I had the money and space I would buy them in a heart beat. I am so thankful I met Jack & Spirit and am able to share some of my life with them.

Jack & Spirit, I love you!!!!

Spirit (Arabian):
Jack (Quarter/Morgan):

01-06-2004, 05:33 PM
   I know what Karen's passion is: All creatures - except slugs and leeches.

   I remember being in China and seeing a camel as we drove down the road. Then we saw another camel. The people with us did not understand why Karen (and I) could be so excited even after we tried to explain.


01-06-2004, 08:11 PM
hey are you on yahoo messanger

sorry to post this here put it has been messing up on me

01-06-2004, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Could I honestly put my one true passion into words? I'm not so sure...

A wagging tail, two soulful eyes, floppy ears going every which way, or even upright. Coats of all sorts, rough, soft, coarse and fine. A loud, deep voice, or a high pitched 'yappy' voice.

A heart made of gold, filled to the top -- whether it's filled with love for their human, or for treasures in the backyard. A heart so filled and so strong, that if only the human race could rise themselves to be as great, the world would be a much better place.

Playful, yet laid back at times. Times in which all that's on the schedual is to lay around on the couch watching TV, and eating potato chips, they don't care if all they get is a few dropped crumbs.

Again, those soulful eyes, meaning they see into your heart, your soul -- not caring what's on the outside, as well as allowing you to see thiers, with great compassion. With such charactor, coming in all different colors.

If you haven't guessed it so far...

My true passion is my dogs, other people's dogs, stray dogs, small dogs, TAN DOGS, black dogs, white dogs, brindle dogs, fat dogs, skinny dogs, tall dogs, short dogs,


That was really beautiful Kay.:) And so true. I wish the whole world could read that, and touch everyone like it did me. Well said Kay.:)

01-06-2004, 10:16 PM
Mine is horses!
they are so beautiful and elegant. i'm not even sure how to say it but it's horses:D me lovies horseeez

01-06-2004, 11:33 PM
animals. period. lol

01-06-2004, 11:54 PM
Kay you said it so beautifully, you have such a way with words. You can paint a very lovely picture with words. Yes, a word picture.:) :)

Jen I have a passion for my Grover, I think maybe because I raised from that funny little baby she was, and seeing her alive after she could have died in that old trashcan.

My passion is all animals, I truly love them all. Cass has actually got me to loving rats, believe it or not. WolfChan got me to love Chubby! I have changed a lot since coming to pet talk. Learned a lot too.

Thanks to you all,

01-07-2004, 12:15 AM
My passion...

That would be children and pups! I don't know what I would want more lol

I want lots of kids...like 5! but i'll be lucky if he'll give me 2 heh

dogs...i want as many as i could possibly handle. 5 would be awesome. and i'd want all retrievers. and of course my lil shepherd.

thatd be life! maybe one day!!

01-07-2004, 02:05 AM
My passion is dogs. Dogs never fail to put a smile on my face. They're always there for you. They're goofy, silly, intelligent, and so loveable. I can never be mad when I have my boys around. Just seeing them playing and enjoying themselves makes me happy.