View Full Version : Buddy got hurt!!

01-05-2004, 10:06 AM
Sunday morning Buddy put his paws through a glass window and sliced a chunk of his dew pad almost off!! I looked at him real quick and saw no blood at first so I put then in the house so I could clean up all the glass. When I went in the house there was blood everywhere!!! And a big pool where was had been sitting watching me! So I looked at it real close, and it looked pretty bad but I also knew his foot was not going to fall off. So I wrapped it up real good, and dropped him at th vet first thing this am. They are goign to cut that piece off that's just hanging on by a little bit. Poor baby! His foot hurts him! He's limping around the house, and Sierra knows it hurts because she does not try to get him to play! They go outside, potty, then come right back inside! After dropping him off at the vet, I had to stop back home and change into work clothes. Sierra was already freaked out!! She was panting SO hard, I felt so bad for her!! She has such bad sep. anx. That's the main reason we got Buddy was to calm her down!! Oh I just hope she get's throught the day with out her Buddy Boy!! And poor Buddy boy was so scared when I was leaving him this morn at the vet......:(

I just hope today goes by SUPER fast!!!!

01-05-2004, 10:23 AM
(pupslover, welcome to Pet Talk... but I think you replied in the wrong post. ;) )

Oh my goodness!!!! Oh Buddy! I hope he's okay and that he recovers soon. I would of been panicing I'm sure.


01-05-2004, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by pupslover
Oops! Yes I most certainly did. Is there a mod/admin that could move this thread for me? I was looking to post in the topic regarding to what 2 breeds are best together.

Sorry about that! Not sure how it happened.

What you could do is hit edit, copy your text, delete the post and then repost under the topic you meant to and just paste the text you copied to there. :)


Ouch!! Poor poor Buddy! I'm sure Sierra will be ok though very anxious. It's so hard because you can't just explain to her that Buddy will be ok and will be back soon. All she knows is he's gone! Be sure to keep us updated on how Buddy is and I hope he's home real soon. Poor Sierra girl. :(

Cinder & Smoke
01-05-2004, 11:37 AM
Poor Buddy! :(

Hope the visit to the White Coats isn't too traumatic.
Best Wishes for a Speedy Recovery!

And Hang On, Sierra - he'll be home in a while!

HOW did he manage to *break* a window??

01-05-2004, 12:20 PM
In stead of barking to come inside when he's ready, he seams to think that scratching on the windows and door is the way to get my attention (ugh...) and it's just a single pane glass window, so it's not real strong, and as you know... Buddy is a BIG boy!! I have been trying to break him of his bad habit, I hope maybe hurting himself will help next time he goes to jump on the window!!!
Thank you all for the well wishes!!

I called the vet a little while ago, and he's doing okay, they gave him a seditive, and they removed the part of his pad that was sliced, and he's all wrapped up, and resting right now! All he has to do now is wait till Sierra and I get there at 5:30 tonight! (We already had an appt tonight at 5:30 for there shots and to get micro chipped)

I'll update you tonight when we get home!

(oh I wish I lived closer to home so I could go check on my little Sierra girl.... Hang on Honey!! Mommy will be home soon!)


01-05-2004, 01:10 PM
Poor Buddy and Poor Sierra. Hang in there guys. Things will be better real soon. I'll be thinking of you.

Robin :)

01-05-2004, 01:13 PM
Poor Buddy!

I must say, though...Buddy's story just might save my dogs. They've been pounding and scratching on our single pane windows for a while now...ever since removed the curtains for the remodel. I have kind of let it slide, but after hearing about Buddy, I am going to crack down on that.

01-05-2004, 02:11 PM
Poor Buddy! I hope his little pawsie will be fine soon.

01-05-2004, 03:05 PM
:( Poor Buddy! I hope he gets better soon.

01-05-2004, 03:32 PM
Oh how terrible!! I am glad that Buddy's paw is on the mend. I am sure Sierra will nurse him back to heath :D

Hugs to you Buddy!

01-05-2004, 05:37 PM

Poor Buddy, sending many get well wishes your way
for a speedy paw recovery.

01-05-2004, 06:58 PM
I sure hope your little man is feeling better tonight, but I bet Sierra is being a proper nurse to him isn't she;)

Kisses to Buddy!

01-05-2004, 07:32 PM
I hope Buddy's paw heals just fine, and that he isn't in too much pain. I know Sierra will be just wonderful with him, and you will too!!

I'm sure he's home by now, let us know how he's doing when you can.

01-05-2004, 07:37 PM
WERE HOME!!!!!!!!

He was SUCH a brave boy!!
He's chilling out now, after eating a bowl of food.

Sierra is now relaxing!
(she was so freaked out being alone that she broke out of her crate while I was at work!!:eek: )

I took pictures, but image station is being goofy!!!

We that you all for you happy thoughts!!!


01-05-2004, 09:06 PM
Oh, I would have definitely panicked. Good thing you kept your wits. All that blood would have terrified me that some artery was severed or something.

Glad his wittle pawsie will be ok and I hope it heals fast.

Will you have to do any special care or antibiotics?

01-05-2004, 11:09 PM
I hope hes okay, dogs can bleed to death by hurting that claw

01-06-2004, 07:20 AM
I learned the pad he sliced is called the Dew Pad.
Not to be confused with the dew claw.

This was the pad all by it's self up the back of his leg.
Not on the bottom of his foot.

Not to many instructions for home care, it's not on the bottom of his foot, so it's not bothering it very much when he walks on it!
He does have to take antibiotics twice a day (nothing a piece of cheese can't hide ;) )

01-06-2004, 07:28 AM
I'm glad he's OK. But poor Sierra! Her best buddy left her all alone! Did she tear up the house?

01-06-2004, 11:18 AM
She did not tear anything up!! I can't believe it!!

They are just so happy to be back together!
I took pictures last night... image station was goofy last night, I'll try again tonight!!!!

01-06-2004, 11:24 AM
I'm glad Buddy is all stitched up and home resting comfortably.

01-06-2004, 12:25 PM
They didn't have to put any stiches in, they just removed the piece that got sliced because it was almost off already!
So no stiches for Buddy!!

He just needs time to heal, and because it's the pad, it is going to take a long time to heal!!!

01-06-2004, 04:04 PM
Glad to hear Buddy is doing better and Sierra made it through the day without her best friend :)

Sadie also likes to knock on the window when she wants in. Our back porch is enclosed and has lever windows with individual hotizontal panes of glass. (sorta like shutters) She broke the lowest pane when she was about 8 months old, and must not knock as hard anymore...she hasn't broken one since!!