View Full Version : Leopard spots, Green eyes & Close Ups!

Russian Blue
01-05-2004, 09:31 AM
I was cleaning out my closet this weekend and Nakita went running off with an old leopard print scarf! She played with it like it was a new toy & I wasn't going to stop her fun! Who knew she would be attracted to spots??:D



Nakita, satisfied that she has killed the spotted scarf!


For all the green eye lovers out there


Nakita, what do you do when a burgler breaks into the house? Attack!!!!;)


And finally, one of my favourite pics of 2004


Steffi N
01-05-2004, 09:37 AM
Oh Nakita, you brave green-eyed beauty. Now your mommie is forever safe from the spotted scarf . Of course it looks great on you. :)
Hope to see a lot of you in the New Year.

Kona & Oreo's mom
01-05-2004, 09:41 AM
Nakita, you are such a beautiful girl in the spotted scarf. And very brave, too--I'm sure you'd scare any burgler away!

01-05-2004, 09:44 AM
Oh Nakita, you are such a special kitty protecting your Mommy and Daddy from the dreaded spotted scarf. But I must say that with it draped around you, it makes you look very sophisicated. Where is Miss Edwina??? Perhaps she could lend you a hat.:D

01-05-2004, 09:49 AM
Nikita I am sure that mommy was very happy that you were there to save her from the dreaded scraf.

I agree that you look very beautiful in the scarf. I am sure that Miss E would be happy to share her hats.:)

As always, I love your beautiful green eyes.

01-05-2004, 09:55 AM
Mommie, would I look better in spots??

01-05-2004, 10:01 AM
Sweet Nakita, these spots look beautiful on you! :)


01-05-2004, 10:32 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek:
I have been left speechless. :D There is no way that Nakita can take a bad picture. Ever. Ever Ever.

She looks stylish and gorgeous as always. :D

01-05-2004, 10:57 AM
I have to say that Nakita's eyes are mesmorizing. Her eyes just put me in a trance. Nakita is just simply put "Georgeous". :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-05-2004, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by slick
But I must say that with it draped around you, it makes you look very sophisicated. Where is Miss Edwina??? Perhaps she could lend you a hat.:D

I don't want to assume anything, but somehow I think Ms Edwina would approve - very stunning, Nakita. :D

Edwina's Secretary
01-05-2004, 11:20 AM
Dear Nakita,

Actually I have JUST the hat. First I have to get it off this new creature.....

BTW...my mummy/secretary says....GASP!



01-05-2004, 11:41 AM
Oh Nakita! You could be a covergirl with this one:
Definitely an "In-Style" kitty! As usual, what a beauty you are!

01-05-2004, 11:43 AM
Nakita, you look stunning! I'm pretty sure that spotted scarf is dead now - what a brave girl you are! ;)

01-05-2004, 11:44 AM
:eek: I don't meant to be mean, but she almost looks alienish, in a good way. I have NEVER seen eyes like hers, EVER! Does anyone else have a green eyed cat like this? If so, please post pics, I want to see! :D

I can't get over her. Everytime I look at her, I come back for more in more. And everytime I have to tell Dan to come here and look at her. She is so beautiful! She just has a certain look to her that no other cat can have, it's all her!

01-05-2004, 01:03 PM
Nakita, you little leopard, I can hear you roar!!!
Those are really great photos and what a wonderful model Nikita is!!!

01-05-2004, 01:03 PM
Boy, what would happen in my daughter's room?

There are spots everywhere! On the chair, the dresser, the curtains.. you should should see it when the bed is made as there are about 20 different spots and stripes! And look, the walls are the color of your eyes! I think my daughter was thinking of you when we did her room!

PS: don't mind the messiness... this is actually the cleanest room among my kids (all teenagers - need I say more?) Believe it or not, she's the neat-freak!

PPS: You look devine in that scarf!

01-05-2004, 01:06 PM
I think Nakita's green eyes are just stunning! :D
She is always so perfectly beautiful!:)
I saw another Russian Blue cat at a Cat Show on Saturday and it was certainly one of the most beautiful cats there!
About the spotted scarf, maybe Nakita would like a spotted sibling to play with?;)

01-05-2004, 01:12 PM
Very distinctive cat! She has style!:)

01-05-2004, 02:27 PM
We saw a few Russian Blues at the cat show on Saturday too, but none were as beautiful as Nakita.

Oh and that leopard room! I LOVE it! I'm pretty much known for my leopard and wild animal wardrobe. My bed set is all leopard and even my curtains are a leopard spotted lace. With me, more leopard is still not enuff! :D

01-05-2004, 02:57 PM
Words fail me here. She is just so unbelievably beautiful! That scarf against her coat is so contrasting. Can I borrow your scarf, please (with Nakita in it...he he) :D

01-05-2004, 03:50 PM
Ohmygosh, that first one is so funny, I can just see her running off with the scarf, "Mine! I want to play dress up! Where has this scarf been all my life!? This is the perfect accessory to my ensemble!" LOL. And really, you get some of the most beautiful shots of her I've ever seen....gotta alert the fiance! :D I always look forward to Nakita pictures, thanks for sharing! Happy scarf wrangling! Perhaps she would like you to wear it more often. ;) :D

01-05-2004, 04:41 PM
Aw, Nakita, as usual, you're just simply GOREOUS!:D I love your beautiful green eyes:D

Leopard spots do look nice on you;)

01-05-2004, 07:07 PM
Nakita you are simply, gorgeous, gorgeous, G O R G E O U S.
Loved all your pictures and those unbelievable pretty green eyes.

Lally's Man
01-05-2004, 07:33 PM
I think this is going to be my 5th posting on this forum :-) ... and they are all relating to your beautiful baby ... happy New Year to you ... she's gorgeous as always.

Have a happy and safe 2004 everyone!

--The man known only in the cat universe as Lally's Man

01-05-2004, 07:41 PM
Lally's man, Welcome to Pet Talk! Who is Lally?

Lally's Man
01-05-2004, 07:49 PM
Well but of course that would be my lovely fiance ... mother to our three little kitties .. Bubby, Priss and Lucky ... I am sure she'll reply now ... if I knew how to insert the cool pics I would ... but I leave that up to her ...

Have a great one!

--Now I think I might be up to 6 posts eh?

01-05-2004, 07:58 PM
Nakita looks so stunning in the leopard scarf and I love her emerald green eyes. I've never seen another Russian Blue as gorgeous as Nakita.:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-05-2004, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by amoore
Lally's man, Welcome to Pet Talk! Who is Lally?

Amoore, Click Here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=41166) to go to Lallypop11's thread where you can see pics of Lallypop11 and her man. ;) :D

Weclome Lally's Man, hope to hear more from you! :)

01-05-2004, 08:26 PM
Wow' Lolly pop and the three kitties are beautiful!

Nice to meet you all!

01-05-2004, 08:39 PM
Wow, I can never get over how beautiful Nakita is. Her eyes are absolutely GORGEOUS!!!

Love the pics, she wears that print well!!

Russian Blue
01-06-2004, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Dear Nakita,

Actually I have JUST the hat. First I have to get it off this new creature.....



Oh my, a hat given to me from the fashion furbabe herself?! I'm speechless. Thank you for helping me enter the fashion world!

From you fashion student,


Russian Blue
01-06-2004, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
:eek: I don't meant to be mean, but she almost looks alienish, in a good way. I have NEVER seen eyes like hers, EVER! .................. She just has a certain look to her that no other cat can have, it's all her!

Don't worry, most of the time I believe Nakita is an alien myself! Everytime I look into her eyes I hear the X-files music playing in the background! ;) She just sucks you in with those eyes and then she makes you do her bidding. She can't be from this world!

But you are right, Nakita definately has her own style that stands out from other Russian Blues. Even though she doesn't 'meet' the standard for show quality Russian Blue's, she's still is the ultimate in my eyes and I wouldn't change a thing!


Russian Blue
01-06-2004, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by Lally's Man
I think this is going to be my 5th posting on this forum :-) ... and they are all relating to your beautiful baby ... happy New Year to you ... she's gorgeous as always.

Happy New Year back at you! I'm glad you enjoy the pictures.


Thanks everyone for all your kind comments! Nakita and I are greatful that we found such a kind community to share our stories and pics!


*ABYCAT* Alice
01-06-2004, 08:14 AM
WOW, can't get enough of this beautiful cat! And she looks great in spots, too!


01-06-2004, 12:09 PM
I'm like Cass, those eyes are just beautiful! She looks like she is wearing contact lenses! I have never seen a cat with eyes that green.

She is stunning with the scarf.


01-06-2004, 12:30 PM
Oh Nakita.... it has been way too long since we had new pictures of you! You look stunning in your leopard print scarf!!!! Those green eyes are to "die for" too! You are one beautiful little lady, and you melt me with your pictures! Huggies from me!!!:)

01-06-2004, 12:47 PM
There is NO WAY I could get enough of those eyes!!!! I would be in her face all the time just to look into those ABSLOUTELY STUNNING GREEN EYES!!
Darling, the scarf only inhanced your beauty and showed off of your silly side!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif