View Full Version : Pippa brings an unwanted Christmas gift!

01-05-2004, 08:33 AM
While staying with John's family in England, we had excellent feline company. Her name is Pippa, black female, 4 years old, very soft and sweet. :) Owned by John's niece. She could handle about anything, even small children, nothing seemed to bother her. How different from Fister! :eek: Although we were together for 10 days, she didn't come in our bed, although we did leave the door open a few times.

Pippa had access to the garden through a cat flap and was in and out all the time. One morning she came wandering down the garden with her very own Christmas treat - a mouse that she had caught. - No, she didn't eat it!!

Here are some pics showing her playing with the poor fellow. Nature is tough isn't it. At least it doesn't happen too often, and she rarely catches birds.

For those of you who don't want to see her prey, please move on to another thread.






01-05-2004, 08:36 AM
Oh, she's looking so proud in the third photo! :)


01-05-2004, 08:36 AM
Pipps is just doing what comes naturally:) She is gorgeous, too. Oh and I could not help but notice that lovely garden!! DEEP SIGH!!

01-05-2004, 08:48 AM
WOW, she's gorgeous! And she looks so proud!

01-05-2004, 09:24 AM
She is beautiful. She is only doing what comes naturally, even though I do feel bad for the poor creatures that they catch, I know it is their natural instinct to hunt. What a beautiful garden... I too (like Deb) am sighing boy would I love to have a garden like that.

01-05-2004, 09:30 AM
You dont realize , sometimes that lurking underneath that Happy Furry exterior , is one of the finest Hunters , that Nature has ever made.And sadly killing mice , is one thing that they do best. Poor Mouse , RIP.

01-05-2004, 09:38 AM
What a pretty looking kitty she is. She does look rather proud of her catch in the 3rd picture.

They are are babies, but like catmandu said underneath they are hunters and given the chance there instinct will take over. RIP mouse.

I also really like the garden.:)

01-05-2004, 09:59 AM
Brings back memories of my mom's cat, Hamlet. A black cat who had access to indoors and outdoors and in his younger days loved to bring us such "presents".

Killearn Kitties
01-05-2004, 11:00 AM
Aw, what a lovely girl she is, very elegant and dainty.

I know the problem. We refer to our Samantha as the Mouse Murderer.

Edwina's Secretary
01-05-2004, 11:09 AM
I bet the mice call her "The Black Widow Maker!" Beneath that beautiful exterior lies the heart of an assassin....perhaps she could be a character in the next James Bond movie? :D ;) :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-05-2004, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by catlover4ever
She is beautiful. She is only doing what comes naturally, even though I do feel bad for the poor creatures that they catch, I know it is their natural instinct to hunt.

Same here. She's a beautiful kitty, and yes, she looks quite proud of herself.

I always used to feel bad for the mice that Tubby caught at my mom's house. If the poor thing was still alive when we found out he had it, I'd catch it and put it outside, but they were usually already dead or very close to it by the time we knew what he was up too. Poor micies, but yes, nature can be cruel.

Thanks for the pics Randi, glad you're back! :D

01-05-2004, 11:35 AM
Huh. Was it already dead? It looks pretty dead to me. Did you try to take it away? It looks like a fairly good sized mouse though. Ours around here don't seem to get that big. Good thing she didn't eat it. YUCK! They carry so many intestinal parasites like tapeworms and whipworms. Everytime Cheetah brings me a "present" I take it from her immediately. I don't want to risk the chance of her eating one of them. I mean, they are pretty disgusting in the wild. Although my Fred is a nice mouse, I wouldn't want her eating any of the others.

Do you think cats can catch Hanta virus if they eat an infected mouse, or do only humans and mice get it? Everytime they bring me a mousie, I take pictures. In fact, it seems like Cheetah brought me the same mouse twice! :D Kinda interesting. :p

I know it's in their instinct and they would do it in the wild, but my cats aren't wild anymore, and they have toys to satisfy their prey drive, and I would never let them eat, catch, or torture one if I could help it. It's still sad. RIP BIG Mousie. She seems pretty proud of her catch. :) It's good to have a cat like that in a barn, to chase everything away.

You know, she reminds me of my best friends Rainbow Bridge cat Gideon. She didn't use to catch things but she looked a lot like this kitty. She passed away a few years ago when she was really old. She was a very sweet cat.

Is that a white patch on her stomach? Funny, seems that is the only white on her? :) Or is it a reflection?

01-05-2004, 01:06 PM
Oh Pippa what a keen hunter you are!!!

That's why you've been once worshipped in ancient egypt...you haven't forgotten, right?!
;) :)

01-05-2004, 02:30 PM
Congrats on your catch Mighty Huntress Pippa! :D

Don't let those humans fool you. They loved the gift you brought. ;)

Don Juan's mom
01-05-2004, 03:39 PM
Don Juan celebrated his COTD honors on July 14, 2003 by catching a mouse in the yard. He quickly brought it in the house... which was when I discovered it was still very much alive! :eek: It dashed into my bike helmet, and I took it outside and liberated it. (Well, it WAS Bastille Day.)

Poor thing probably has a nasty case of post-traumatic stress disorder now. ;)

Remember, that's why the ancient Egyptians venerated our furry friends...


01-05-2004, 03:56 PM
GROSSSSS.....I get sooo grossed out by Georgie, and her ability to capture the tiniest fly 80 feet in the air! I try to take them out of her mouth.

AND, Dakky, the fat wild boy hunter takes down King Cobras (aka baby garter snakes) in the back yard. I am so terrified by snakes, but, even more terrified of Dakky harming it, that I scream and scream until I scare the jaws of life open on Dakky, and slither away the snake.

I know! I shoulda just scrolled on down...but, like a train wreck, I just couldn't look away. :D

01-05-2004, 09:02 PM
I LOVE black cats, even the mouse murdering ones. She is gorgeous and a very proud huntress.

01-06-2004, 12:26 AM
She sure is a gorgeous black cat.:)

01-06-2004, 12:32 AM
Well As gross are wild mice are, your kitty sure did make it look a tiny bit better lol. She must be a great hunter, and *sigh* I LOVE your garden.:( ;) :p

01-07-2004, 01:15 PM
Oh yes, Pippa is a very skilled huntress - not that it's appreciated, and yes, she has a white spot on her tummy. :)

luckies4me! The mouse was dead when Pippa presented it. There's a field behind the garden where I suppose there are mice, but Pippa was very interested in a spot half way down the garden and we expect that's where she caught it. To me, the mouse looked very small, but I was told it was a full grown one - I'm a city girl and haven't seen a mouse since my childhood. :rolleyes:

I don't know anything about the Hanta virus you mention, but I bet you can find some info on the net. ;)

01-07-2004, 03:16 PM
Who knows if you guys even have the HantaVirus over there lol. It may just be in the states. :p

That's so neat that she has white on her tum tum and is black everywhere else. It makes her unique. ;) I can't get over how much she resembles Gideon though. They look so much alike. :)

Do you not have mice in the city? Do you guys have different kinds of mice then we do in the US?

01-07-2004, 03:47 PM
Great pictures! Pippa looks like her natural instints. I love her color!

Loverboy catches anything he can. He don't always eat them, but he does catch creatures and kill them.

Your yard is beautiful!:)