View Full Version : Roxy failed the test today. (pic)

01-04-2004, 06:14 PM
Well, Roxy is really starting to mature and mellow out. Her last incident was when she pooped out my panties in October. We've slowly but surely been extending her times alone in the house. Since Bullet the pit was in our backyard, we thought today would be a good day to test Roxy for about 4 hours. We didn't want to leave our dogs unattended with Bullet. We gave her plenty of chewtoys. I intentionally didn't remove Jaden's toys from the room, because I wanted to see how she'd do with temptation. (BTW, Dusty was in the room too, but he's always a good boy...)

So....I came home to this. If you don't recognize that, that blue stuff is carpet padding. Thank God my new carpet wasn't installed yet. I guess Roxy got bored and thought she'd help with the remodel.


01-04-2004, 06:16 PM
Ooooh...that's a bad one. Roxy, you nawtee girl. :eek:

01-05-2004, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
So....I came home to this. If you don't recognize that, that blue stuff is carpet padding. Thank God my new carpet wasn't installed yet. I guess Roxy got bored and thought she'd help with the remodel.
I can SO feel your pain. Kia did the exact same thing at my parents house. O_o :( :o :mad:

01-05-2004, 11:33 AM
Doh!! How old is Roxy? Not that age always makes a difference :p

Tasha is pretty much completely trustworthy in the house alone, as long as the trash is put away.

Tommy is getting better.. he wouldn't chew up furniture but he's horrible about chewing up socks and rags if they are anywhere in reach. Have to keep the laundry and bathrooms closed off, and any dish towels out of reach. Other than that he's pretty good. Oh and the trash out of reach too but that's probably true of almost any dog.

01-05-2004, 12:11 PM
Roxy was approx 1 year old when we got her last feb, so I suppose she's almost 2.

01-05-2004, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Roxy was approx 1 year old when we got her last feb, so I suppose she's almost 2.

Tasha still got into things more at 2. I think around 3 is when she really seemed to settle. Tommy is 3 now and I'd say is MUCH better than he was a year ago, so just with my personal experience, I'd say in another year she'll probably get better :p

01-05-2004, 12:22 PM
Ahhh... Now Roxey... is that anyway to keep yourself entertained??

01-05-2004, 01:06 PM
Uh Oh, Roxy that isn't good! Very brave of you to try Tonya. I don't think we have left Katie alone in the house at all. Except for maybe a 15-30 minute period when I leave for work in the morning and my husband is coming home from work on nights. Katie is always asleep though and has never done anything. Katies always knows the drill and always goes to her crate when we are leaving. Sometimes we have to coax her but she knows its her safe place. Funny though, when it is bedtime Katie sleeps anywhere she wants and has the run of the house but she never touches anything. I don't know if we will always have to use the crate but seeing how she is less than a year old I am not brave enough to tempt it.

Robin :)

01-05-2004, 03:40 PM
Oh My!! Guess a career in interior decorating is NOR in Roxy's future :D Perhaps you should try and disaster proof it next time you leave her alone. Good luck for the future attempts!!