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01-04-2004, 02:05 PM
Katie has been eating out of Maggies food bowl. Katie will eat her own food, but she will go eat the cats food. We cant put the cats bowl up high because maggie is not aloud to be on the counters. What can we do? :confused:

01-04-2004, 02:40 PM
Can you put the food in another room that can be blocked off from Katie?

Where do you keep the litter box? Is it blocked off from her? The reason I ask is that maybe the food can go in the same room (if it's big enough so that the food and litter box can be quite a distance from each other).

Good luck in finding a solution, and quick! Cat food really isn't good for dogs.

Here are some pics of our cat room. (Please ignore the mess as we are finishing our basement and well it's not finished yet ;) )

This is the entrance to what we call our cold room. It where the deep freezer's are and where we store extra canned goods and cereals and such. It is also the cat's private room. (You can see their "door" in the wall.

Clipse knows he has to wait at the entrance and isn't allowed in the room. The litter boxes are to the right in the bottom corner of the pic.

The litter boxes. You can see the extra wood nailed across the back of the cat's door. This is there because the shelties discovered they could still squeeze through the entrance :rolleyes:

Across the room, over by the freezers, is where the cat's food is kept. It's about 14 feet away from the litter boxes. As you can see Suki is chowing down.

Suki eating. Man she's a pig! ;)

01-04-2004, 03:27 PM
To keep Binx out of the kitties food, which is on the floor, I purchased some decorative flowerbed 'fences'. They are made out of wraught iron (did I spell that right?), and make a 'cage' around the food, but, the bottom can be sqeezed through by the cats. I ended up not really needing it, as he isn't interested in their food (or their litter pans).

I think it is imperative that you create a safe, dog free, place for the kitty to eat.

01-04-2004, 03:36 PM
Does Maggie need to be free-fed? Try feeding her whenever Katie is being fed so that Katie is occupied. :)

01-04-2004, 04:09 PM
cute pictures Shelteez2! Maggie and katie get fed every morning by my mom at 4 am. Wolfsoul whats free-fed?:o lol.
I can try putting her food in the computer room, where we keep her litter box.
I just took a snap of this pic to show you how there feeding is kept. Katies is on the left, Maggie's is on the right

01-04-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Amber
Wolfsoul whats free-fed?:o lol.

It's when you leave food out for the animal, and they eat whenever they feel like it.

I think you seperate their bowls when they eat. Try moving Katie to another room, and leave Maggie in the room where she is now. Or, you could always put a barrier to keep Katie out. :)

01-04-2004, 06:00 PM
Ron and Raven's food bowls are on top of the wash machine. I never thought of putting a kitty door in the house! This solves the opening and closing of the bedroom door problem! Whoohooo! We keep the bedroom door closed because it's off limits to the dogs, but we are constantly opening it and closing it for the cats.