View Full Version : Is there any hope!?

01-03-2004, 09:57 PM
I have a foster pitbull...(See all other general threads if you are interested in him.) Everything about him is sooooooo perfect. Except he went freaking nuts when he saw the cats. He was hardly controlable. Should I scrap it all together, or have you been able to train your dogs to be good with cats...

01-03-2004, 10:30 PM

I wouldn't trust the dog with any of your cats. Do you know the dog's history?? Was he abused? Was he trained to fight? Was he brought up with cats (doesn't sound like it).

01-03-2004, 10:35 PM
At first blush, I would say no. My first dog (best dog in the whole world, bar none) had a high prey drive that included cats. She was incredibly smart, taught ME to look both ways before crossing a street, but could not be trusted with any small animal that was not a human or a dog. Ever. If she could catch it, she'd kill it.

I bet he's the same way, and would not take any chances.

01-03-2004, 10:45 PM
Everything is good about his history except he hasn't been introduced to cats.....ever....But the good news is that my friend David just fell in love with Bullet! David has no cats, and he is taking him home tonight! YAY!!!


01-03-2004, 11:25 PM
Yeah, I'm glad your friend is taking him. I was reading your post about this in dog general and was very concerned for your cats. I hope Bullet and David hit it off well so your military friend can leave with no worries.

I think it's great you stepped in to help your friend and Bullet.

01-04-2004, 07:06 AM
I am glad that Bullet has found a place to stay.

01-04-2004, 10:32 AM
I'm glad you found a home for Bullet. Maybe you can still see Bullet, and keep your kitties safe. Your friend will probably let you visit and see Bullet.:)