View Full Version : Poor overloved kitty

01-03-2004, 02:03 PM
Pouncer has been VERY sleepy, just as the vet predicted. We're not sure if it has to do with the neutering or my neice --- she was here at our house from New Years Eve until late yesterday and wanted so badly to nurse him back to health. She was very sweet and gentle, but refused to let the poor guy alone for a minute.

After a while Pouncer found ways of escape and looked for any kitty sized hiding hole. Everywhere he found, she did too! My boy hid in places I didn't know we had and he's never hid in before! Under the basement steps, in cabinets, closets, under sofas & chests.. you name it, he tried it. This went on all day every day. I'm tired just from watching it!

Pouncer refused to sleep with us last night (usualy he is tucked in between us all night and last night he wriggled out to sleep on the edge of the bed.) He has not been awake yet today! Poor loved guy!

Here's a picture of her holding him from Thanksgiving ( I know I've already posted this but it pretty much says everything about the weekend!)

01-03-2004, 02:41 PM

01-03-2004, 08:58 PM
Poor Pouncer, that however is the price that you pay for being that darned cute.:)

Hopefully he will be able to rest up now.

01-03-2004, 11:18 PM
Poor baby ... cat's are built KID TOUGH! Thank God!!! hehehe:D

01-04-2004, 01:28 AM
Poor Pouncer, but I'm happy to hear that you slept all day today :)

01-04-2004, 08:48 AM
Poor Pouncer! Good thing he is built 'kid tough'!

01-04-2004, 10:16 AM
Poor little pouncer! I guess you could build him a secret hide-away for times like that. It is a good thing Cats are kid tough!:)

01-04-2004, 04:34 PM
Poor Pouncer!! Exhausted from all that love and attention!! What a wonderful way to wear out a kitty!! :D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif