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01-03-2004, 01:48 PM
Hey sorry I have not been here in a wile.:( I see it has changed a bit I see some new names and old. Well if know one knows me my name is Kristy I still have 9 dogs, but one of our poodles had puppies 7 weeks ago, she had two girls! We now have a other poodle that is pregnant and also another one that is pregnant with YorkiePoos! I am doing great and I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Great New Year! I sure did! Here are some pics of the puppies when they were 2 weeks old I think.....

This is our first little girl she was born first and she was bigg when she was born.

And this is our littlest, she is so cute now, well they both are!


01-03-2004, 02:14 PM
Your pics aren't showing up. Happy new year to you, too. Also, not trying to be rude but do you ever spay/neuter any of your animals? Sounds like it's getting out of control.

01-03-2004, 02:21 PM
I can't see the pics either.

...and I hate to be repetitious, but...I'm with Val on this one. It sounds like you are going a little overboard. 9 dogs...plus puppies, puppies, and more puppies? Ay...:rolleyes::eek::eek::eek:

01-03-2004, 02:42 PM
I didn't want to be the first one to say anything...but I agree with Val. You should think about spaying/neutering your dogs.

01-03-2004, 05:22 PM
:( Sorry the pics did not show up, I wonder why? Anyway no it is not out of control we mean to bread them. And we dod not spay or nuter them be cause we breed them alright for the last time.:rolleyes: Nice to see you again. Bye:)

01-03-2004, 05:26 PM
Hey, I'm with everyone else on this one, thats alot of puppies, and alot of them will probably end up unwanted or in shelters in the future :(

01-03-2004, 05:29 PM
We've had this discussion before so I won't comment on that..

I don't know why they don't show up here but if you copy and paste the url of the pics into a new window, you'll see them just fine. :)

01-03-2004, 05:36 PM
Ok, I'm changing this entry. I really didn't mean to be hateful. We're just upset because we want you to understand the wonderful treasure you have when you have animals. That they're not to be taken lightly or for granted. That's all we're really trying to say.

01-03-2004, 06:09 PM
Ay...as much as I would love to yell at you and your parents [mainly your parents], I'm going to bite my tongue this time. I know we've all talked to you about this kind of thing before, and obviously it has had no effect. Honestly...you need to explain to your parents how absolutely awful it is to be a backyard breeder [yes, that's what I'd call them].

:rolleyes: Those poor dogs...:(

Dixie Belle
01-03-2004, 07:05 PM
Welcome back. Congrats on the new puppies and puppies to come. And an idea about the breeding thing, you can always make people sign contracts saying if they can't keep the puppies, they have to return them to you. That's what I did when I got my Saints.

01-03-2004, 07:08 PM
Oy....I'll have to just keep to myself about this, too. I just hope in some way, you realize what you're doing is wrong, and when you get older, you won't do it.

Poor dogs. :(

01-03-2004, 07:14 PM
We all need to realize that FrogsnDogs in not in charge of this situation, and it is not her fault, nor is it her responsiblity. We do not know whether her folks are responsible breeders with home waiting for all the puppies, vet-certified parents, etc., or not. We should not judge her on her parents' actions, nor drive her away from Pet Talk.

I, personally, look forward to hearing all the pups will get good homes, and to seeing them grow. In 5 or ten years, when she is an adult living on her own, she may act on our advice and volunteer in a shelter, but there is nothing she can do right now, but do her part in caring for the dogs and their pups as best she can so they are happy healthy animals.

Dixie Belle
01-03-2004, 09:22 PM
Thank you Karen!!! I couldn't agree more!

01-03-2004, 10:11 PM
And I fully agree, Karen...please note my earlier post and the fact that I mentioned that I would like to tell her parents a thing or two, not her.

01-03-2004, 10:55 PM
what your parents are doing is called "backyard breeding" or "puppymill" have you herd of these names befor? they arnt very good. I know you think you cant do anything about your parents breeding, but you can try to educate them, right :). And also you can learn from them, not ho to breed, but why not to :). We an help with that as well :).

many dogs die every year in shelters, there are so many more dogs then their are ppl.

01-06-2004, 11:26 AM
Yeah I have herd of backyard breed before! From all you! Sorry but we are not any of those! Well I not sorry. BYB is when people just take dogs and throw them together and let them breed and they are probaly muts. My mom breeds AKC dogs and makes there breed better. And we mean to breed them we do not all of asuden have puppies unexpected! These things are pland!

And you know where I have been this whole time! I have been at CuteFamilyPets.com There boards are much better and they do not care if my mom breeds dogs they are just excited to see pics and how the puppies are progressing!


01-06-2004, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by FROGSnDOGS
BYB is when people just take dogs and throw them together and let them breed and they are probaly muts. My mom breeds AKC dogs and makes there breed better. And we mean to breed them we do not all of asuden have puppies unexpected! These things are pland!

And you know where I have been this whole time! I have been at CuteFamilyPets.com There boards are much better and they do not care if my mom breeds dogs they are just excited to see pics and how the puppies are progressing!


That's not what BYB are. There are thousands of BYB's that breed AKC registered dogs and many have just one breed of dog, not different ones. They don't breed 'mutts', just inferior specimens of a breed.

Most of the people at CFP feel generally the same way we do here. Many of us are members there, too. ;)

01-06-2004, 11:38 AM
Wow So Many Puppies

Why did you breed a Poodle with a yorkie?
Just my opinion you made more unwanted mixed breed dogs.

Do you have homes good homes for all of these puppies?
I think (My opinion again I dont no your dogs pedigree) if you are not improving on the breed standard or showing your dog should be altered.

There are way too many unwanted poodles and Yorkies out there!

01-06-2004, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by FROGSnDOGS
Yeah I have herd of backyard breed before! From all you! Sorry but we are not any of those! Well I not sorry. BYB is when people just take dogs and throw them together and let them breed and they are probaly muts. My mom breeds AKC dogs and makes there breed better. And we mean to breed them we do not all of asuden have puppies unexpected! These things are pland!

And you know where I have been this whole time! I have been at CuteFamilyPets.com There boards are much better and they do not care if my mom breeds dogs they are just excited to see pics and how the puppies are progressing!


u said above that yourmom was breeding a yorkiepoo. which is a mut:)

01-06-2004, 12:11 PM
I'm with Karen here. Why is it that the mintue someone has pups you all get crazy about jumping on them . We all here that have been here a while know who and what is going on in that persons home. I too don't like "throw away styles of pet ownership" but we nneed to remember we have a lot of kids under the age of 18 on here who can not run the home ,the parents do. Please check the profiles be fore jumping people. There is getting to be too much hurt on here . this is a place to help teach those needing it but not abusing them for things out of there control.

01-06-2004, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Corinna
I'm with Karen here. Why is it that the mintue someone has pups you all get crazy about jumping on them . We all here that have been here a while know who and what is going on in that persons home. I too don't like "throw away styles of pet ownership" but we nneed to remember we have a lot of kids under the age of 18 on here who can not run the home ,the parents do. Please check the profiles be fore jumping people. There is getting to be too much hurt on here . this is a place to help teach those needing it but not abusing them for things out of there control.

I didn't think I "jumped" on her, did I? I hope it didn't seem that way. :( I simply was explaining that her definition of a BYB was incorrect. :)

01-06-2004, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by micki76
I didn't think I "jumped" on her, did I? I hope it didn't seem that way. :( I simply was explaining that her definition of a BYB was incorrect. :)

she.is.not.informed.about.breeding.why.not.try.to. educate.her?

01-06-2004, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
she.is.not.informed.about.breeding.why.not.try.to. educate.her?

OT - having a space bar problem? LOL :D

01-06-2004, 12:28 PM
Well I'm a bit torn. I really do not think anything said here is going to have any impact on the breeding and mainly will just cause bad feelings on all sides. Badmouthing someone's parents to them is just going to be hurtful too, I know I would be hurt by it. I also think it's unfair to expect a minor to "educate" their parents. If at 14 I suddenly began lecturing my mother on something she was doing and telling her it was unethical it would more likely cause strife and be considered disrespectful. If Frogsndogs felt her mother was doing something unethical and came here asking advice on how to handle this, it would be different.

Tikeya's mom, you can't just 'educate' someone by typing a couple sentences over a message board. If you put someone on the defensive, then your message is totally lost. I know I would not just suddenly take someone's word on something that I didn't even know. Some people out there think it is really unethical to keep animals as pets at all. If one were to come here and try to tell me how unethical it was, I would just shrug it off, and probably tune that person out.

I don't personally like to hear about mixing breeds purposefully, I know how I feel about it and I don't mind stating how I feel about it, but I can't expect anyone to change their ways just on that. I think it would take being face to face, someone trusted and well known who might talk about it gently over time, to truly educate or at least get across why some believe it is not a good thing to do.

Just my thoughts.

*EDIT: And not to seem holier-than-thou by the way. My first reaction was to want to be sharp about it too. I read more responses and thought it over more before I made this response, which is why I opened with "I am torn" ;)

01-06-2004, 12:28 PM
I knew this would happen It was not aimed any any one just a general comment it happens more and more. Some of the longest posters are leaving becouse of it . Education is one thing but always saying the same thing person after person afterperson gets a little overboard. Do you not remember the problem you had Tikyas Mom?
I think we need an education site to just ad to a post as a link so people don't get hurt. You could just add it to the person.
I lurked for a couple years before I joined so that I knew who was who , then after a while I got tired of this type of thing , I have come back only a short while ago to find it starting all over again. How do we treach love and caring if we hurt people ?All I'm saying is think and check on who you are replying to before you answer.
I think thats why Kmfer left and she had a wealth of info that was helpful and useful.

01-06-2004, 12:30 PM
K9 soul you beat me to it thanks your more elegant than I.

01-06-2004, 12:31 PM
I agree with Karen on this, why not welcome kristy instead of jumping right in and educating her as you call it.

Its better to learn as you go. I myself have learned a lot from all you very nice people since I arrived at Pet Talk! Did you know that I didn't actually know that when a cat is declawed that the end of its toes were amputated? I learned in hurry I wanted no part of that.

The bad thing about talking to young people in a negative way is that they actually turn off. I learned that from my children and grandchildren.

I have seen what is called a Yorkie-Poo, they are beautiful dogs and don't look like mutts.

I myself would love to see some pictures of these dogs.

Please be kind!


01-06-2004, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
I have seen what is called a Yorkie-Poo, they are beautiful dogs and don't look like mutts.

They are mutts.

01-06-2004, 01:07 PM
K9soul and Corinna, my thoughts exactly! I agree with that point of view.

I don't like to see somebody jumped on and then when they are down. There has been too much of this of late.


01-06-2004, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by FROGSnDOGS
Yeah I have herd of backyard breed before! From all you! Sorry but we are not any of those! Well I not sorry. BYB is when people just take dogs and throw them together and let them breed and they are probaly muts.
That's not what BYB's do at all. BYB's are people who don't breed for the breed. Some characteristics of them include not registering their dogs, not having pedigrees for their dogs, breeding mutts, breeding multiple litters at once or many litters in a small period of time, breeding for money or for other stupid reasons, selling their puppies to pet stores, etc.

I made a big deal out of this on the last thread. I tried to make you understand that a dog should not be having litters two times a year since it's first heat. Everybody tried to help; tried to show that it hurts to bring more into this world. I wish you would talk to your parents and I wish they would understand. :(

I don't mean to sound rude, but I feel so bad for the dogs involved. It's not your fault, but I can't help but feel sad. :( :( :(

01-06-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by micki76
OT - having a space bar problem? LOL :D

hahaha yes the computer i was on *in one of my classes. shhh* well the space bar was broken lol

Do you not remember the problem you had Tikyas Mom? huh :confused:

I don't mean to sound rude, but I feel so bad for the dogs involved. It's not your fault, but I can't help but feel sad. I know how you are feeling jordan. I feel the same way.

01-06-2004, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
why not welcome kristy instead of jumping right in and educating her as you call it.

She's actually been here since last August under several user names...

01-06-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
She's actually been here since last August under several user names...


01-06-2004, 05:13 PM
You all are talking like I am not reading your posts, and so what if I had changed my names! Ok you tell me if this is BYB Ok?

Yes we do have 9 dogs 2 we don't breed Lady we found her and Cooper my sister got for getting strate A's. My mom probaly spends more money on getting them toys and beds then she does on us in a week! My mom breeds to make the breed better, and of course she makes absolutly sure they go to good homes! Why woulden't we?! My mom spends thousands of dollers to buy these pur bred dogs why would she be a BYB? And yes she breeds for money who woulden't?

I sure don't think we are backyardbreeders! Give me one reason why we would be!:mad:

01-06-2004, 05:22 PM
FROGSnDOGS....or whatever your name is....my best suggestion would be to read every single one of your posts [under each one of your usernames] and then come here and tell me you don't feel absolutely sick afterwards. Honestly....your mother sounds to be the worst kind of BYB....she doesn't even realize what she's doing is absolutely awful. :(:(

01-06-2004, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by Moose
Honestly....your mother sounds to be the worst kind of BYB....she doesn't even realize what she's doing is absolutely awful. :(:(

Ditto. And, responsible breeders don't care about the money...they care about improving the breed and finding the right family's to place with their pups.

01-06-2004, 06:14 PM
Stop it right now. By alienating her, we will never get the chance to change anyone's mind.

For all we know, her mother might be the most responsible breeder in the world, but she, a 14-year-old kid, may be representing it differently than her mother would.

Stop the accusations right now.

01-06-2004, 06:24 PM
Where did tolerance go????

So you don't agree with someone. That suddenly makes it OK to jump all over them?? I don't agree with BYB either, but I especially don't agree with non-tolerance. Do you agree with everything YOUR mother does?

Kristy, welcome back to Pettalk. Please stick around, and I can't wait to see pictures of your pups!

01-06-2004, 06:26 PM
Sorry for stating my opinion...jeez, you can't expect someone to post something like that and not have anyone state their opinions and get upset about it. :confused:

01-06-2004, 06:28 PM
I didn't see anyone jumping on anybody? :confused:

01-06-2004, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by FROGSnDOGS
My mom breeds to make the breed better, And yes she breeds for money who woulden't?

Yorkipoos are not a breed, they are a mutt. You can't make money when you breed properly.

I'd love to see pics of the puppies if you can find a way to post them...have you tried imagestation?

Aspen and Misty
01-06-2004, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
Do you agree with everything YOUR mother does?

Of Course I do! :D
(hey where is a lil girl with a halo around her head???)

Welcome Krissy. Hope you stay around and show us pics! :D Can't wait to get to know you and all your pups.


01-06-2004, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Yorkipoos are not a breed, they are a mutt. You can't make money when you breed properly.

I'd love to see pics of the puppies if you can find a way to post them...have you tried imagestation?

jordan is right, yorkiepoo's are not a breed and no responsable breeder would breed a yorkie and a poodle together to make "pick a pup" so i call them.

I really do hope you stick around so maybe we can chat and stuff. i do to have parents who have bred in the past. but i was to young to know the difference.

I cant wait to see pics.

01-07-2004, 09:47 AM
I don't know why you all are getting mad at my mom! You don't even know her and how do you all know if we are even BYB any way?! Listen We don't even breed all of our dogs anyway! Cooper and Lady are just house pets well not really house pets they are our pets, our 2 Yorkies we don't breed them anymore because every time we breed our Yorkies something goes wrong. So that is 4 we don't breed and our five poodles 2 are pregnant I think we have 4 girl poodles and 1 male. My mom still doesn't even know if she will breed one of them, so really guys we are really only breeding 4 poodles that is like what 2 litters a year!

I wish my mom woulden't breed anymore we do have alot of dogs and they get anoying sometimes, some probaly don't get enougf atantion as they shuold get. That is way we are thinking about selling some, if we can't give the atention they need maby someone else can.:( My mom just got a new job she now works at a preschool so we are no longer depending on just selling puppies and getting money from them.

I do think BYB is wrong, I watch Animal Planet and see all those poor dogs that are abandond and it makes me want to cry. I go into pet stors and see all those poor dogs with very little room and it makes me want to cry and it also makes me very mad that people would breed millions of dogs just for money and sell them to pet stors.

Thanks for the welcomes back but I really can't post anything with out you all jumping on my back. Bye;)

01-07-2004, 09:55 AM
Did you say you have a bird? Why don't you tell us about your bird? What kind is it?

Don't stop posting, please do keep posting!


01-07-2004, 10:01 AM
Well we actuly have two birds they are Cockatiels, Sunny and Nemo. I have pics of Sunny but not Nemo. We don't take Nemo out because he is mean, we are thinking about sellling him. Here is a pic of Sunny, I hope the pic shows up.


01-07-2004, 10:19 AM
Sunny is very beautiful, he looks just like my Charlie Sweet. I raised Charlie from a baby feeding him the formula they had at the pet store. I really enjoyed doing that, it certainly made him into a mamas boy. LOL.

I have a Chihuahua that he loves, he follows this dog around everywhere it goes. When we pick the gaucho up, thats the dogs name by the way, Charlie chases us all over the room, he thinks that dog is his. He sings to it, get right up in its ears and sings to it!

Charlie can sound like a telephone dialing and a dog whinning, he picked that up from when the dogs go out of the living room, and want back in, they will whine at the door. Charlie starts the whining thing to just to let me know they want back into the living room.

We have the living divided off with french doors and he can see them standing in the hall wanting to come back into the living room. It is just so funny! Charlie can also say Charlie Sweet, and I love you, Gaucho,and pretty bird.


01-07-2004, 12:45 PM
:D Charlie sounds like a cool bird! Sunny is nothing like that. Lily gets to stay inside all the time because she is our brat, and if she got a hold of sunny she would probley kill him! We let him out sometimes and we show him to a mirror and he talks to him self. He can say pretty bird, he can sound like a car starting, and he wistles Andy Griffin toon! He wistles other stuff too. Nemo is so noisy! Nemo learnd how to talk from sunny and now he does not sut up!:(

My mom wants to get a Conur (or how ever you spell it) but they are to expensive! Sunny likes to cudle on you chest and he also likes to pick at you teeth! I use to take him in the shower with me and he would stand on a stool and clean himself!

01-07-2004, 01:02 PM
All my chihuahua stay in the house too, we just have the living room fixed so that Charlie can fly free without the worry of the big black cat Stubby getting at him. That cat loves to catch wild birds so I don't trust him around Charlie! My other cat is pretty good with Charlie, but I still keep my eye on her. She is just about 9 months old and still acts like a kitten so I watch to make sure she don't try to play with Charlie.

Charlie don't like Grover, and pretty much stays away from her. That Charlie sure does love Gaucho, the Chihuahua though. He is sitting on the floor whinning right now to Gaucho. I think Gaucho just gets annoyed because I know this sound he makes hurts his ears. Gaucho just sits there with his eyes closed and trys not to pay him any attention.

So who is Lily?


01-07-2004, 01:15 PM
Lily is one of our Yorkies.

I also have a frog, he is a Whites Tree Frog and his name is Hero. I got him for Christmas in 2001. He is a pretty boring frog but very easy to take care of! Here is a pic of him.....


sorry the pic is small

01-07-2004, 01:20 PM
Hi FrogsandDogs I LOVE frogs I use to have poisonis dart frogs and a tomato frog and a packman frog and......... My last frog finally died about two years ago from old age (I think) it was about 5 years old I would love to get another tomato frog but not right now.

01-08-2004, 08:24 PM
Oh that is cool! I was reading about my frog and it said that they can live up to 25 years!!! But he is easy to take care of so he wont be a problem in the future.:D