View Full Version : Questions about birds

01-02-2004, 08:47 PM
We're considering preparing our home for a bird. But, before I start reading up on the care of them, I wanted to ask you bird owners a few questions about them. Background info about my home: It's just my parents and me, no little kids or other pets, controlled climate, my mom's home all day so it wouldn't be alone hardly ever.

1. What kind of bird would you recommend for a first-time bird owner?

2. Which is better for a first time bird owner? Female or male?

3. Are there any kinds that are not as "noisy" (not sure what word to say for that) as others?

Any other information you think would be helpful would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! :)

01-03-2004, 01:08 AM
1: What qualities are you looking for in a bird? Cockatiels are wonderful pets (As many people on the boards here can vouch for), but if you'd like something smaller Budgies can be fun. Parrotlets are quieter than Budgies, but they're a challenge to keep occupied since they're so intelligent. (I just think that adds to the fun!)

2: Honestly, I prefer male birds 90% of the time. I have met some fabulous female birds, but it seems to me that the males of most species are quieter, more easygoing, and have less of a tendency to be aggressive to people outside of their "flock".

3: Definitely steer clear of any conures!! Budgies aren't LOUD really, but they seem to chatter absolutely nonstop! Lovebirds are also particularly shrill and piercing.

I'm very partial to Parrotlets, because they're such a BIG birdie, but they're in a body the size of a canary! The ones I see at work are nonstop fun. I don't think I've ever seen them stop playing!

One type of bird that I DON'T care for is Lovebirds. They do not live up to their name at all in my experience. Even the hand-fed babies we get in at work become very aggressive towards each other and the people who take care of them. I have been told that a few of them can be quite friendly, but I have yet to see it for myself. I wear a scar on my hand from "Mole", one of our handfed lovebirds at work who is a permanent resident. (Mush to my displeasure)

I know there are a LOT of 'tiel owners on here who will be more than happy to tell you all about their birdies, so I'll leave it to them. :)

01-03-2004, 01:37 AM
Cathy's info is excellent!

1. What kind of bird would you recommend for a first-time bird owner? Cockatiels, most definatly. They're very social birds, but need plenty of human contact. If you can't give them time out of their cage everyday, than I would suggest going with a budgie.

2. Which is better for a first time bird owner? Female or male?
Honestly, I've only had one bird so far, so I can't really answer this. We *think* Piper is a male. Male Cockatiels tend to be more on the louder side than the females. But I'm assumng both gender's make wondeful pets!

3. Are there any kinds that are not as "noisy" (not sure what word to say for that) as others? Yep, if you don't want a noisy bird DO NOT get a conure or any large parrot. Even cockatiels sometimes, can be noisy. (My cockatiel, Piper is! :))

Hope this information helps!

01-03-2004, 06:48 PM
Rach, if you want, IM Anne and ask, shes got lovebirds, tiels and parakeets I think... I love her lovebird Moki... :D

01-04-2004, 10:00 AM
I really like Cockatiels and Parakeets (budgies) for starter birds. They both need lots of interaction from you if you want to handle them. I would start out with one, if you have time to hang out with a bird. A hand-raised birds is great if you can find one. It will already be tame, finger-trained, etc.

Male Cockatiels are more likely to pick up words and sounds, although I have been told by one friend that her female talks. Both male and female Cockatiels are sweet.

My Cockatiels are messier than my Parakeets were. My Mynah was messiest of all, and by far the loudest!:)

01-04-2004, 05:26 PM
Thanks for the info guys :D