View Full Version : Well, my luck finally ran out...I got attacked by a dog!

01-02-2004, 02:19 PM
I'm home for lunch right now. After all the dogs that I encounter at work, I finally got attacked today. There was a large poodle thing and a pitbull in the yard. Guess which one attacked me? The poodle!

I really needed to fix these people's phones because I was in the ghetto and didn't want to come back. The dogs were barking at me so I gave them treats thorough the fence. The pit started wagging it's tail. The poodle continued to bark but was wagging his tail. I stuck the backside of my hand against the fence so that he could smell it. He latched on to my hand and wouldn't let go! I had leather gloves on, but he pierced through them. I opened the gate and came into the yard to try to free him from my hand. I was able to slip my glove off. He dropped my glove and bit me in the leg and foot. (By then, I was in defense mode and was trying to kick him away.) Luckily, it's freakin cold today, so I have on thermals, nylons, and jeans. lol. Otherwise I would be so chewed up! He drew a little blood, but nothing serious.

These people knew that I was coming to fix their phones. What the heck were they thinking?

:mad: :mad: :mad:

01-02-2004, 02:21 PM
Ouch!! I'm glad you weren't seriously hurt! Better make sure that dog had all its shots :eek:

Cinder & Smoke
01-02-2004, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
... He drew a little blood, but nothing serious.

Hey Tonya ~

Please, don't take ANY Chances!

Did you (or your Supervisor) get a copy of the dog's RABIES SHOT Record?

I'd want to have a copy - AND call the Vet whose name is on the
receipt to VERIFY the dog's description and that it really DID
get Vaccinated by that Vet.

And you probably need to report the Bite to the County Health Dept.

Did the TelCo send you to a Doctor or Clinic for First Aid??
Keep a Close Eye on the wounds for :eek: infection!

Memo: Next Tyme - Throw MORE Biskits!

/s/ Phred

01-02-2004, 03:12 PM
Ouch! :eek:

As others have said, I would be SURE that dog has had all of its shots and is up-to-date. I wouldn't want to take any chances!

01-02-2004, 03:16 PM
Did you have contact with the owners after it happened? I agree, get his/her vet records. I'm glad you're ok. Just goes to prove it's the dog and how it was raised rather than the breed.

01-02-2004, 03:37 PM
Tonya, I agree with Cinder and Smoke.

You do need to be more careful, that is a hazardous job. So watch out for all the unfriendlys out there!!

Get a doc to look at it too, and recheck those shot records for those particulr dogs.


My Peanuts
01-02-2004, 03:59 PM
I agree with Cinder & Smoke, you need to take precautions for rabies and infection; especially if it's the "ghetto." I work for a heating company and if our techs sense danger from an animal they don't do the job. Just think if the Pit saw the Poodle attacking and decided to join in :( Things could have been really bad. I hope your wounds heal quickly.

01-02-2004, 04:36 PM
I agree, make sure the dog was up to date on it's
You still might have to get a tetanus shot matter what. :(

My Peanuts
01-02-2004, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by KYS
I agree, make sure the dog was up to date on it's
You still might have to get a tetanus shot matter what. :(

A few years back I got bit in the face by my fiancés 120 pound Akita (not Grizz, but the Akita before Grizz that was sick with Addison's disease) I knew everything about that dog, shot records, everything, and I still got a tetanus shot. That is the first thing I would do.

01-02-2004, 06:19 PM
OUCH! I hope you are feeling better soon. I imagine that tomorrow will be more owie than today.. As for the rabies/tetanus...I can only speak for our county/surrounding counties..we haven't had an incident of rabies for YEARS and YEARS...so, the worst that comes of a bite is infection...rather than any significant disease. I would just wash it really good, apply a topical, let the air get to it, and wear armor.

01-02-2004, 06:54 PM
I couldn't tell my boss because we automatically get suspended for two days if we get a dog bite. :rolleyes: I left a note with the trailer park manager saying that their dog bit me and that their phones aren't getting fixed until they contain their dogs. But I didn't have any contact with the owners. I highly doubt that this dog had his shots. The people were living in a camper shell that belong on the back of a truck.

01-02-2004, 07:39 PM
I'm glad things didn't turn out as serious as they could have. I would be hating those people too, since they knew you were coming. Since everyone else has addressed the issue of shots and what not, I'd just like to comment on one thing that hit upon a pet peeve of mine in your post.

The poodle continued to bark but was wagging his tail.

Now maybe you didn't mean for it to sound the way I took it, and if that's the case I'm sorry. It really irks me when I hear someone say "but he was wagging his tail" when they've been bitten or snapped at. A wagging tail does not equal a happy or friendly dog. The tail "language" has to be taken in context with the rest of the dog's body language, the position of his ears, the way he's holding his body, even the way he's holding his tail. I wish more people could read a dog's body language better.

01-02-2004, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I couldn't tell my boss because we automatically get suspended for two days if we get a dog bite. :rolleyes: I left a note with the trailer park manager saying that their dog bit me and that their phones aren't getting fixed until they contain their dogs. But I didn't have any contact with the owners. I highly doubt that this dog had his shots. The people were living in a camper shell that belong on the back of a truck.

What company do you work for? It is the LAW for them to send you to the doctor and provide meds etc. Why do they suspend you for two days? They act like it's your fault or something.

01-02-2004, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
I'm glad things didn't turn out as serious as they could have. I would be hating those people too, since they knew you were coming. Since everyone else has addressed the issue of shots and what not, I'd just like to comment on one thing that hit upon a pet peeve of mine in your post.

Now maybe you didn't mean for it to sound the way I took it, and if that's the case I'm sorry. It really irks me when I hear someone say "but he was wagging his tail" when they've been bitten or snapped at. A wagging tail does not equal a happy or friendly dog. The tail "language" has to be taken in context with the rest of the dog's body language, the position of his ears, the way he's holding his body, even the way he's holding his tail. I wish more people could read a dog's body language better.

You are totally right. In fact, I knew he was still mad. But I didn't expect him to bite my hand. I guess that I've had such good luck with dogs that I let my guard down.

01-02-2004, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
What company do you work for? It is the LAW for them to send you to the doctor and provide meds etc. Why do they suspend you for two days? They act like it's your fault or something.

I work for SBC...Southwestern Bell Communications. It's a catch 22...we are not allowed to work in a yard with dogs in it. Yet, if you don't complete a job because there was a dog in the yard, they'll give you crap too. It's stupid. They'll give you medical treatment and whatnot. Then turn around and suspend you because you shouldn't have went near the dog.

Miss Meow
01-02-2004, 08:25 PM

Hope you are OK. It's sad that you're damned if you do, damned if you don't, when it comes to reporting the incident. I hope you don't have an infection or anything as a result of this just because you were trying to do your job.

01-02-2004, 08:33 PM
Tonya, if these dogs are not current on shots, you NEED to see a doctor. I hope you get better soon.

Cinder & Smoke
01-03-2004, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
...we are not allowed to work in a yard with dogs in it.

Yet, if you don't complete a job because
there was a dog in the yard,
they'll give you crap too.

They'll give you medical treatment...
Then turn around and suspend you
because you shouldn't have went near the dog.

I think I'd rather "take their cr@p..."
than take the Dog's Teeth! :p


Get a few of your Multi-Lingual buddies together and write up
an axplanation of the SBC "Dog Policy" in as many different languages
as possible. Type them up and carry them with you.
When you are confronted with dogs in the house or yard,
and can't speak the language...
Hand the family the "Dog Policy Sheet".
The last sentence could read something like:
"Please confine your dogs inside the house or basement;
if you don't confine them - I will have to leave without
repairing your phone problem. Thank you!"

If it works - turn the idea in as a "Suggestion" to the company -
you might get an award for the *idea*.

/s/ Phred

01-03-2004, 05:47 PM
That's is an awesome idea! I'll bring that up in my discipline meeting! (Someone snitched on me.)

01-03-2004, 05:57 PM
ouch! i hope it's not too bad! the multi lingual idea is good you should try it:)

01-05-2004, 12:33 AM
Yuk. In another post I mentioned that I thought you had a cool job..that's before I read this post and realized the danger and the crap you have to put up with! I still don't understand why you have to be disciplined. That's so unfair! You need hazardous duty pay! I think the Post Office can refuse to deliver mail if an employee gets bit or attacked. I hope you're OK, health wise and with your bosses.

01-05-2004, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by K9karen
Yuk. In another post I mentioned that I thought you had a cool job..that's before I read this post and realized the danger and the crap you have to put up with! I still don't understand why you have to be disciplined. That's so unfair! You need hazardous duty pay! I think the Post Office can refuse to deliver mail if an employee gets bit or attacked. I hope you're OK, health wise and with your bosses.

I do get hazardous pay. That's one good thing. I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but people are usually floored when they hear what I make.

01-09-2004, 11:48 PM
I'm job hunting..sign me up, I'll take the risk!
Our landlines were out so the Verizon person had to come in. I leashed Klo in advance (escape artist) and she was totally fine. I didn't realize he had gone in our back to check the wires when I let Klo out. He couldn't stop laughing..Klo, Mighty Herder that she is, attacked the heels of his shoes, her fave game! She also did her nawty dawg jumpies on him to get attention but he didn't mind at all. I have to say, that every repair person we've ever had has been eye candy for me. (and me in my pj's, glasses and ponytail..what luck :( )

01-10-2004, 03:56 AM
I'm glad to hear that your wounds weren't any worse .... it could have been terrible! I do think you need to report this dog... if he isn't up to date on his shots, the people need to be fined!!! It doesn't sound like he is ... with the conditions you described! This could have been a small child who got his face mauled or even killed, please report these people!!!

I do hope that you will get your bite wounds checked by a doctor soon too, you just can't take any chances! Hope work will be understanding as well! ;)