View Full Version : Dog thiefs?

01-01-2004, 06:57 PM
Curious, has anyone ever heard of people having their dog(s) stolen around where you are? A friend messaged me saying she thought her dog was taken from her yard and that it happened before. I think it's horrible someone can steal someone elses pet and family member. I worry sometimes that someone will either take Jo or Zeke, or open the gate to the fence even though it's never happened. Plus Jo is a pansy and barks her butt off whenever anyone walks near ;) Also, if I ever had a dog stolen, I don't think I'd leave them outside unattended..ever. It's so sad..

01-01-2004, 06:59 PM
My aunt's German Shepherd was stolen out of her yard, while she was at work. But we know who it was. He's long gone now. Good Ridance. I just hope Rocky (the dog) is okay. :(

01-01-2004, 07:06 PM
Yes! My chihuahua was stolen during the Taco Bell craze, and two days later my neighbors down below me was also stolen. They broke into their yard, just walked right in and took the dog, as they did ours. Several chis were stolen that week, just because someone wanted to make money off of a commercial! :mad: :(

01-01-2004, 07:06 PM
I had a next door neighbor that stole my dog and she gave it to a little girl in another town.

01-01-2004, 07:08 PM
My bestfriend's basset hound, Daisy was stolen. It was really hard on them because they'd had her for 7 years.

I stole Clara, that husky if that counts. lol. Remember the pretty husky that the pitbull fighters kept letting get loose? I keep emailing the Husky rescue to see where she wound up, she hasn't responded.

01-01-2004, 07:11 PM
I don't believe I've known a dog that's been stolen, but I did know a cat that was stolen for several days. We later found out that she had been strung up by her tail. When the owners got her back, they still kept her outside even after that, and she dissappeared a couple days later and never came back. Everyone thinks that the people on the next road killed her.

01-01-2004, 07:13 PM
WolfSoul, that is a horrible thing to have happened to that cat. I can't believe they let the cat outside after that. :(

01-01-2004, 07:28 PM
Luckies, I have been wondering if one of your neighbors did too you what mine did to me. What if they gave your cat to sombody in another town? Could mystic have been stolen that way?:confused:

01-01-2004, 07:41 PM
I feel that sometimes Brodie was stolen. Because when we went out their his collar was un-done...:( :( :( :(

01-01-2004, 07:57 PM
Yes, a friend of mine had her spaniel mix, Mugsy, stolen and a cousin of mine had his chocolate lab stolen. And yes, we're probably 98% sure that the dogs were stolen/taken out of the yard by a stranger and didn't just escape on their own. Neither of the dogs were 100% "outside dogs". My friend's dog was outside w/ her other dogs while her mom made a quick trip to the store. When she came home, Mugsy was gone :(
My cousin's lab was playing with his girlfriend's dog in her backyard while my cousin and his gf ate lunch inside. When they went to check on the dogs - his lab was gone :(
They have both tried and tried to locate their dogs, but neither ever did :(

here's Mugsy:


01-01-2004, 08:08 PM
I can't believe how many dogs get stolen :( Thats so sad..

01-02-2004, 03:26 PM
Unfortunately in Fort Wayne, because we have a big dog fighting problem, there is a problem with dogs being stolen to be used as bait dogs. Fortunately for us, with 11 dogs, not many people are stupid enough to come in our yard and try and steal our dogs.

Please give your friends my sympathies and hope that one day they will be reunited.

01-02-2004, 04:02 PM
That's just sad :(

Thankfully I don't know anybody personally who has had their pup stolen. :( But Mickey's breeder warned us about it and told us she even got phone calls from past owners who said that their dog was stolen out of their yard. That's why we always make sure to keep an eye out for Mickey when he is outside (and we make sure the gate is closed) and he is never outside when we aren't home. I can't believe some idiots would actually steal other people's dogs...just like that. :mad:

01-02-2004, 04:06 PM
The petstore next to me has had a few puppies stolen, and a few attempts. They say they don't let people back there anymore unless they are serious buyers, but Jynnelle and I went there today and saw a bunch of people inside there, and when we asked if we could, they said no. :mad: The people in there weren't serious buyers, they just weren't teenagers.

I remember one time a lady took the puppy up to the front to be bought. While the employee filled out some forms, the lady took out the back door with the puppy. Another time a lady just walked out with a puppy in her purse, but they caught her.

01-02-2004, 04:12 PM
well i live in a rural area so im lucky but my grandmothers cocker spainal was stolen out of her yard his name was rudy but she lives in beaumont .:(