View Full Version : Madison's in heaven now...

01-01-2004, 11:23 AM

Maddie was a once in a lifetime dog. Well girl actually. She never thought of herself as a dog. I didn’t either. She was always My Girl. Before I decided to get Oz, I had a talk with Maddie and Murph, to get their okay, and I told them that no matter what, she would always be my “Bestest Girl” and Murph would always be my “Bestest Boy”. And no matter what the future holds, when I meet up with her again on the other side, she will still be my one and only “Bestest Girl”.

I can’t imagine ever having anyone in my life that could be more special. I’m not sure why I was chosen to be so blessed to have been given her. I keep thinking of that Sound of Music lyric… “Somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good”. I’ll have to ask my mom, because I don’t ever remember doing anything that spectacular to deserve MaddieRoo. Anything short of finding a cure for Cancer, wouldn’t have been a big enough feat to deserve her.

She was my Gift from God and I knew it was only a matter of time before God would want someone as extraordinary as her back. I guess even God eventually started missing her lil’ kisses on the nose; her cute lil’ yodel, when she was really happy; her excited lil’ tail wags about the simplest things, like a drink of water or the sound of her name; her way of making you feel special, because there was no better place in the world for her than being next to you, even if it was strapped on your back in a backpack being hauled all over creation, as long as she was with you, she was in 7th Heaven; her lil’ shimmy dance over her food, after she’d tossed it across the room and then pounced on it; her spunky lil’ spirit and Murph and Oz have the missing hair to prove it; and being kicked in the head with her back footies, because you were taking up too much space on the pillow. I miss everything about you Maddie. Sure could use your comforting presence right about now.

I wish our ending hadn’t been so chaotic and panic stricken for me. I would have sung your favorite little song to you as you passed to the other side. I know you knew how much I loved you, otherwise you wouldn’t have held on waiting for me to get home, so I’d be with you in that last moment. I’m going to hold onto that forever. And in case the dead really can hear our thoughts, this one’s for you Maddie Roo:

Sung to Moon River
Maaaadddd Rooieeee… Mad… Mad… Mad… Mad… Roooooo... It’s Maaaaddie… MaddieRoo… Mad… Roooooooo… It’s Maaaaaddd Rooie… Mad… Maaaaddd… Rooie…

No lyrics more special than your name, huh MadGirl? I love you, MaddieRoo. Save a spot on the pillow for me.


01-01-2004, 11:25 AM
Oh my gosh, Par. :( I was wondering where you were. I was in tears reading that heartfelt post. :(
RIP sweet Maddie. Have fun at the Rainbow Bridge...


01-01-2004, 11:39 AM
I was in tears after reading your beautiful post about Maddie. :(

Run and play at Rainbow Bridge forever sweet girl. I hope you meet and play with my two sweet boys, Cody and Willie.


01-01-2004, 11:44 AM
:( What wonderful words you put together for Maddie. It sounds like the two of you had (and will have again) a very special relationship. Maddie was just as lucky to have you, Par, as you were to have her. I'm sorry your days on earth together have ended :( I hope Oz and Murphy will help you through these difficult times, I'm sure they will.

RIP beautiful Madison :(

01-01-2004, 11:45 AM
What a beautiful tribute to your Maddie. She was a beautiful girl and she will be missed.

01-01-2004, 11:46 AM
Par - I am so sorry for your loss. Maddie is in my thoughts and prayers as are you. Rest in peace Maddie Roo - you will be missed.

01-01-2004, 11:46 AM
:( As Phred would say "my eyes are leaking." My heart is broken for you ParNone. What a tribute. Maddie, those 4 poodles that greeted you at the Bridge used to live with me. I know they will show you around. You will be sorely missed here at PT but run now and enjoy your new healthy body. (((Big, big hugs to you Par))))

01-01-2004, 11:54 AM
Thanks everybody. Murph and Oz are being very helpful.
They're not quite as comforting as Maddie was, maybe
because she was female, but they sure are trying. Oz brings
me his toys to throw and Murph has even started laying beside
me some, while I watch TV, so I can pet him. I've been slightly
amazed that Murph really does seem to miss Maddie.


01-01-2004, 11:55 AM
I am so very sorry Par.
Words cannot express how truly heartbroken I am over the loss of your beautiful Maddie girl.
I'm sorry, but I am in tears right now, and can't think of the right words to say.
Your tribute is simply beautiful, and I know how much you loved Maddie, as we all do.

May you rest in peace, beautiful Madison, and enjoy the Rainbow Bridge, where you are now healthy once again.

I am so sorry Par, I can only imagine the heartbreak that you are feeling right now, as well as Murph and Oz.:(

I didn't even realize our sweet Maddie was sick, I wish I had been able to keep her in my prayers every day.

I'm very very sorry, and I keep rambling because I don't know what to say.

01-01-2004, 12:02 PM
Oh, Par...I'm so sorry. :(:(

Your post honestly brought me to tears...I can tell how much you loved that little girl. :(

I really wish I could say something helpful, but I'm at a loss for words...I truly am sorry and am here if you need to talk.

01-01-2004, 12:23 PM
hi lovemyshiba,

She had a metasized tumor that I had removed in Jan of
this year. I had decided because of her age and other
health issues, not to put her through chemo, so I was more
or less staying in denial about her having a problem after

She started breathing a lil' heavy a couple of weeks
before she died, but I thought it was allergy related, because
it seemed better once I started giving her benadryl. The
day before she died, she was still eating and everything.
A couple of days before that, she'd been playing with Oz.
Well taking one of his toys away from him. So I didn't
realize how bad off she was. It all happened so quickly.

I should have realized something was wrong, when she didn't
growl at Murph that morning, but my mind was on a project
I had to get done for work. I got home at 10 that night and
she was sitting on her bed, with her head craned upward,
trying to breath. I scooped her up and put her on the bed
and I was holding her and hysterically asking her if she was
okay. I said "I love you", then she gasped a couple of times and
went limp. So then I was shaking her and hollering at her
to hold on as I raced out with her to the emergency room,
but I knew it was too late. I know she was holding on for
dear life waiting for me to be with her, I just pray she didn't
suffer long that day waiting for me.


01-01-2004, 12:27 PM
I am so sorry! Through my tears, no words I can say will
make your heart stop breaking.
Precious Maddie, will be missed so much.
Sending lots of hugs and thoughts.

Karen (((.u.)))

01-01-2004, 12:35 PM
Oh ParNone, I am so sorry! There are no words to express my thoughts. I will miss hearing of your Maddie's antics to cheer us up.

My thoughts are with you. RIP Madison, Momma's Bestest Girl!

01-01-2004, 12:38 PM
Oh, Les. I’m so incredibly sorry. :( I just don’t know what to say except that I’m sorry. I'm just sobbing, I can feel your pain in your words.

Play and fun at the RB Maddie, and listen for that voice that you love so much.

01-01-2004, 12:53 PM
Oh, Par, I am so, so, sorry. :( :( {{Big hugs}}

Rest in Peace sweet Maddie girl.

01-01-2004, 01:24 PM
I am so sorry to hear about your Maddie girl. I can't feel your pain, it must be so hard. I understand how much you loved her- I love my dogs the same way. --hugs-- My thoughts and prayers will be with you.

RIP Maddie, have fun at the RB.

01-01-2004, 01:27 PM
Im am so sorry, {{{{HUGS}}}}

01-01-2004, 01:27 PM
Dear Par,

I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful "bestest girl" ever.


01-01-2004, 01:44 PM
Par, I am so sorry to hear about your loss, this is just terrible. Nothing to say to bring her back, just say I am sorry that you had to lose your sweet Maddie.:(

Rest in Peace Sweet, Sweet Maddie.


Dixie Belle
01-01-2004, 01:58 PM
My thoughts are with you. And there is a gang of dogs in Rainbow Bridge that is waiting for me....they won't mind hanging with her until you get there....

01-01-2004, 01:58 PM
I am sorry to hear that, Par. Rest in peace, Maddie.

01-01-2004, 02:09 PM
RIP Maddie for now you are healthy and romping at the RB. I'm so sorry you are hurting Par, but rest assured that Maddie is watching over you.

01-01-2004, 02:34 PM
Hey Les. I was missing you! Glad you're back.

I'm so very sorry...It sounds like Maddie was something very special to you, and that you shared an incredible bond. Her little kisses are forever with you, and her spirit is probably sitting on your lap, snuggling right now. I know that you can't help but feel sad, but also try to remember the good times. When you all went backpacking together, and hiking. Make yourself smile if you can. It works every time.
Tears will be shed, hearts will ache, and hugs will mean more than ever right now. Hold Oz and Murphy close, and have a good cry. It helps.
How are Oz and Murph handling it? I can tell she was the queen of the household, and you all must miss her so much. I know you loved her...

My deepest sympathy to you. We're all here if you need to talk.
~ Cayter, Ozzy and Darlin

01-01-2004, 02:54 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. She was so special to you and I can barely hold back the tears while typing this. My thoughts are with you :(

01-01-2004, 03:09 PM
I am so very sorry about your loss, Par:( Maddie was such a sweet girl, and you two were obviosly very close. I am crying now, after reading that, and I can't come up with the right words:( RIP, sweet Maddie, you were loved, and still are.

01-01-2004, 03:48 PM
omg par i am so sorry :(:(... RIP maddison

01-01-2004, 03:58 PM
Par...:( I have tears in my eyes. I am so sorry about this. What a lovely post that was. I just can't find any words to say.

Madison is playing happily at the Rainbow Bridge.

RIP girl. You are missed. :(

01-01-2004, 04:51 PM
Thanks again everybody. Your words are very comforting
and most appreciated. Maddie would love all this attention.
Soaking up all the love was her favorite thing.:)

Hey Cayter,

Well at first I thought Murph and Oz didn't care, but after
about a week, I noticed that Murph showed some signs
that he missed Maddie. He wasn't eating as much and
he still hasn't quite gotten back to his normal level yet. He
asked to go outside one day and I was in the middle of
something when he asked to come back in, so it took
me about 5 mins to get to him. He started whining to come
in. He never does that, so it was like he didn't want to
be by himself. I'm so glad he has Oz. I think he'd be having
a whole lot rougher time, if he didn't have his best buddy
to keep him company.

Maddie and him would stay home together, when Oz and I
would go to agility, but I started taking Murph with us now.
Don't want him to be alone. He really seems to enjoy it.
We get there early so we can walk around and he can pee
on every tree we pass. Then I park by the agility fence and
put a poofed up blanket in the front seat, so he can see us
from the car window. He's such a good boy. He intently
watches all the dogs and people and activity and never barks
or growls at anybody. Big grin on his face and tail just a
wagging. His favorite part is when we get back to the car
and he gets all of Oz's left over hot dogs just for being him.:)


01-01-2004, 05:02 PM
Oh Par ........ :(


What a loving and touching tribute to a lovely lady.

01-01-2004, 05:04 PM
I am so sorry for your loss.:( Maddie Roo was dearly loved
and she knew it. That's everything in life.:) I loved your sweet
tribute to her & wanted to tell you she looks beautiful and so
at home in that field of Bluebonnets. I am remembering some pics
you once post of a camping trip with Maddie, Murph & Oz. They
were really good. Rest in peace Maddie.

01-01-2004, 05:10 PM
I am so sorry to hear about your loss.
Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Cinder & Smoke
01-01-2004, 05:46 PM
Hi God ~

You did send GranMom ober to da Bridge to meet Maddie, din'cha?

OK - Thanks, God!
GranMom alluz has Treets inna pokit;
an she likes sittin wiffa LuvDog onna lap!
She an Maddie can pal around till Par getz up There.

/s/ the Prayer Pups

Par ~

Big {{{Hugs}}}!

Dig out those old photos and enjoy all those
Wonderful :) Memories...

Rest In Peace, Maddie

/s/ Phred

01-01-2004, 07:39 PM
Oh Par....im so sorry for your loss. That was a loving tribute you put up.


RIP- sweet lil' Maddie

01-01-2004, 10:03 PM
Par I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. You'll be in my thoughts.

01-02-2004, 02:31 AM
Oh Par i am so sorry for the loss of your Bestest girl Maddie.

Your tribute is beautiful and has me in tears.

Play hard at the RB dear Maddie.

01-02-2004, 09:07 AM
Par -

I am so very sorry. Words cannot even express how I feel. Tears are flowing because I am so sad that you and Maddie had to part ways for the time being. You will reunite someday though. She's waiting for you. Until then, your boys are there for you so lean on them for support.

God needed that special girl for a reason.

01-02-2004, 09:57 AM
What a beautiful tribute to such a special girl. RIP, Sweet Maddie. Have fun running and playing until the rest of your family can join you. Par, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

01-02-2004, 10:59 AM
Gosh you guys are being so wonderful.

hi lizbud,

Here's a pic of Maddie on her last camping trip:


She was so good about riding in that backpack. Sometimes
I would momentarily forget she was back there. We were
wading through the Perdanales River a few years ago and
she was on my back. Where we were walking, the water
was only up to my knees, but we decided to go ashore and
the closer we got to the bank the higher the water got. When
it got up to about chest level on me, Maddie finally decided
to speak up, but she did it very calmly. I had to chuckle, because
it was almost like she was saying "Uh excuse me, I think I should
inform you that the water's rising back here. Just want to make
sure you're aware of that, before it gets over my head."

hi phred,

Yeh, Grandma passed away at Thanksgiving. Maddie and Murph
absolutely loved her. She took care of them for a couple of
months for me, when they were younger. She had a swing in
the backyard that she use to love to sit in and watch the
squirrels and birds. Well I've a feeling Murph and Maddie use to
sit with her and more than likely got whatever tasty treat,
grandma had brought out for the squirrels and birds.

We had a barbeque in Mom's backyard over the summer
and I had Murph with me. He was busily exploring the yard
and not paying any attention to the people, until Grandma
came outside. She went and sat down on the swing and Murph
promptly went over and jumped up beside her and sat next to
her, tail just a waggin'.

And when Mom and Grandma would dogsit for me, Maddie
could always be found laying right next to Grandma. It'd been
about 10 years since Grandma took care of'em, but they
remembered her always.

I'm glad Maddie's going to know somebody there that she


01-02-2004, 03:06 PM
Par, thanks for re-posting one of the camping pics.:) Your
story about the rising river level & Maddie's reaction to it was
so sweet. She surely was a once in a lifetime "bestest girl".
Such a dear, sweet pupster. :)

01-02-2004, 07:41 PM
So very sorry for your great loss. Your tribute was beautiful. Maddie was a very special dog.

01-04-2004, 04:41 PM
Your tribute touched me so deeply. The love and devotion you and Madison shared was so evident in your post. May you be forever comforted by the memories, and know, in the end, you will reunite.

01-04-2004, 08:43 PM
Par, I can't believe I didn't see this thread earlier. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Your tribute was absolutely amazing, it brought tears to my eyes. I can tell there was a special bond between you. I hope her memories bring you comfort, and know she's running happily at the Rainbow Bridge. {{{hugs}}}

01-05-2004, 10:27 AM
Oh Par.... :( I'm so sorry. :(

01-05-2004, 08:16 PM
Oh Par, I'm so sorry to hear about sweet Maddies passing:( I know how much you loved her, and what a sweet memorial you wrote.
If I have the leaky eyes, I can just imagine how much yours have been leaking.
I'm glad you still have Oz and Murph to keep you company and help ease your pain.

01-05-2004, 09:19 PM
I'm so sorry for you lost.

Your tribute to her is absolutely beautiful. Rest in Peace sweet Maddie.

01-05-2004, 09:34 PM
I'm so sad to read of Maddie's passing. Your posts about her and Murph's and Oz's antics have often made me smile. I feel as though I know them. You have written a lovely tribute to Maddie, may she play, healthy and whole at the Rainbow Bridge.

01-05-2004, 11:08 PM
Thanks again everybody for your words...

Amazing how one lil' dog can make such an impact on one's
life. I didn't cry this much when my Dad and Grandmother
died and I loved them dearly and still miss them.


01-06-2004, 08:41 PM
Leslie, I know how much she meant to you. No shame in shedding tears over a loved one. :D

01-19-2004, 07:27 AM
Oh, Par...I am so sorry to hear about this. My heart goes out to you. I hope you are doing well and finding comfort with Murph and Oz. I know what a terrible time this is. Please know that I am thinking of you.

Rest in Peace, Sweet Maddie

Enjoy Playing at Rainbow Bridge and please tell my sweet Chloe that I love and miss her.
