View Full Version : I think I found my dog....

12-31-2003, 06:26 PM
Ooooh, I don't know! I'm so scared! But I think I'm going to do it. Today, I had a home repair at a house that bred pitbulls. (Work for the phone company.) There was a pit tied to a 3 foot chain in the backyard. White 1 1/2 year old female. A perfect brindle patch on her eye and a few cute brindle patches throughout her body. She appeared to have already had a litter or two. Here's the cute part!!! She's totally buffed. The muscular size and tone of a pit. But....she has little stubby legs! Like as short as a basset hound! She isn't much taller then Teddy was!!!

The man didn't speak English, and I just had to know about her. I had a Spanish speaking tech translate for me. He said "Here's her mother. The mother got lose once and got pregnant. We don't know who the father is. She's worth nothing since she isn't purebred. I've put a gun to her head more then once, but I just can't bring myself to kill her because she's so sweet."

His pits were well taken care of, but all the "worthless" dogs were chained up on short chains with no shelter. Some of them were skinny and sickly.

I asked the guy if I could take his dogs. He said I could for $300. I said "Sold!" I haven't told Mike yet. I want to sleep on it first. Trying not to act on impulse. She is so sweet though! She has a little old chi friend that she is so gentle with.

BTW, I took pictures! It was on a disposable camera, so it'll be a few days.

12-31-2003, 06:32 PM
Congratulations. :)

I really hope that this is the dog for you, and I'm sure she'll be more than happy to have a home where there's no risk of having a gun put to her head.

What's her name? :D

12-31-2003, 06:33 PM
Uma (sp?). Pronounced Oooh-ma. Anyone know about that name? It's Spanish?

12-31-2003, 06:37 PM
I'm going to introduce her to Roxy, Dusty, Mike, Jaden and the cats tomorrow and see what happens. She doesn't appear to be abused...Just neglected.

12-31-2003, 06:38 PM
Yaay! Good luck! :D Hope that Mike says yes, and I can't wait to see the pics!

12-31-2003, 06:40 PM
According to the Everything Baby Names Book, Uma is Hindu and means flax (though I'm not positive what flax is, lol ;)). It's a very cute name, from your description she sounds like an Uma. :D Would you rename her? :)

Congratultions again, in advance.

12-31-2003, 06:42 PM
No, I wouldn't rename her. She really looks like a Uma. The whole time I was fixing the guy's phoneline, I was trying to think of a fitting name...Then I asked him her name and he said "Uma" I was like "Perfect!"

12-31-2003, 06:47 PM
I hope you get her. It'll be a better life for her for sure. I sure feel sorry for his dogs that aren't pure bred. Wonder what he uses them for. I can't stand people that breed for greed.

12-31-2003, 06:49 PM
Doesn't sound like a responsible breeder.

I wish there weren't people like that.:( :mad: :(

12-31-2003, 06:58 PM
That's so wonderful for you, Tonya! :D I really hope things work out...that girl definitely deserves a better life! :)

12-31-2003, 07:15 PM
I am so excited and nervous! I hope it works too! I want her so bad that I'm afraid to tell Mike. He was the first one saying he wanted a dog...but I'm still scared he'll say no.

No, Kayann...not a responsible breeder at all. They were pretty trashy. If I had it my way, I'd take all his dogs.

Uma is the one that totally caught my eye though. You can just tell that even with her conditions, she is going to be an awesome pet.

12-31-2003, 07:23 PM
You said the 'worthless' dogs were chained up with no shelter -- Can't something legally be done aobut that, since all dogs are supposed to have food, water, and shelter?

I'd def. call animal control, the police, someone.

12-31-2003, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by Tonya

His pits were well taken care of, but all the "worthless" dogs were chained up on short chains with no shelter. Some of them were skinny and sickly.

I asked the guy if I could take his dogs. He said I could for $300. I said "Sold!" I haven't told Mike yet. I want to sleep on it first. Trying not to act on impulse. She is so sweet though! She has a little old chi friend that she is so gentle with.

BTW, I took pictures! It was on a disposable camera, so it'll be a few days. [/B]

Thats good that you found a dog you liked, but what about
these other "worthless" dogs? This has got to be a violation
of animal cruelty laws, right ? Do you plan on calling anywhere
to report the conditions these dogs are living in ? God, I'd have
nightmares if a paid the man money for one of them & walked
away from the rest.:( I'm sorry. Don't want to bring you down,
but, were you going to report this? Thanks. Liz.

12-31-2003, 07:30 PM
Don't fret, all! I'm calling animal control and child protective services all day long with my job. Especially when I'm working in the ghetto like now. They know me by first name. I want to get Uma from him tomorrow before I call.

12-31-2003, 07:32 PM
If you get Uma before something's done, wouldn't you just be paying and crediting this stupid man?

12-31-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
If you get Uma before something's done, wouldn't you just be paying and crediting this stupid man?

That's what I was just thinking.

12-31-2003, 07:36 PM

Or I could not get Uma, call animal control, and Uma would be put to sleep because our area animal control automatically puts pits down.

I'd rather save a dog's life and let the idiot run off with some money.

12-31-2003, 07:38 PM
I'm sure there's a Pit Rescue in your area that would take them.

What about all of the other dogs?

12-31-2003, 07:38 PM

Thanks for saying that. Hey, maybe you could get her for a
small adoption fee when they've all been impounded & save
giving that man a dime. (reward) Looking forward to pics. I do
love the breed. They are great people dogs.:)

12-31-2003, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by Tonya

Or I could not get Uma, call animal control, and Uma would be put to sleep because our area animal control automatically puts pits down.

Sad but true.. I've watched some of the animal cops episodes on Animal Planet and the shelters will automatically put down pits, even if they act friendly and are all wagging and happy. They won't allow them to be adopted out because of the potential hazard and I think because they don't want to take any chances of the dog fighting people getting ahold of them again.

I can understand wanting to save the dog and not take the chance..

12-31-2003, 07:40 PM
I searched... here's a pit rescue in Modesto.

12-31-2003, 07:43 PM
I went through this when I stole that pit that had been fought. (Whetto.) A pit rescue has no rights to confiscate a dog nor will a pit rescue accept a stolen dog. Also, I would get fired if I went back and stole Uma. If I knew I could adopt Uma from the pound which are the only folks that have rights to take a dog from the owners, I would go that route. But they put pitbulls to sleep. Especially ones that came from a mill. She isn't even a family pet.

12-31-2003, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I searched... here's a pit rescue in Modesto.

Can the rescue forcibly take the dogs from a bad situation or do they have to be surrendered? I'm pretty sure only Animal Control can forcibly take dogs..

Also the ones that are treated the worst are pit mixes I thought?

I'm not sure of the specifics by any means.

12-31-2003, 07:44 PM
Woops, Tonya replied quicker than me. =P

12-31-2003, 07:45 PM
Yes, but rescues normally rescue dogs from animal control.

I don't know, they do here, maybe CA is a little screwed.

12-31-2003, 07:46 PM
California is screwed! Lol. You can't rescue a pit.

12-31-2003, 07:47 PM
Btw, this is a pic of my sister's RB Pit, Shine. She adored Shine, said she was the most gentle and loving dog imaginable.


12-31-2003, 07:47 PM
Like k9 said, it has to be surrendered. The guy barely gave her to me for $300.

12-31-2003, 07:47 PM
She's beautiful! That's like Uma's brindle patches.

12-31-2003, 07:48 PM
That's very sad. It's too bad people are so stupid. I feel bad for the other dogs. :( Would you be able to take one of the neglected ones instead? It sounds like Uma is much better taken care of then some of the others.

12-31-2003, 07:49 PM
They are beautiful dogs. I just feel sick at heart of what people have done with the breed :(

12-31-2003, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
California is screwed! Lol. You can't rescue a pit.

You can't? I'm in CA and they certainly don't put down Pit Bulls right on the spot. We have rescues that take them in, and some in shelters.

12-31-2003, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
They are beautiful dogs. I just feel sick at heart of what people have done with the breed :(

They're my favorite breed. :) There's soooo many in rescues and shelters around here. It's very sad, although it's better them being there than in the wrong hands. Pitties are definitily not a dog for everyone.

12-31-2003, 07:51 PM
I think it goes by city, not by State. I know the larger cities, like Chicago, NY, maybe LA.. their shelters are usually so packed and there is such a problem with dog fighting that they automatically euthanize pits..

12-31-2003, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
I think it goes by city, not by State. I know the larger cities, like Chicago, NY, maybe LA.. their shelters are usually so packed and there is such a problem with dog fighting that they automatically euthanize pits..

I don't "live" in LA but I'm pretty close to it. Maybe it just depends where you are, but over here they don't put pit bulls down on the spot.

12-31-2003, 07:58 PM
You know, I'm not saying that all pits don't make it through. But is it worth the chance? I'm not going to gamble with her life. I remember when I got Rosco from the pound, the guy said "We would have put him down, but we thought we was all Sharpei at first." (He was sharpei-pit.) Uma was the only pit looking dog out of all the unfortunate chained up ones so her odds are actually the worst. The others have a good chance of being adopted out.

No, Kfamr...I won't take any other unfortunate dog. I'll only take a dog that I want. I don't want to wind up with a dog that I don't want. If I took every unfortunate dog that I saw, I'd have hundreds. Also, Uma was treated just as bad as the rest. She was on a short chain with no food, water, or shelter from the rain just like the chi, and a few other mutts. The purebred pitbulls at least had their own sideyard with dog houses, food and water.

The bottom line comes down to is $300 worth a dog's life. Damn straight it is. You are just finding another reason to argue.

12-31-2003, 07:59 PM
I talked to an animal control officer that actually was in Pit
Rescue work as well. Are you sure they wouldn't let you adopt
her? When you said "She isn't even a family pet.", do you think
you'd probably have to house train her, get her to get along
with you other dogs & other people. You'd really be starting
from ground zero with her. Are you ready for all that? Something
to think about.

12-31-2003, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
You are just finding another reason to argue.

Oh ok, sorry, I never knew caring aobut the dogs was finding a reason to argue.

Ok, onto the IMPORTANT issue...

You should try and call Modesto SPCA.

12-31-2003, 08:03 PM
I know you want to give this dog a good home. I would too, but do you really want to support people like that? IMO, this guy is just like a puppy mill. The dogs are treated badly, etc. Pit Bulls are NOT for everybody, esspecially one that was in this kind of enviroment.

Call the ASPCA.

12-31-2003, 08:18 PM
I don't personally feel it is up to anyone here to advise about whether or not to get the dog or whether it's right for her to. Obviously she would give the dog the good home and treatment she deserves and I just can't argue with that.

You could say to someone at the pound adopting a cute puppy, "shouldn't you take that older scraggly dog instead since it's a lot easier for the puppy to find a home?" But they all need homes and people have to go with what fits them the best. Only Tonya and Mike truly know what is best for their home and family and it's really up to them. Sure I can see potential problems and risks in it but I'm sure she's aware of those and she did not ask us for advice on the decision.

I personally think it's best to simply wish her the best and hope that she is able to do something to improve the situation of the poor dogs.

12-31-2003, 08:22 PM
I'm not telling her, or advising her as you said, to whether it's the right dog for her or not.

I'm trying to see if there's possible a way all of the dogs can be saved. If tonya is up to that, that is.

*edit* Nevermind, I don't think that was directed towards me. :p

12-31-2003, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by lizbud
I talked to an animal control officer that actually was in Pit
Rescue work as well. Are you sure they wouldn't let you adopt
her? When you said "She isn't even a family pet.", do you think
you'd probably have to house train her, get her to get along
with you other dogs & other people. You'd really be starting
from ground zero with her. Are you ready for all that? Something
to think about.

She isn't that bad, Liz. She's animal friendly with the ones she was around. She doesn't bark or growl. She wagged her tail the whole time. When I say she isn't a family dog, I mean that she doesn't get walked, have toys, come indoors, etc... She's just some animal to that man. I know he must have treated her half decent because she doesn't even cower if I raise my hand.

All I am saying, is that I live in an unfriendly area towards pitbull. There is a chance that the pound will walk in there...look at a bunch of dogs tied up on chains. Look at a bunch of pitbulls...and say "These are fighting dogs, they're all going to die."

Kfamr, the difference between you and I is that I am positive, you are negative. Yes, it sucks that this guy will make $300 off of me. Technically, this dog isn't even worth that. She isn't even purebred, doesn't have shots, isn't fixed...

But I will be saving her life. She will be bringing joy into my home.

I think the unconditional love that I would get from Uma and the better life she will recieve outweighs a few hundred bucks by far. It isn't up to me to do justice on every evil person in the world. God will take care of that.

12-31-2003, 08:32 PM
I really don't see how I was being even a bit negative at all.

Sorry for trying to help. :rolleyes: :(

And i'm sorry I care about the other dogs and their fate, not just Uma's.

I know what she will bring into your home, I know how great Pitties are.

ANY dog is worth $300. It doesn't matter if she's purebred or not.

I know you and maybe others will just say i'm being negative or trying to start something (when honestly I am not.) but, if you can't handle a Pom, you certainly can't handle a Pittie.

12-31-2003, 08:37 PM
The other dogs don't have the possibility of being automatically put to sleep. Also, the other dogs didn't have the personalities to fit into my home. Why would I chance going through another failure like I did Teddy? That was really hard. I'm going to be very very particular with the next animal I bring here. I have so many animals and personalities in my household, I have to find the perfect match. Otherwise it'd be havoc.

If you have a problem with it, hop on the next plane and take all these other dogs home. You make it sound so simple.

12-31-2003, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
That was really hard. I'm going to be very very particular with the next animal I bring here. I have so many animals and personalities in my household, I have to find the perfect match. Otherwise it'd be havoc.

If you have a problem with it, hop on the next plane and take all these other dogs home. You make it sound so simple.

I understand that. :) Do you think the guy would allow you to bring your dogs, or bring Uma to meet them?

I'm not saying it's simple, And I can't hop on the next plane. But, you're closer than I am and i'm just trying to give you advice or possible ways to help these dogs.

12-31-2003, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I know you and maybe others will just say i'm being negative or trying to start something (when honestly I am not.) but, if you can't handle a Pom, you certainly can't handle a Pittie.

That's enough right there. I never asked for your opinion. A pom and a pittie are two entirely different realms.

*edit* I said something that was uncalled for, figured I should "grow up" and remove it.

12-31-2003, 08:42 PM
Yes, I said it earlier....I'm introducing everyone to Uma tomorrow at 4. BTW, I just talked to Mike about it. He's willing to meet her. We're both really scared because of the heartbreak we just experienced, so we want to be 110% sure.

12-31-2003, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
That's enough right there. I never asked for your opinion. A pom and a pittie are two entirely different realms.

Everything seems so simple to you because you are just a naive kid.

Everything certainly does not seem simple to me. I never asked for your opinion either, but who cares? this is an online message board where people post and genrally people give their opinions on the subject/about the subject.

Poms and Pitties ARE two entirely different things. That's why I said that.

12-31-2003, 08:44 PM
Personally, I'd be happy if we avoided eachother all together. I'd already made the decision to quit visiting your threads and I was hoping you'd do the same. I'd rather live my life as if you didn't exist. Thanks.:D

12-31-2003, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Yes, I said it earlier....I'm introducing everyone to Uma tomorrow at 4. BTW, I just talked to Mike about it. He's willing to meet her. We're both really scared because of the heartbreak we just experienced, so we want to be 110% sure.

That's great. :) I'd be a little scared though since it's possible she could have something since she's probably never been to the Vet.

I hope Uma, and all of the other dogs get someting they deserve.

12-31-2003, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Personally, I'd be happy if we avoided eachother all together. I'd already made the decision to quit visiting your threads and I was hoping you'd do the same. I'd rather live my life as if you didn't exist. Thanks.:D

That's a VERY positive thing, right?

Sorry, But this is Pet Talk, and I come to talk about Pets, animals and the such. If the threads about Dogs, especially Pitties, I'm bound to be in it.:D :D :D

12-31-2003, 08:47 PM
Ok, bye!

12-31-2003, 08:48 PM
To the subject again -- would you like the contact information for the SPCA?

12-31-2003, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Ok, bye!

Bye. :confused:

12-31-2003, 08:51 PM
Oh, that's right. You get confused easy. I have to explain things. I do not want anything to do with you. Go away. You opinions and advice mean nothing to me, so don't bother. Thanks. No thank you, I have the SPCA's number. I've dealt with them before.

12-31-2003, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Oh, that's right. You get confused easy. I have to explain things. I do not want anything to do with you. Go away. You opinions and advice mean nothing to me, so don't bother. Thanks. No thank you, I have the SPCA's number. I've dealt with them before.

I'm not going to 'Go Away', as I have just as much right to be in this thread as you do. Please, I can tell you want to argue but I don't. You're welcome. Although my opinions and advice mean nothing to you, it's never going to stop me from giving it.

Yes, someone all of the sudden saying "Bye" is rather confusing, especially when someone was trying to help them out.

12-31-2003, 08:59 PM
Volunteering in an animal control facility has taught me a few hard truths. While I don't mean to imply that all animal control facilities are the same from state to state or city to city, I can shed some light on the inner workings of animal control facilities.

First of all animal control facilities are funded by city funds - all of which are used for funding the AC officers, basic (and I mean basic) care needs of the animals (food, water, minimal vet care, cleaning cages, etc.), and administrative costs. When city budgets get tight, it is one of the first areas that feel the crunch. Any thing such as leashes, toys, collars, walking the dogs, websites and animal training are done with donations and through volunteer participation. The workers at animal control try to do everything they can to help the dogs and cats in their care, but many times their hands are tied with governmental policy and red tape. These facilities are much different from the SPCA or the Humane Society.

Secondly - any dog that is part of a legal proceeding has to be held until the outcome is determined. Volunteers are not allowed access to these dogs - so a dog could remain in a kennel for months with no social interaction. At one time we had dogs that were part of a drug bust and were kept in isolation for over six months.

Once any legal procedures are over, it is up to the director whether or not the dog is deemed adoptable. We are fortunate to have an animal behaviorist that donates her time and skill to evaluate the temperment of the dogs. Animal control does not always call rescue organizations, and when they do it can only be certain ones that they have a working relationship with.

It is a sad but true fact that pit bulls and pit bull mixes are extremely hard to adopt out. You have to have a higher adoption screening process, because the risk of having them end up in inappropriate homes is great. Most homeowners insurance either does not allow pit bulls or pit mixes or charges a much larger premium, so homeowners given a choice between a pit mix or a collie mix will almost always choose the later. Because they are so difficult to place, only ones that have the best temperment are put up for adoption.

I know this will probably anger a great many people - but calling animal control does not guarantee that a dog will be available to adopt from them, especially when they are pit and pit mixes.

Tonya - I am not sure if I agree with your decision to purchase the dog from this obviously shady character, but only you can make that decision based on you and your family's needs. A totally unsocialized dog no matter what the breed has the potential of being a time bomb.

12-31-2003, 09:03 PM
GOD!! Stop it!

KayAnn, Tonya has asked you nicely to leave her alone. At least be mature enough to do as she requested.

She's a grown woman and I feel pretty confident that she can handle the situation.

I swear, you are such an enormous killjoy. I think you would argue with a brick wall!

Good luck Tonya. I hope it all works out for your family and Uma.

12-31-2003, 09:06 PM
I knew someone was going to pop in here and blame it all on me, like always.

I'm sorry I care for dogs, I'm sorry that I was trying to help.

Maybe she could grow a bit more and try to start over like I have.

12-31-2003, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I knew someone was going to pop in here and blame it all on me, like always.

I'm sorry I care for dogs, I'm sorry that I was trying to help.

Maybe she could grow a bit more and try to start over like I have.

Someone always blames you, huh? Hmmmm... wonder why?

I don't think she wants to 'start over'. Just a guess, but I think judging from her earlier post that she just wants you to leave her alone. :)

12-31-2003, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
I don't personally feel it is up to anyone here to advise about whether or not to get the dog or whether it's right for her to. Obviously she would give the dog the good home and treatment she deserves and I just can't argue with that.

I wasn't demanding that she do whatever I said, I was giving my own opinion.

12-31-2003, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by clara4457
Tonya - I am not sure if I agree with your decision to purchase the dog from this obviously shady character, but only you can make that decision based on you and your family's needs. A totally unsocialized dog no matter what the breed has the potential of being a time bomb.

I agree to a point, Clara. I originally tried a different approach with the guy. If he talked about putting the dog to sleep, what's the big deal with simply giving her to me? I'd seem like he'd look at it as if I'm taking her off his hands. I think that he saw how much I fell in love with her and saw dollar signs. Maybe if I'd acted like the dog was just another dumb dog he would have given her to me.

12-31-2003, 09:38 PM
I wasn't going to say anything, but this has been going on WAY too much. What did KayAnn do this time?! She was giving her advice to Tonya and here she is being ganged up on again. I don't know what you people have against her, anyway.

12-31-2003, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
That's great. :) I'd be a little scared though since it's possible she could have something since she's probably never been to the Vet.

I hope Uma, and all of the other dogs get someting they deserve.

Why would you be scared if your dogs have been vaccinated? And if the dog in question seems outwardly healthy, then chances are she's built up a natural immunity.

Tonya- I hope this dog works out for you. It's unfortunate that he will be paid for this dog he wants to "get rid of" but sometimes there is no helping that. Good luck!

12-31-2003, 10:04 PM
I deleted a couple posts. Quit bickering everybody. We all want what is best for these dogs. Do not fight about it.

12-31-2003, 10:06 PM

I hope this works out for you.

Wow, $300 for a mixed breed. Was that his first offer? Or did you dicker a bit? I bet you could have gotten the price down from that. Not that it matters, I suppose, now.

Ask him if he'll throw in the chi, or one of the others, too - for that price. At least you'd get another one out of there before the ax drops. You can always take it to a no-kill shelter, and save its life.

I understand you wanting to buy this dog before calling AC. I do know that this was probably the only chance for this dog. I've bought and paid for some dogs that never even saw my house, but went straight to the humane society. Sometimes it IS the only way ... and life and experience teaches us that.

P.S. To Kfamr: I know what you are trying to say, and I know you are thinking of the dogs. I am sure you have good intentions at heart. But as soon as I start reading a thread, and see the first argumentative post made by you, I know it's going to go on and on and on for pages. I would suggest that you state your opinion, and perhaps one rebuttal, and then let it go. Having to have the last word always gets a bit tiresome for all of us that have to read it all, time and again. No offense intended, honestly ... just a friendly bit of advice. :)

12-31-2003, 10:50 PM
I know, Twister... That was a fortune to pay for a mixed breed. Something about her especially caught my heart. I see dogs that I love everyday, but something about Uma made my heart thump.

12-31-2003, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I see dogs that I love everyday, but something about Uma made my heart thump.

It's call True Love!

Whap Whap Whap - does she have an un-docked whiptail to thump on your shin now, too? Can't wait to see pictures! ;) (Of Uma, not your shin, silly.)

12-31-2003, 10:54 PM
Oh, one more thing...yeah, we argued forever. My tech co-worker was getting irritated because he had to translate the whole time!

12-31-2003, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I agree to a point, Clara. I originally tried a different approach with the guy. If he talked about putting the dog to sleep, what's the big deal with simply giving her to me? I'd seem like he'd look at it as if I'm taking her off his hands. I think that he saw how much I fell in love with her and saw dollar signs. Maybe if I'd acted like the dog was just another dumb dog he would have given her to me.

It sounds like you have thought it through pretty thoroughly and I hope it works out for you. Whatever the outcome, my prayers are with those poor dogs and bless you for trying to save them.

As I said, it is a decision that can only be made by you and your husband. It is impossible to really judge in cyberspace. You are the one that has seen and interacted with the dog and her current owner, so if you decide that Uma is the dog for you - more power to you. And I will look forward to pictures. :)

12-31-2003, 11:49 PM
Can you take the chi too? I am going to California next month and my family is in Whittier. I would be happy to take the Chi if it is a girl. If you can find out the sex, and get the dog let me know. I can go pick the dog up next month. It's only a few short weeks away and I have been looking for another female chi since I lost my Pooka.

And yes I am serious. Of course, I would have to talk to Dan first though, but I doubt it would be a problem.

01-01-2004, 12:24 AM
Luckies that would be so cool if you could take the Chi :)

p.s. I love that signature, the snow on the kitty looks so beautiful!

01-01-2004, 12:26 AM
I don't want to be a pain but didn't you just have a pot about trying to get your dead freinds 2 year old son? It seens that would change the dynamic of your house hold. Have you thought with you head not your heart? I am VERY guilty of that Thats why I have rescued about 20 pets and then found homes after I really saw that it was not a good match. I lost part of my soul each time.
I know how all of us want to save ever life we come in contacct with but sadly the truth is we can't. Each of us must make our own choices as we are the only ones who KNOW who we are and how we live. I also know that all of us on this board love each other and care thats why we are here. But we are indivauals and can get misunderstood, in our effort to save the lives.
Please hug and make up we all just have strong feelings and want to help.
Perhaps you could get uma out them give Kayann the address and she could try the rescuses, sometimes a different person can acheive a different result.

01-01-2004, 08:44 AM
Yes, Corrinna...I have (and still am) considering all those factors. You are very right. I think with my heart to much sometimes. -That's why I've forced myself to wait 24 hours this time. I really want to think about what I'm doing.

Luckies...the Chi is ancient. I believe it was a female though. My guess is that she was at least 12. Would you still want her? I'm going there at 4 today.

01-01-2004, 10:04 AM
Good luck to both you and Uma, Tonya. Taking in a "neglected" dog sounds like a lot of work, but I'm sure if you can make it work, it will be very rewarding. Take you time in your decision (maybe even wait another 24hrs AFTER the rest of your family meets her) and make sure.

I know you aren't at taing this decision lightly, and I hope it works out for all involved.

Rio and Me
01-01-2004, 10:18 AM
I say good luck, every dog deserves a chance, she may be unsocilised, neglected or anything its worth a shot, she may turn out to be a great dog, if not you can try and find her the best home possible, at least you would have tryed.
The breed may have a bad name but she may not follow the breed caractoristics, since she's mix breed.
Good luck and we want pictures,lol
Ky and Rio

01-01-2004, 01:56 PM
You all have brought up good points. I am going to give it time. After we meet her today, I'll give it another few days.

Another thing that I want to try and do is have a vet check her out. She seems to darn big for those little legs. I wonder if she'll wind up having problems (if she doesn't already).

01-01-2004, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by Tonya

Luckies...the Chi is ancient. I believe it was a female though. My guess is that she was at least 12. Would you still want her? I'm going there at 4 today.

OMG she is old!!!! I LOST my chi Pooka! In Anaheim. I know it is a ways away but my god do you think it could be her???????

My chi was a deer chihuahua, she is a female spayed already (you can feel stitches under the skin), she knows how to sit pretty, and she looked just like the Taco Bell dog. Her name was Pooka. Can you call that name to her? see if she responds? She was stolen from my yard about 6 years ago, and she was an old girl. She has arthritus in her front and back paws, and has a scar (bald spot with skin missing) on her shoulder. She also has kinks in her tail. Does she have a funny tail?

She would be VERY old now is she were alive, around 12-15. Can you take a picture of her for me???

I still have to ask Dan, but if this is MY dog, she is coming here no matter what. I have been looking for Pooka for YEARS!!!!!!!!!!

01-01-2004, 02:44 PM
Also I do not mind a senior dog at all! Do you want me to give you my phone number?

01-01-2004, 02:52 PM
That would be such a miracle if it turned out to be your dog, Cass. :) That would be so great; I really hope it's her.

01-01-2004, 02:53 PM
Yes! I asked my mexican friend to come over right now so that he can translate for me....He just informed me he doesn't speak Spanish. lol. I'm on the phone right now trying to get another Spanish speaking friend over.

You are so awesome for wanting to take a senior dog! This makes me happy. I'll get pics for sure and talk to the guy!

01-01-2004, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
That would be such a miracle if it turned out to be your dog, Cass. :) That would be so great; I really hope it's her.

You never know! That'd be so awesome.

Oh, luckies...Anaheim is only 4 hours in good traffic. We could always meet halfway or something.

01-01-2004, 03:01 PM
I am crying just thinking of this. That would truly be a miracle if it's her!!!

How far is Whittier from Modesto? That is where my family now lives, although when she was stolen we were living in Anaheim on the border of Cypress by Cypress college on Knott and Orange. I COMBED the Orange Animal Control for months looking for her. In fact my best friend still hands out posters about her being lost. She was stolen right from my yard during the time the Taco Bell commercials became popular. Then two days later, my neighbors purebred chi was also stolen. They just walked right into their backyard and stole her. He was a present for Valentines or their anniversary or something, this man gave the dog to his wife.

For so long I have cried over her, she was so special to me. She was deathly afraid of skateboards as she was abused when I got her. I adopted her from the Orange County Animal Regulation. She was so bonded to me. Oh and she HATES her nails cut lol. She likes to hang her tongue out too lol.

A couple days before her dissapearance a hispanic man was walking down the street and offered me 200 dollars to buy her. I told him no, got angry and walked away. Then she went missing and I am certain it was that man who took her. I think he wanted her for breeding. I will PM you my phone number. :)

01-01-2004, 03:39 PM
my last post was deleted :(..

so i will write it again :)..

I really hope that you know, Tonya, that you are a great person, you love animals alot, and you are a great person for getting this pit in need :)... *pat on back*..dont let anyone get you down about it.

01-01-2004, 03:45 PM
Thank you!

01-01-2004, 03:46 PM
your very VERY welcome :)

01-01-2004, 05:38 PM

Keep us posted.
Best of luck!

01-01-2004, 05:44 PM
Well, I'm back. No doggie. :( The good news is that we did find a home for two of them though.

Mike took one look at Uma and said no way. He thinks that she is crippled the way her feet are. He said he didn't want to knowingly take an animal that isn't healthy. The tears were totally welling up at the guys house. I was so disappointed. I knew I could have gotten my way, but I really don't want to bring a dog into my home that isn't 100% welcome.

Once the guy realized we were not going to buy Uma, he offered her to us for free. Our friend, David who was translating for us took Uma and Jorge (the chi) home. Sorry, Luckies but the chi was a male. I appologize for getting your hopes up.

01-01-2004, 05:45 PM
BTW, I did get pics, but they're on a disposable. I'll get the pics back on Monday.

01-01-2004, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Well, I'm back. No doggie. :( The good news is that we did find a home for two of them though.

Mike took one look at Uma and said no way. He thinks that she is crippled the way her feet are. He said he didn't want to knowingly take an animal that isn't healthy. The tears were totally welling up at the guys house. I was so disappointed. I knew I could have gotten my way, but I really don't want to bring a dog into my home that isn't 100% welcome.

Once the guy realized we were not going to buy Uma, he offered her to us for free. Our friend, David who was translating for us took Uma and Jorge (the chi) home. Sorry, Luckies but the chi was a male. I appologize for getting your hopes up.

omg :(:(:(. iam so sorry you didnt end up getting Uma. :(:(

01-01-2004, 05:49 PM
Me too! I probably could have if I really wanted too, but I didn't want Mike to despise Uma.

01-01-2004, 05:56 PM
I'm so sorry Tonya. :(

I'm sure you made the right decision, and it's good that two of them got a good home.

Again, I'm so sorry.

01-01-2004, 06:15 PM
That's OK. :) I figured the odds weren't in my favor anyway, but I always have to ask when someone says something. But look what you did! You found both of them homes!!!!:D Even if you couldn't take Uma you found her and her chi friend a nice home, away from those evil people. Good for you! :D

01-01-2004, 06:26 PM
That had to be really tough for you, but I think you probably made the best choice. If there are lingering doubts going on, the dog would have sensed it too I'm sure. I'm so glad to hear two of the dogs got a new home though. I hope the others can get out of that situation too.. that guy has no business owning dogs :(

01-01-2004, 06:28 PM
I'm going to wait about a week before I report him. Hopefully they'll take the dogs, but I doubt it. They are neglected, but not totally horrible conditions. They aren't diseased and I don't think they are fought.

01-02-2004, 12:33 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
I'm going to wait about a week before I report him. Hopefully they'll take the dogs, but I doubt it. They are neglected, but not totally horrible conditions. They aren't diseased and I don't think they are fought.

Whether or not they are fought or diseased is not the whole picture. Whether the conditions they are kept in are violated the specific laws of the area, that is what will determine whether or not they are taken.

For example, here dogs have to have food, water and shelter. No shelter is a violation of the law, and the dog will be confiscated ... whether or not it is sick or being fought is irrelevant. Report him anyway, and if you have pictures, show the to AC.

01-02-2004, 08:06 AM
Remember Whetto? He had wounds all over his body that were obviously bite marks. AC told Mike that Whetto hasn't been fought and that we need to give Whetto back to his owners. He said that Whetto would have a better life with them then at the pound. :mad: (I filed a complaint as high up as possible, they told me that he would be reprimanded, BTW. But no one ever came back and took Whetto or the other pits there.) The officer (not a vet) told me that looks like a skin condition. The owner told me the wounds were from ramming the fence. (Although they are all over him.) Regardless of how the wounds were caused, the owner should be locked up for letting them get infected. This dog had puss and blood everywhere.

Of course, I will still report him, but I don't have alot of faith with AC.
