View Full Version : Dogs and Goats

12-31-2003, 01:31 PM
Hi Everyone:)
I have a dog named Sandy and she gets jealouse over alot of things, like the dog next door will come over and i will say hi to it and Sandy will go over and sometimes trample over it, she don't try to hurt she just wants to show whoose boss. So i'm wondering if it is a good idea to get 2 pygmy goats. I'm worried Sandy will get to jealouse. Please tell me what i should do. Thanks!

Rio and Me
01-01-2004, 10:45 AM
If you really want a goat, you will proberbly know that they are escape artists, they can jump/climb/craw. they eat all day long or grass/hay etc, hoove trimming is required about every 3 weeks (depending on their living area, they do like good shelter (but it must be well made (mine recked our home made shelter) they dont like standing in mud/water etc, regardless of what people say about billy goats stinking is so not true, i had two CASTRATED billy goats they did not stink (they had an oudor), however they will stink if not kept clean. but they do make great pets, they are quiet simlar to a dog (training wise), dont worry about the dog they goats will put her in her place.
I have had goats so if you have any questions pm me.
You proberbly know what i have just writen?lol
Ky and Rio
PS why do you want goats? just wandering?

01-01-2004, 11:19 AM
Thanks so much for the information! I want goats because i'm joining a 4-h club and i want to do goats for that. I also want goats because i have heard that they are low maintence. We have a good backyard for the goats to play around in also. I also, like everyone here, just plain love all animals.:) Thanks again for the information!

Rio and Me
01-01-2004, 11:25 AM
No probs, i swear youll love owning them,
Collors with ID tags are a very good idea just in case,
any questions at all pm me.
Ky and Rio