View Full Version : Migraines

12-30-2003, 10:12 PM
I was wondering if anyone here got migraines? what do you find, helps the best to get them to go away when you have one? What symptoms let you know you are getting one?

I get migraines ALOT. I got one today. The one I had today was REALLY bad. When I woke up this morning I was fine. I had a bit of a headache but that was it. Then around 1:00 I was on the computer and my arms felt really weird and my eyes were going heavy. When I get migraines my arms go numb and I see black and purple blotches. About five minutes after I felt that I went upstairs and I started to panic because migraines scare me:o I told my dad and he told me to go upstairs and lie down for a while. Thats when the migraine got really bad. It hurt so bad, and I had so much pressure on my head and neck. I went under my covers and I put my pillow over my head. My dogs were running down the hall and just the sound of there tags on there collars jingleing made my head hurt bad and the pressure got so bad that I started to cry. I called my dad and he gave me an Ibuprofen. It took forever to help and it barely did. I managed to sleep for an hour, and when I woke up I went into my parents bed because my sister had her friend over and they were giggleing to much lol. When I went in my parents bed I slept for 2 hours and when I woke up I felt even worse. I was fealing so disgusting and I puked all over the bed and it was all over me*I know it's disgusting sorry*. I had a shower and I layed back down in my bed for a while. After a couple of hours the migraine started to go away. Now I just have a headache. But that was definatly one of the worse migraines I have ever had.

12-30-2003, 10:18 PM
Sorry sister. I already made a thread about this HAHAHA:) :rolleyes: :D silly!!

12-30-2003, 10:19 PM
I get them a lot too. I just take Asprin and try to fall asleep, and it is usually gone when I wake up.

12-30-2003, 10:19 PM
I get them really bad. My mom and sister do do, it's probably a genetic thing. When my sister used to get them, the first sign was her vision. She only saw half of things, like the bottom half of here eyes didn't work. Mine are called 'vestibular (sp?) migraines' which present themselves with dizzieness, but now I usually only get normal migraines. I use lots of icepacks, and I even have special eye ones that go over your eyes. I have perscription meds that I take when I get one that knocks me out for atleast 4 hours at a time, and when I wake up, they are better, but usually still there. I also take a daily medicine called Imipramine that helps prevent them:) They are no fun though:p

12-30-2003, 10:23 PM
Ya the thing that happens to me is my arms first go tense then I cant feel them so I take Advil Migraine Relief and fall asleep and when I wake up they are better. Im lucky I dont get them really badley.

Miss Meow
12-30-2003, 10:25 PM
I used to get one every three months or so, but now I'm off the pill, I get one a month. I know how you feel!

I used to have medication called Ergodryl to stop one at the start of a mirgraine. It worked well for me. I say 'worked' because my prescription has run out and I am between doctors right now. Your doctor may be able to recommend something that can stop the migraine.

Barring that, I take two aspirins (not on an empty stomach) as soon as I feel a symptom, and another two about an hour later. The anti-inflammatory properties of aspirin can help reduce the swelling in the blood vessels, which causes that awful thump, thump, thump ...

12-30-2003, 10:28 PM
For years, I got headaches that I called migranes. I thought they were. Then, about a month ago, I got a real migrane. OMG! I thought I was dying. It literally laid me out for two days. I hope to God that I never get one again. I wouldn't wish one on my worst enemy. I'm sorry to hear that some of you get them.

12-30-2003, 10:37 PM
I’ve had them for years. Please get your parents to take you to the Dr. There are so many meds that can help both prevent them and stop them in their tracks should one occur.

My first symptom is the vision thing. Sometimes I get colorful starbursts, but usually just a gray blind spot that has something in it that looks like heat waves. When that starts, I take medication immediately. If I catch it in time the meds will stop it then, but sometimes I wake up with one and then it’s too late. :(

12-30-2003, 11:15 PM
Excedrin Migraine and a cold washcloth over your eyes. That's what helps me. Good luck...

12-31-2003, 07:41 AM
My mother always got them and she would go into a very dark room and just stay there until they passed. She swore she could even hear people walking on the carpet with slippers on and it would increase the banging! I was always afraid that I would follow in her footsteps and get them too, but I think I only ever had one headache that began to resemble what she went through. I know that for me headaches were always a "time of the month" thing. First I'd get a bad headache and then the next day my period would come. I do believe a lot of headaches are tied to hormones. I work for an eye doctor and we see a lot of people who really think they are going blind when they have a migraine. Really bad migraines can do some scary things to a person's vision. You have gotten some excellent advice so far and I hope that you might be able to find some medication that helps. (((hugs)))