View Full Version : Another trip to Grandma and Grandpa's

12-29-2003, 12:12 PM
Hello all,

Back from another great trip to my parents house. I still have to put Hayley and Mandy in a big carrier with a litter box and its only a 50 min trip. The ride to their house on the 18th was a hard one. The windows were down almost the whole way thanks to little Mandy. She may be small but she can make a big stink! Thankfully the Newfoundland weather has been really warm this year.

Like always they love it out at my parents house. Lots of new places for them to investigate and they get loads of attention from everyone. This year it included my sister, her husband and her three kids. Towards the end of the visit Mandy would hide from my youngest nephew who is only 2 years old because he insisted on kissing her over and over. Hayley was like always. Posing on top of the TV, the fridge, and any other high spot. She is grown into a real beauty. I really need to try and post some pictures.

The trip back was a little better. Mandy only used the litter once compared to three times on the way out. One of them threw up, not sure if it was Hayley but she had a little of it on her nose that I had to wipe off when we got in the house. Both my girls seemed to be happy to be back home and took advantage of their favorite spots for sleeping. I'm at work right now and I miss them so much. I got to spend a lot more time with them when I was visiting my parents.

Its great to be able to log onto pet talk again. Still trying to catch up. Seems like I missed some exciting things while I was away. Anyone want to give me a quick update from the 18th?

12-29-2003, 12:43 PM
What wonderful news that Haley and Mandy had a good trip. I know just what you mean by Mandy may be small but she sure can be stinky...Tigger is the same way.

I'm sorry that I do not have a whole lot of information to catch you up on...I too am trying to catch up from just the last 5 days.

12-29-2003, 01:05 PM
Welcome back...hope you had a good christmas :D

As for updates, good luck,things move way to fast around here ;)

12-29-2003, 03:59 PM
Welcome back, and good luck cathing up.:eek: I was absent for 5 days and I am pretty sure that I still have not caught back up.

Glad to hear that the trip went well.:)

12-29-2003, 04:04 PM
Glad you are back and had a good time. I understand neding to catch up!! That is what I am doing and I have really only missed a few days. Take care!

Miss Meow
12-29-2003, 07:42 PM
Welcome back!

A quick update, yeah right!!! ;) Enjoy your catchup!

12-29-2003, 07:50 PM
Welcome back Rosemary!:D I'm glad to hear that everyone had a great Christmas. One bit of news that you may have missed is that SAS has adopted another Aby kitten named Chloe but you may already know that by now. Good luck catching up.:)

12-30-2003, 06:01 AM
Thanks Krazyaboutkats. I'm slowly starting to catch up.