View Full Version : Vermont Cat Show first weekend in January

12-28-2003, 03:15 PM
There is going to be a cat show in Vermont next weekend.
I have already PM'd Sas and Cookiebaker about going, is there anyone else who would be interested in going?
I know there are a few other Pet Talkers who live in and around New England.
Here is a link to the Cat Show site
Vermont Cat Show (http://www.vermontfancyfelines.org/show_info.htm)
Last year Sas was the only one who went because there was a big snowstorm that weekend and Cookiebaker and I couldn't make it.
So far the weather is looking pretty good for Jan 3rd and that is the better day for me to go.
Sas and Cookiebaker would Saturday at 10 be good for you two?

12-28-2003, 04:00 PM
Hi VermontCat,

I just was talking to Mark about this, and it sounds like weather permitting we definitely hope to be there!! 10:00 Sounds great. Looking forward to it!! :D

12-28-2003, 04:39 PM
Cookiebaker, that's great! I'm glad you and Mark plan to come. Will Malone come with you?
I love that little something that you enclosed in your xmas card.
My daughter loves it too, is it possible to get another one or is it a one of a kind item?

12-28-2003, 05:38 PM
Great! We can compare notes west coast vs. east coast cat shows! KAK, Amberlee, me and I don't know who else are also going to a cat show on the 3rd -- it is the 3rd we agreed on, right ladies?

12-28-2003, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
Cookiebaker, that's great! I'm glad you and Mark plan to come. Will Malone come with you?
I love that little something that you enclosed in your xmas card.
My daughter loves it too, is it possible to get another one or is it a one of a kind item?

Umm I think we will probably leave Malone home. That way we can be more releaxed to enjoy the cat show and not have to worry about whether he's being nawtee in the car. :eek:

Glad you like it! I would *love* to make another one for you. And even if you would like a Samantha one, just PM me a couple of pics, ok? :D:D:D

12-30-2003, 10:17 PM
Cookiebaker, Sas would like to arrange a visit to Camp Vermont too. Would it be better for you and Mark to drive to the cat show first or a little farther to visit her furkids first?:)
I have been busy with company for the past three days. My PM box is almost overflowing again but when I get some free time to clean it out, I will PM a couple of Samantha's photos to you. Thanks!:)

12-31-2003, 05:45 AM
Either day works for me, since I live so close to Burlington. If Sat. is better for everyone, then that would be great!

I will PM you about coming to the house first, after the show or not at all! What ever you wish, works for me!

See you at the Cat Show! (I have a show right here at my house....oh, I suspect it would be more likely called "an act".....and not a show!


12-31-2003, 10:28 AM
I just answered your PM Sas.
I am flexible too on Saturday since I don't have to travel as far as Anna. We will wait to see what is best for her travelwise.
I can't wait to see the Cat and Bunny Act as well as the Cat Show.;)

01-01-2004, 09:59 AM
So sorry for the delay in getting back to you both!! :o

I just sent you both PM's. :D Saturday morning will work for us, especially if we stay in Burlington Friday night. Looking forward to it!!!!!!!!! :D

01-01-2004, 10:59 AM
Cookiebaker, I'm glad you can make it! I will go answer your PM in a few minutes.:)

01-03-2004, 09:29 PM
We had a fun Pet Talk meeting at Camp Vermont and at the Cat Show today!:)
Everyone will have to wait until tomorrow for some pictures though.

01-04-2004, 11:33 AM
Uh, according to my calendar and clock, it is TOMORROW now. Where, pray tell, are our promised pics???????:p

01-04-2004, 11:50 AM
I, for one, had a great time! We stayed with sasvermont on Friday night and got acquainted with her kitties. Winter & Miley were rather shy and liked to hide out, but did make the occasional appearance.

Juni & Chloe were very out-going and weren't even spooked by the big bad Malone! :eek: :D

On Saturday, Vermontcat and her daughter came over and we had a wonderful brunch and time to visit, before heading out to the cat show.

As always, I wish I had taken more pictures, but here are a few:








We enjoyed our time very much. I think that if Juni & Chloe & Malone spent time around each other, that they would soon be curled up in a heap. Those two really didn't seem freaked out at all.

Thanks for the fun, sasvermont & vermontcat. Looking forward to "next time" already!! :D

01-04-2004, 12:11 PM
Can't you just tell that Chloe is a little IMP? I can! That face! That mouth wide open, saying, "Me! Me! Me! Its all about ME!"

I laughed at your description of who was welcoming and who was shy...to someone not in the know...one would assume Winter is another CAT! Not the world's fluffiest bun bun. He he he.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-05-2004, 10:25 AM
What great pics! Is the first one Juni? If so :eek: :eek: She's gotten soooo big! And yes, Cataholic, I can tell that little Chloe is a little imp too! You can just see it in her face. She is so adorable - and so tiny! I don't remember Juni being that tiny.

Thanks for the pics! :D

01-05-2004, 01:00 PM
Sorry Cataholic, you will have to wait until tonight at least for my photos. I'm still working on them!
Juni is a redder color than Chloe and Miley so yes T & P's Mom that is Juni in the first photo that Cookiebaker posted.
Chloe is still little and innocent but Juni has taken her under her wing as an apprentice imp!;)

01-16-2004, 06:28 AM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker


Oh I nearly would have missed these pics. And whoever is this could be Filou's long lost twin!

01-16-2004, 07:12 AM
How could I miss this thread?

Chloe is irresistible! An Juni is so beautiful!