View Full Version : Elevated Food Feeders?

12-28-2003, 02:04 AM
I've been thinking about getting one of them for Molly and Daisy. I've heard from people that have them that they reduce the risk of gas, bloat, etc. and keep the area cleaner. But, I'm not sure if Daisy would be able to reach it. (she's VERY tiny). :p

Does anyone have one, and if so could you give me a little information on them?

Thanks. :)

12-28-2003, 02:07 AM
Valerie and I were just talking about this tonight. She has one of Duke. I'm thinking of getting one for Nala since she's so tall.

I *think* they have different elevations and such for different size dogs. If not, what I was thinking is just finding a little sturdy stand or building one.

Not much info to give you though, sorry. :p

12-28-2003, 02:11 AM
I just did a search for them, here's a cheap one at Petco (http://www.petco.com/product_info.asp?familyid=9355&sku=8082473508&tab=1&dept_id=133&c1=125&c2=133&c3=&ct1=Bowls+%26+Feeding+Supplies&ct2=Feeders+%2D+Raised&ct3=) Also has some info on the page aobut them.

12-28-2003, 02:12 AM
Here's (http://www.petco.com/product_info.asp?familyid=10287&sku=4258378595&tab=1&dept_id=133&c1=125&c2=133&c3=&ct1=Bowls+%26+Feeding+Supplies&ct2=Feeders+%2D+Raised&ct3=) on that you can adjust the height on. Little more expensive though.

12-28-2003, 02:13 AM
Another one.. I kinda like this one. (http://www.petco.com/product_info.asp?familyid=8448&sku=8082476312&tab=1&dept_id=133&c1=125&c2=133&c3=&ct1=Bowls+%26+Feeding+Supplies&ct2=Feeders+%2D+Raised&ct3=)

12-28-2003, 02:15 AM
Thanks Kay!
Maybe if we do get one, maybe it should just be for Molly, because she is very tall too. I'm having my dad take me around tomarrow, to go look at them.

12-28-2003, 02:27 AM
i have one, for baby, she loves it :)

12-28-2003, 07:08 AM
My daughter (Dale's mommy) has been doing some reading on the elevated bowls since Dale's breed and also Bella's breed (standard poodles) are susceptible to bloat. It seems there are good points made on both sides of the issue. So, I started using a little stool for Bella's food (actually it was a stool I made for Trevor when he was little and used to like to look at the fish and he would sit on it). Well, when I put Bella's and Ripley's down on the floor Bella insists on eating out of the one on the floor :rolleyes: and poor Ripley can hardly reach the one on the stool. I have silly dogs. :rolleyes:

12-28-2003, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Another one.. I kinda like this one. (http://www.petco.com/product_info.asp?familyid=8448&sku=8082476312&tab=1&dept_id=133&c1=125&c2=133&c3=&ct1=Bowls+%26+Feeding+Supplies&ct2=Feeders+%2D+Raised&ct3=)

This is what Katie has. My husband insisted that we had to get one because it would be better for Katie. I'm not for sure if it really does help with the health issues but I do know that she really likes it. It does seem that she is more comfortable eating from an elevated one. This one fits nicely in our kitchen and is not ugly and cleans up really well. I would think that Daisy would be able to use it also. It is not very tall and I know that Jordan the Golden that came to visit us had no problem with it. As far as the dog making less mess with this type. That doesn't seem to be the case here. Katie is not messy when it comes to food, but with the water she is extremely messy and we constantly have to wipe up the kitchen floor. I don't think that has anything to do with what type of bowl she uses though. Katie always seems to take that last lap of water and just walk away with it dripping from her mouth. She never seems to swallow it or lick her lips she just lets it run back out. IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!! Anyway...I highly reccomend this one!

Robin :)

12-28-2003, 08:44 AM
i've got the cheap petco one for alex and angel duke. it cleans nicely (alex is a slob). i've seen alex stand to eat and i've seen him sit to eat. it does look cute whne the cats have to streeeeech to get a drink of water tho.

12-28-2003, 08:47 AM
oh yeah, i have an elevated water bowl holder for outside in the summer. it makes it harder for ants to climb into the water. this one was made by a blacksmith and i got it at a craft fair. basically it's a metal circle with 3 legs, think a stool without a seat.

12-28-2003, 09:52 AM
I heard these are also good to help reduce arthritis in your dogs arms. As they bend down to eat, they are putting pressure on their front legs. Mickey is kinda small so he has a regular food dish with a stand but for dog's Molly and Nala's size, I think they'd be a good idea.

12-28-2003, 02:50 PM
What my doberman breeder friend does is she uses the metal bowls that have a lip on them and then she cuts a hole in the bottom of a plastic bucket, of an appropriate height, that is large enough for the bowl to fit through, but not the lip of the bowl.
Did that make any sense? LOL

12-28-2003, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
What my doberman breeder friend does is she uses the metal bowls that have a lip on them and then she cuts a hole in the bottom of a plastic bucket, of an appropriate height, that is large enough for the bowl to fit through, but not the lip of the bowl.
Did that make any sense? LOL

OH! I may have to try that. I could paint the bucket all pretty too :) YAY new ideas.. :p :D

12-28-2003, 11:41 PM
Keegan isn't too messy with her food. Like she doesn't push the bowl around with her head. So this is how I solved the problem.


It works for me and Was verrrry cheap!!! :)
Onlybout $5! :)

12-29-2003, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
What my doberman breeder friend does is she uses the metal bowls that have a lip on them and then she cuts a hole in the bottom of a plastic bucket, of an appropriate height, that is large enough for the bowl to fit through, but not the lip of the bowl.
Did that make any sense? LOL

I know what you are talking about because Ido the same thing except I use pots that are made for plants.
You can pick the size, color, texture etc...

Also you can decorate them if you are artsy, I hot glued some vinyl fabric (easy to wipe clean) around one, one I have flowers hot glued to it, you can paint them or whatever your heart desires.:D

12-29-2003, 01:38 PM
I've seen those elevated dog feeders, but we just put Grizzly's food/water on a small stool. Kody's sits on the floor, but he would much rather drink the elevated one because it's just low enough for him to reach.

12-29-2003, 09:20 PM
You don't have to buy one. My dad up Max's food dish ontop of an upside down pail. Max hated at first & starved himself for 2 days. But we did it because the vet said hes not to put too much strain on his neck unless he does it willingly. so up went his dist & out cam a taller water pail.

Notice how low the water is. He drinks that in 1 day!!! & the pail is filled right to the top!!! no wonder he peed for about 5 mins average (I'm not joking about the time either)

See his neck is higher up, but he still has to lower his neck just a tad to make eating comfy.


Had to add this one. He use to wait right there until we were finished filling his dish & then told him to eat. We did this because he use to be food agressive, & having a snapping doggy isn't good. He hasn't been food agressive for more then 6 yrs, but we kept this habbit cause it also made him calmer & he ate slower.
