View Full Version : Dukedogsmom is here :) <pictures>

12-27-2003, 10:27 PM
Valerie and Duke came over today (they're sitll here, she's actually on my other computer right now.) We went to the beach, to best buy, and to jo-ann fabrics.

We went to the beach twice. It was horrible the first time. Nala doesn't like being on her leash at the beach and she pulls my arm off. She just wants to play with the other doggies. It was soooooooo hot and disgusting there too. We wore sweaters thinking it was going to be cold, since it was at my house. We we went back home, changed, dropped Nala off and just took the boys to the beach. It was so relaxing then, but it got really cold as the sun went down, so we headed home. My mom said Nala cried and cried while we were gone.

It was really neat at the beach, there was a faily with a photographer, and they were getting their pictures taken on the beach with their dog. I soooo want to do that some day! (of course, being the one behind the camera) It looked like so much fun... I wish I could have gone out there and taken the pictures myself :p

Anyways, i'm too lazy to load ALL of the pictures, but here are a few.

Waiting for them to arrive. I had told them "Duke's here!"
Simba in the chair, waiting for his boyfriend.
*yawn yawn* Where are they?!?
They're here! Look at Duke's spotted tongue.. so cute!
On the way to the beach..
At the beach..
Nala laying in the sand...
Duke dog..

12-27-2003, 10:27 PM
Simba by the shore..
Lovers in the sunlight.. They were kissing right before this picture :p
Duke dog again.
Sim by the shore
Sailboat/sunlight... sorry the pic is kinda choppy. I used MSN paint to resize it (don't have PSP on yhis comp yet)
Sim watching some people
Simba under the bench..

12-27-2003, 10:34 PM
Great pics!!
Do Simba and Duke have car harnesses on? I have one for Keegan that she wears when we got on trips and I got 'made fun of'!! That I had a car seat for my dog!! :mad: Until I explained what it was that is!

12-27-2003, 11:02 PM
Thanks Staci.

Those are just regular harnesses. Simba isn't strapped in but Duke was. Duke has a fancy leather one, Simba and Nal have black nylon(?) ones.

Psh, people can be so dumb. What's so wrong aobut strapping your doggie in a seatbelt?

12-27-2003, 11:06 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek: Was that DukeDog cheating on my Klo AGAIN?

Simply FABULOUS, AWESOME pictures as usual! I can never ever see too many!

:o :( I missed THE Simba's birfday????

Klo has tongue spotties too! But I hope this doesn't mean Dukie and Klo are star crossed lovers! :eek:

12-27-2003, 11:31 PM
Once again I am jealous. It is beautiful there. The boys look like they had a good time. Love the pics!

Robin :)

12-27-2003, 11:33 PM
Wow! I can't get over how big Nala is compared to Simba ;D Those are awesome pics, I love all of them :D Thanks for sharing :)

12-28-2003, 12:06 AM
Kay, this is just priceless, they make me think of how my grandchildren act when they are going somewhere, they just can't wait to get to. That is the cutest pic, they are sitting there with their sweet little tongues out, they just look so cute.

I wish I could make pictures like you do. You are so talented, I always enjoy your pics, when I see one of your post and see something about pictures, I have to look, I know I am in for a treat. Just love it, love it!!!

They are all good, have to admit I have a really soft spot in my heart for Simba. I love all the dogs, Duke and Nala. Its just that I see the happiness that Simba has given you. You keep posting those pics!!!


12-28-2003, 04:16 AM
Great Pics as Always!!!!!
Simba,Duke and Nala are ALL So Beautiful!!!!
So Photogenic!!!!
So Glad that they All get along and are able to have fun visits!!!!
Great Job Kay Anne!!!

12-28-2003, 10:22 AM
Those are just precious. Duke and Simba look like such buds :D

I'm envious too of that warm weather. A really warm day here is 40 degrees :p

Give them all hugs and kisses for me!

12-28-2003, 10:26 AM
Mickey always wears a seatbelt when no one is holding him in the car. Safety first...geez :rolleyes: Lol :p

Great pics, they're all adorable. :D

12-28-2003, 10:42 AM
Great pictures! Looks like they had fun. I think this is my favorite of Simba!
This is a completely contented dog - it just doesn't get any better than this. He is so handsome here.

12-28-2003, 09:46 PM
Lovers in the sunlight........... Come on, give Duke a break already! I wish he could even out his feelings between Nala and Simba. Would make life a lot simpler :p