View Full Version : Question: 2 Puppies?

12-26-2003, 12:33 PM
We currently have a male Dogue de Bordeux/ American Bulldog mix and are thinking about adopting his sister. He has been with us for about 4 weeks now without his siblings.

Our youngest son who is 10 years old becomes like a sibling at playtime and gets nipped at from time to time. He is worried that if we get her, he might get double trouble. I am thinking that he may divert some of his energy toward his sister and not my son. For some reason he does not nip much at my older son who is 16. Albiet he is not around as much as the youngest.

Questions are:

1. Is my son right thinking he will just be the sibling of 2 pups and get nipped more?

2. Will training 2 pups be too much trouble?

12-26-2003, 12:44 PM
We had Sierra for 9 months before we got Buddy. Sierra would jump up and bite us on the arms and nip us on the butts, and run away (she thought she was playing) it started to get BAD, then we got Buddy. They play and Sierra leaves us alone (for the most part:o )

I think if you get his litter mate, he may stop nipping your son.

As for the training, what one does, chances are the other will do the same!! It's like playing follow the leader!
At least that's how it was in my house! Sierra was 5 months when we got her, and she was 14 months when we got Buddy and Buddy was 1 when we got him.
I don't know how old your pup and his sister are?
But the younger the better!! Less bad habits to break!!!

12-26-2003, 12:47 PM
In all honesty, I wouldn't even consider it...not if there is a possibility of bringing more of a risk/danger on your son. Although your dog doesn't nip your older son, there is still the danger for your son. Yes, little nips here and there are a "natural" thing for young puppies during play and whatnot...but are you letting him get away with this behavior? I'd be very strict about a no-biting, no-nipping "policy" for the safety of you and yours. If you let him get away with this now, you are going to be deep in it when he gets much bigger and is already set in his ways.

Yes, the two puppies could just direct more of their nipping, playful energy toward one another...but what happens if they don't? There is no guarantee...

As far as training 2 puppies go, it depends on the person. I, for one, wouldn't be able to do it...but that's just me. If you have the time, patience, and ability to spread your time evenly over both of them then think about it. Again, it's all up to you and your judgement.

12-26-2003, 12:52 PM
Yes, of course. Two puppies are twice the work as one. Having two puppies, I'm worried about them overbonding. If they do, they might decide you're "no fun" and won't listen to a word you say. If you decide to go ahead and get the puppy, make sure they are not together 24/7. Give each of them seperate playtimes with you, and your son.

I waited a year until I brought another dog in, Molly (my Collie) who was trained before we got Daisy (my golden), and I'm glad I did. I personally, don't think I could handle two puppies!

Either way, make sure you get them into some type of obedience class.

12-26-2003, 12:53 PM
I do not allow the nipping at all however, when he is in a playfull mood he nips and then I step in with the loud NO! and then wait a bit to give him toys to play with. It is not very often he gets in a nippy mood, but when he does I step in when it happens.

12-26-2003, 02:26 PM
we got two puppies brother and sisiter, frm my brothers chocolate lab 6 yrs ago. two puppies can be alot of work. although they have eachother to play with and that will probably divert some attention away from your son, its twice the training and twice the time . its great to have more than one dog but its more responsibility too. good luck!!:)

12-26-2003, 04:06 PM
I've had two dogs the majority of the time since I got my first, but they were never both babies together. Generally I had one a couple years before the next came, still had Willie with Tasha when I got Tommy, but Willie was quite elderly by then and did not play with either one, preferring to doze in a warm spot most the time.

I think it's wonderful to have a couple dogs, but probably a lot easier after at least one is matured a bit, and fully settled in. Tasha and Tommy love to play with each other and are good buddies, but both have a closer bond to David and I than they do each other. Tasha liked to puppy-nip too when she was a baby but we worked persistently with her and she stopped.

12-26-2003, 06:42 PM
Thanks for all the your input. So far we will not be getting her but who knows things could change.

12-26-2003, 11:01 PM
Two pups at once can be double the fun.....and double the trouble. It all depends on how you go about training them.

Here is a good article on the bonding issues you can run into with two pups in the house:
Double Trouble (http://home.att.net/~pvee/dbltrbl.html)

And also some links on nipping:
mouthing and nipping links (http://www.uwsp.edu/psych/dog/lib-Puppy.htm#pchew)

All in all you know your family best, and I'm sure what ever you decide will be right for you and your family :) Good luck!