View Full Version : Cadeau's update on her Major surgery

12-24-2003, 08:48 PM

I was sooo happy to see her home, but it didn't feel right when she didn't great me at the door whining & licking my knee (don't ask she odd). She didn't even know I was home, she was sleeping on a blanket bed rob's mom made for her.

The floor is COVERED in blood/body fluids, u can't walk anywhere without stepping in or near blood/body fluids.

We have to mop every few hrs. were sooo lucky tile flooring was installed 2-3 yrs back, its real easy to clean up the blood, barf, & what knots that come out of cadeau's tubes.

She sleeps most of the time, but when she spots/hears food, she up fast & in ur face wanting a bite. We gave her some patai (sp) on crackers, to see if she could finally keep something down & she did for once today :)

At supper she was fed hamburger & rice while wearing her cone. Robs mom had a tiny dish & filled it with her food & put it inside her cone (while holding it) & it was funny to see cadeau eat it.

Cadeau chewed up her cone fairly well. the vet had to cut part of the cone away so she wouldn't cut herself. but seeing all the chew holes init is real funny.

I have some pics of her, but I can't get them off the camera yet (boo), but when I get them off beware, she looks really bad. I said she looked like a frankenstine dog. the stitches & shaved fur make it look much worse then it really was.

The vet said she did great & is recovering perfectaly.

but when cadeau came home rob said she was crying bad & started shaking, because of the pain. so rob's mom bought some metcam for ger & its working too well. shes moving around the house too much (so we think). but it makes us feel good that shes not in as much pain & is still able to move around & be herself, until she passes out heheheheh.

One min she'll be stairing at u then she'll laydown, then her head goes down & then shes out like a light. I think I might wah her bed blanket cause its covered in blood & fluids & scabs, oh & clumps of fur.

So I'll get the pics up asap.

edit: Ok got the pics. I put the card into rob's digital & it worked.
I don't have a pic of the one beside her butt, right after the 4th pic she started crying, so I stoped & tried to calm her by petting the left side of her head (she had a lump removed on the right ear), she moaned & I didn't know if it was an agressive or pain, so I got rob right away & said shes moaning & I think she got angry at me. & he told me no, it was a pain moan, shes never agressing not even in this much pain. Sopo rob put his hand in her cone & scratched her neck where the cone rubs & she did a funny happy face, & she fell asleep right after rob stopped.





I'll take lots for the gift opening cause cadeau & sadie both have gifts.

OH YA!! almost forgot to remind u that all the blood on her bead is GOOD blood, its whats leaking from her 4 tubes & its a very good thing they leak or else she would get an infection, from all that blood & fluid building up inside her.

12-24-2003, 08:51 PM
Glad to hear Cadeau is home!!

Cinder & Smoke
12-24-2003, 09:13 PM
{{{HUGGz}}} and Prayers for you

to FEEL BETTER SOON, Cadeau!! ;)

12-24-2003, 10:33 PM
awww poor Cadeau, i hope she gets better soon!

12-24-2003, 10:53 PM
So do I, I'm getting a little too attached to her.
She hopped onto robs parents bed when his mom was napping & they don't have the heart to kick her off cause of all the leaking blood. the'd rather her just be happy & comfy.

ohya & it cost over 1200.00 after taxes

12-25-2003, 06:38 AM
I'm so happy she's home and that she recovers well. She's been through so much but like I said, she seems to be very positive so that will help her in getting well. Hope you have a great Christmas! I won't comment on what your mom did because nothing I have to say about that is nice. Maybe you can forgive her sometime...........