View Full Version : I'm Back, miss me? Kitties Pics to Celebrate

12-23-2003, 11:53 PM
As you may or may not have noticed, I have been absent for about a week or so. We had a release at work and it did not go as planned.:eek: It was not horrible, just very long hours.

Well, enough about me and my problems. I am sure that you did not miss me much.;) However, you hopefully missed the two fur babies.:) So I am here to overload you with pictures.:D

First a little update. Joey has been doing fantastic since she came home. She is almost back to all normal food, yea. She has not thrown up once, which is unusual for her. I can generally count on her throwing up a hairball at least once a week. So I am really happy about this. I think the no hairball thing is due to the fact that she still only has about half of her fur. She should be back to all normal food by the end of this week, hopefully that will go well. I don't have many doubts about that. The one bad thing is that she is not as cuddlly as she was the first couple of days. I haven't gotten her to sleep in the bed again at night, but it is still better then it was before. So I am happy. She is also completely over her URI, that cleared up without any complications once I got meds for her.

The Bob, well he is the Bob. He is still as mellow and relaxed and lovable as ever. He has had alot of fun during Christmas. He really loves the help with the wrapping of presents. That makes for and interesting time. He is kind of upset however, under the tree has filled up with presents and there os no longer any room for the Bob. It is such a sad thing, the sacrifices that kitties must make. He is also getting along with the Joey again and I hear tale that they are begining to hang out in the same spots again. I am waiting for my chance to take pictures of that.

Anyway enough of the stories, and on to the pics. There are a fair number of them.

First we will look at Joey:

This a picture to compare with the next one. Here we have Joey just after being shaved.

And now a couple of week later. Ok so it is not alot of growth, but she is happy. It also shows were they shaved her leg:

Here we have her just hanging out:

Yet another of her just chilling around the house:

I love this one, just relaxing in the sun. It also shows off her shaved belly:

Next to prove that she can actually walk, here we have her walking in the kitchen demanding food:

Here we have Joey hanging out with a couple of friends:

Ok that is all of the Joey. Bob pictures to come next.:)

12-24-2003, 12:09 AM
Ok, here we have a bunch of Bob pictures.

Starting disaclaimer, do not worry about all the packages with the thin ribbon that you see in these pictures. They have all been put in boxes and shipped out of state.;)

Here is Bob helping me put away the boxes after the christmas decorations have been put out. Obey the Bob:

Just a general close up I was able to get. How could you not love a face like that:

Are you sure that you didin't miss anything in that bag, I'll look just in case:

Gaurding the tissue paper, no one will get it with Bob on the job:

Here we have Bob helping with the ribbon. Here let me hold that for you:

Next we have a couple of cute Bob sleeping pictures:

Well that is about it, I hope you enjoyed them.

Merry Christmas from all of us.

12-24-2003, 12:28 AM
This is so "cat". I can't lay anything down, Kelcee is "ON" it. At the holidays, it's much worse. More stuff to get in to.
Glad to hear all is well, Merry Christmas !!
Katz and Tom
Ashlee, Nina, Kelcee and Lucee too.

12-24-2003, 12:30 AM
Great Pics and am glad you are back to join us!!!
Bob looks huge in those last couple!!! :)

Happy Holidays!

12-24-2003, 12:35 AM
Marvelous stories and photos. I particularly loved the one of "Joey and friends", although they were all good.

Okay, you are forgiven for 'abandoning us' without notice since you paid your dues so handsomely with wit and beautiful pictures. ;) :p [Welcome back!]

12-24-2003, 12:37 AM
I'm glad to see that you're back posting again. I'm also glad to hear that Joey is doing well and is almost completely back to normal.:) All of the pics are great but this is my favorite one of Bob.
He looks so cute and cuddly in this pic. He's like a cat teddy bear.:)

12-24-2003, 01:25 AM
"This is so "cat". I can't lay anything down, Kelcee is "ON" it. At the holidays, it's much worse. More stuff to get in to."

LOL exactly!! felicity *loves* laying on strange things, especially any kind of paper. I think maybe it cools her down.. she likes to lay on my desk too.

12-24-2003, 04:42 AM
Actually, I DID notice that you were among the missing.

Great pictures!

12-24-2003, 07:12 AM
Merry Christmas to you, to Bob and to beautiful Joey (in spite of her shaved belly) :)

12-24-2003, 07:13 AM
Great photos, glad everyone is doing well at your house :)

Happy Holidays :)

12-24-2003, 07:18 AM
Great pictures and welcome back! I love this one in particular. Does his hold his paw on the package to help you when you are trying to tie the bow? LOL! :D

12-24-2003, 07:27 AM
YEA!! Bob and Joey are back!!! Oh...and ummm...you to Catdad!!j/k :D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
I'm glad all is well and the kitties look great!! They are just BEAUTIFUL! I can't pick a favorite because I am in love with them both and all of the pics.http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif


12-24-2003, 07:28 AM
What a wonderful picture thread...full of fluffy goodness!! :)

I'm so glad Joey is doing so well!

Bob is just a doll! I love his "gaurding the tissue" poses. :)

12-24-2003, 08:47 AM
I'm glad to hear that Joey is feeling better and that Bob is just being Bob. Thank you for sharing such wonderful pictures. Happy Holidays from the Chartier Family.

12-24-2003, 08:56 AM
welcome back , and a Meeeowy Catmas to Bob and Joey! Found Cats Meeow!

12-24-2003, 08:59 AM

Are you sure a sea ottter didn't sneak into your house :eek: Put a sea urchin in her paws and she could fool a real one. Glad she's healthy and content again.

12-24-2003, 10:00 AM

OMG I simply love this picture...it's too cute to be true!!!

As for being absent due to things going wrong at work, I think the worst things usually always happen before Christmas, but I hope you and your furries can now fully enjoy Christmas...Have a merry one!!!

12-24-2003, 10:53 AM
It's so good to see you, Bob and Joey.

Wonderful news about Joey's health but sorry she isn't as affectionate now. Maybe that will change again with time.

Love the pictrues, glad to see Joey can walk, lol.

Hope you and your furbabies have a very Merry Christmas!!

12-24-2003, 02:19 PM

Glad you're back!! I missed my chat buddy! I also missed the great pictures of Joey and Bob.

I'll be online later tonight. Hope to catch up with you. If not, have a WONDERFUL holiday!!!


12-24-2003, 06:20 PM
Great pictures of your gorgeous kitties!:)

Merry Christmas!:)

12-24-2003, 06:41 PM

This picture really shows Bobs coloring, it is really pretty. Yes as a matter of fact I did miss you, but you had said something about playing games on your computer, I just thought you were playing games. Didn't realize you got swamped with work.

Glad you, Joey, and Bob are all back again. I enjoyed the pictures, they were great.


12-25-2003, 03:44 PM
Welcome back! Of course we missed you, and we also missed Bob and Joey pics:D

As usual, they both look gorgeous and adorable! Bob "helping" with wrapping the presents reminds me of Blueberry, always sitting on top of everything and playing with the ribbons.:p

12-26-2003, 12:48 AM
Just wanted to say thanks for all of the compliments on Bob and Joey. I will pass them on I am sure they will be thrilled.;)

It is also nice to know that I am missed.

I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas.

12-26-2003, 01:28 AM
Great pictures! I love the one of Joey showing off that shaved belly. And Bob is just too cute, he looks like he's such a great helper.

12-26-2003, 01:47 PM
That one of Bob sleeping on the bed is fantastic! I am sure Joey will warm up again come spring. Maybe she is just having a bad fur month?

12-26-2003, 02:11 PM
I must pet that belly! Great pics. You've got some beautiful cats there.

12-26-2003, 09:58 PM
Hey, great pictures!

We did miss you! In fact I believe there was a thread somewhere asking where you were. Don't you ever leave for that long again! :p

12-27-2003, 11:21 AM
Yes Bryan, you were missed as much as your Joey and Bob were.
I'm so glad to hear that Joey is doing much better. Hugs and kisses to you sweetheart.
Glad to also hear that Bob, is Bob. Headbumpies and scritchies to him and so you don't feel left out Bryan, virtual ((XXXX))to you too.
Nice to see you back.