View Full Version : what is she THINKING!

12-23-2003, 04:36 PM
for goodness sakes a former member of our flyball club, is a jack russle breeder, and a vet. she receintly moved to florida, anyway our club sent of of her pups back to her, because she would make a better hunter then flyball dog, and the ladys husband trains the dogs in hunting. anyway the dog "sprint" is litterally insane, she has to be kept sedated ALL the time, because she is insane, and I am mean litterally she is litterally crazy, now we look at her web page and she has sprint listed as being bred next spring! :eek: she is insane! you dont breed a dog with behavior problems :mad: out whole club is really pissed, and kicking ourselves for not having sprint spayed before sending her back, sure the breeder would have been mad, but it would have been for everyones own good! what is she thinking :mad: if you have to keep a dog sedated all the time you dont turn around and breed it! :mad: argh.. sorry just had to vent:mad:

12-23-2003, 06:46 PM
I agree with you. I am not into the breeding thing myself. But If I was, the dog or cat would have to be perfect in every way.
I don't think I would ever go for the stress and worry. It is a big responsibility. Too many dogs and puppies looking for homes.

Sorry about that lady not thinking very clearly. It is not your fault.

12-24-2003, 07:47 AM
....wow.... I'll never understand people that do stupid things like that?!?