12-22-2003, 01:32 PM
OMG!!!!:mad: I just found out that poor Duke ( doggie) at the place where I keep my horses, has been wearing a shock collar. It is only because he barks at the horses!!:mad: You should never put a shock collar on a dog. Whatever the reason.:( How would they feel if somebody put a collar on them and shocked them everytime they mistakingly did something wrong?:mad:
Accually, the thing that REALLY pissed me off, is that the lady's husband DUCK TAPED his mouth shut to keep him from barking at night. That is the biggest bunch of S%^6gfd#%^ that I have ever heard around here!!:mad: When the lady said that, she acted like she was proud to say it. I gasped and started freaking out. I hate a person that acts like their dog is a ragdoll. AND THEN IS PROUD OF THEIR STUPID STUPID STUPID ACT!!!!:mad:

Anyhow, I just wanted to get that off of my chest. I have been yelling about it for a while. Grrrrrr. May God have dissapoint in them.

I even have a sweet pic. of sweet Duke. Please help me take him into our thoughts. Apparently, we are the only ones who can.

12-22-2003, 01:48 PM
Duke is such a handsome boy.:) What kind of dog is he? Do you know?

That is just so sad that they duct taped his mouth shut. Poor dog. I hope you can help to tell them that is wrong.

Stupid people.

12-22-2003, 01:50 PM
Awww Duke's adorable. :)

I don't think a shock collar is *cruel*, but I would never use them. Duck tapping his mouth is horrible though. :( :mad:


12-22-2003, 01:53 PM
Hmm, I have a large yard, and we cannot afford to fence it, so have used the underground fencing where the dogs wear the collars. If they get too close to the edge it gives a beep warning and if they keep going it will give just a small correction, like touching something staticky. I checked it on myself to make sure it wasn't painful. It is just startling/uncomfortable. This way they can freely run the yard and I don't have to worry about keeping them tied or one of them chasing a rabbit out into the street.

Also the neighbor throws out old pork and chicken bones in his yard... had problems with the dogs going over and grabbing the bones and then of course not coming near me so I had to chase them down to get the bones.

They only wear them when they are out to romp in the yard for awhile and they don't even try really to go out of the yard anymore. Maybe some still think this is cruelty, though I hope not. It actually has been a wonderful solution and I don't have to be fearful or be scolding them, just let them run and play freely.

The duck tape is definite cruelty to animals, the dog cannot drink or pant this way, and I would report it immediately. Take pictures if you see him that way? I would think that would be illegal...

12-22-2003, 01:57 PM
Poor duke!:( I don't see how anyone could be so mean.:(

12-22-2003, 02:07 PM
How cruel.

Duke doesn't appear to be a young dog - surely they haven't been tolerating the barking for all these years. Something must have changed. Doesn't seem like it would be too difficult to figure out a humane way to stop the barking. Perhaps they should bring him indoors at night.

12-22-2003, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Dogz
Duke is such a handsome boy.:) What kind of dog is he? Do you know?

That is just so sad that they duck taped his mouth shut. Poor dog. I hope you can help to tell them that is wrong.

Stupid people.

He is a purebred hound dog. I have known him since he was born. ( He was one of Wild Thing's puppies.:) ) You can look at another thread that I put up in Dog General. It reads " Poor Sweet Wild Thing" It will tell you about his mother right now.

This is a pic. of Duke when he was a puppy. He was the largest puppy, and was the only one that grabbed a hold of my pants leg as soon as I got out of the car.:)

12-22-2003, 02:17 PM
I don't see a pic.:(

How old is Duke? I would like to know more about the cutie.

Like Julie said, I don't think a shock collar is cruel, but I wouldn't use one.

Desert Arabian
12-22-2003, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by petlover
I just found out that poor Duke ( doggie) at the place where I keep my horses, has been wearing a shock collar. It is only because he barks at the horses!!:mad: You should never put a shock collar on a dog. Whatever the reason.:( How would they feel if somebody put a collar on them and shocked them everytime they mistakingly did something wrong?:mad:

Shock collars are not cruel (IMO). They do not expose the dog to everlasting mental and physical pain which would seriously hurt them. If you put a shock collar made for dogs 90 pounds on a 15 pound dog, that would be rather cruel, because the dog would be dealing with a shock too large for its size. The shock is quick and mainly just spooks the dog. However, the duct tape is cruel, because that prevents the dog from doing other things from barking- i.e. eating and biting to protect itself. My neighbors dog Nikita used to wear a shock collar, and she barked constantlyand was never phased by the collar.

Yes, you do want to use every precaution to keep a dog quite around horses (unless its a cruel action, obviously), because you do not want to deal with a horse that has been spooked by another animal or object. A 950+ pound animal raging out of control is not a good thing at all. I have had that happen to me many times, and I almost got killed one time by a horse that went out of control by spooking at an object. He missed my head by 1/2 foot, if I hadn't of ducked out of the way, the blow would have killed me instantly. The dog could be placed in danger too, because the horse could decide to protect the herd, person, itself, etc, and kill the dog. The horse will view the dog as a predator.

Maybe you could take some action, and tell the owners not to tape the mouth shut. Offer them some logical advice on what to do!?!? :confused: :)

Edit: spelling booboos.

Desert Arabian
12-22-2003, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by petlover
He is a purebred hound dog.

He looks to me like a Redbone Coonhound. My dad's friend has three of them. Wonderful hunting dogs, but not good family dogs! :) Duke is adorable!! What a cutie!!

12-22-2003, 02:28 PM
Oh shoot! The pic. didn't come through.:( I'll try again. Oh yes, Duke just turned 1 year last weekend.:) That pic. just looks like he is an old hound dog. I will try to find another pic. of him. I just liked that one because it showed his precious face and beautiful eyes clearly.:)

Here is the pic. again. ( Hoping this works)

12-22-2003, 02:44 PM
Awww, what a sweet puppy!:)
Duke looks older than one in that picture!:eek:
Please keep us updated on Duke, and talk to the people that have been duct taping his mouth.

12-22-2003, 04:33 PM
I agree with YLL; I don't think that shock collars are cruel unless they aren't being used properly. My dad kept Leather on a shock collar because she kept jumping the fence (it was a 6 ft fence -- that was when she wasn't fat lol). But it never helped. The shock didn't bother her enough. It isn't supposed to be painful; just give a small electric current that is annoying. I have one of those pads that you put on your stomach and it jolts electricity into your muscles. It's an unpleasant feeling, but doesn't hurt unless I turn the dial up waaaay high.

But the duck tape thing is just cruel. They could get in big trouble for that. It prevents a dog from eating and drinking and can also prevent the dog from getting the oxygen it needs. Think about hwat would happen if the dog had to run. Even people can't run and then not breathe through their mouth afterwards; they'd pass out!

12-22-2003, 05:03 PM
Worst of all I think about the taping is the inability to pant. Dogs don't have sweat glands the way people do so the way they cool down is to pant. Not to mention not being able to drink/eat, lick to groom himself, and taking the tape off would have to be painful too :(

12-23-2003, 12:02 PM
Oh That face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He looks like the sweetest boy!
Don't you just fall in love with those wonderful hound faces?!?!?!?

That poor boy!! Duct tape... how could they?!?

I hope you talk sense into them!!

12-23-2003, 12:12 PM
Report that evil witch at once! Ref: duct tape. She doesn't deserve anything from a dog except a good bite. His face broke my heart. He looks kind of sad. I hope that woman gets her "kindness" returned a thousand times more.