View Full Version : New to cat talk from dog talk-now both

Byakko's Mom
12-22-2003, 07:26 AM
We just got 2 kitties brother and sister Serengetti's that will be 1 Jan.28th named Clo and JC.They needed a home and we love them.I haven't had cats in yrs due to mine and my roomates allergies.He just moved a few minutes away and these cats don't bother me.I have known them their whole lives almost.They had what was thought to be allergies in their home.I have always been in the dog part.Now I am trying to introduce them to my 4 dogs( and other animals-but we can keep them seperate)-any tips are always appreciated.We have baby gates and chains on the bathrooms with the litter pans so they have private areas to go in/out that the dogs can't and now they are upstairs with bedrooms and dogs downstairs with living room and cats come down in kitchen while dogs are outside and they watch through window or when dogs are crated in next room and so far they just smelled each other at first and now see each other a little like through the window and sometimes in the crates.They just came a week ago this past sat.Any pointers I'd love,I grew up with cats and had them for years but haven't had them in12 yrs now.Thanks

12-22-2003, 08:35 AM
Welcome to the cat side!

I have three cats and a dog and was lucky when I got Jazz last year and Scout this year because my dog was already use to Ripley. Have these cats been around dogs at all? If so then it shouldn't be too difficult to introduce them. If not, I'm not sure what to tell you. Everything I've read says to keep them seperate while they get use to each other's smell, just like you are doing and then introduce them slowly. It's usually best to keep you dogs leashed so you have control in case they decided to lunge at or chase the cats.

I'm sure more experienced people here will have more advice to offer. I look forward to seeing pics of your new furbabies. I'm not sure I know what Serengettis look like but I bet they are beautifully exotic.

12-22-2003, 08:48 AM
Bless yiou for giving those poor Little Orphan a good home , and please know that you will get back ten fold , all that you give. Bless you and Meeowy Cat Mas , from the Found Cats!

Byakko's Mom
12-22-2003, 05:10 PM
They have not been around dogs at all.So this is new to them as it is to the dogs as they haven't been around cats but the dogs have been around ferrets and mice and guinee pigs and bearded dragons,ect.over the last yr and my daughter is a vet tech so her Leonberger has had some cat exposure.So this is going to be interesting but we have there whole lives to take it slow.Everyone is happy now and has lots of room and attention it just would be nice if they all got along and that is of course my goal.Everyone is pretty young, all under 2 really 1 1/2.The kitties are so sweet and wonderful and a wonderful gift in our lives.Thank you for your responses and input,everything helps.

smokey the elder
12-22-2003, 06:54 PM
Welcome to the Cat Side of the Force!:p

Miss Meow
12-22-2003, 09:51 PM

It sounds like you have done the right thing by keeping cats and other animals separate. The cats will be stressed from being rehomed and seeing and hearing new animals, so I think separation is the wisest thing :)

As you said, slowly, slowly is the way to go. You'll know when everyone is ready to be introduce :)

Can't wait to see pics!