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12-19-2003, 03:27 PM
Well... :D

I had given some of my poetry to my english teacher because we are in a poetry unit. She's had them all week, and today we had English. She mentions that we need to do another poetry analysis on a famous poem.
She them asks me in front of everyone I would be willing to share some of my poems. I was like "I..I don't want to, but you can." She then tells everyone that I am a published poet, that I have some in books. Everyones like "What? Wow!" asking me all these questions. She brings me up to the front and she asks me to pick one she can share. I tell her I really like my war poem, and she whispers, "Great! I loved that one." I go back to my seat and <<hide>>. I hate people reading my poetry, let alone READING IT TO THE WHOLE CLASS!
She reads my war poem, and when it's over, the room is SILENT. I was like... great. Someone breaks the silence by saying, quite loudly, "WOW." They loved it. The teacher said she loved it, people commented on it, it was a success. She then read one I had about Gavin, and everyone goes, "AWWWWW!" *blushed* The people around kept saying, "You wrote that?? That was really good." So my poems were a success. Then some kids pipes up and says, "The poetry analysis, can we use one of Megan's poems because they are in books?" The teacher agrees. I am now apparently the famous author of 9th grade English.
She held me back after everyone left.
"Your poems... were... phenomenal." she says.
[silence-- you never know what to say when someone compliments you!]
"I love your war poem. It's moving... touching, it's incredible."
"So those other ones were about your nephew?"
"Yeah, I wrote a lot of those soon after he was born."
"Aww, how sweet. I just needed to tell you again, how absolutely PHENOMINAL those are. I showed Mrs. Maegli, and she loved them. I copied a few, if that's okay, because they were so great."
"Sure. Glad you liked em. Have a great Christmas Mrs. SK." I said, then left. There was more to it, but it was all telling me how great my poems were.

It's safe to say that really brightened my day. It went better than expected. Sorry for the pointless thread. Hope you don't think I'm bragging THAT much... :rolleyes: :D

12-19-2003, 03:39 PM
I didn't know that you were published. I only read that one poem of yours but I know you've got it!


12-19-2003, 03:56 PM
Here's my war poem.

So many tears,
so many people,
hurt and killed by our country.
Innocence, peace but poverty,
rules this war stricken land,
we call "Saddam's Land".
The innocence, peace, killed by the leader.
Who is this leader?
A man some know as a great person
Some know him as someone to look up to
Some like him, some hate him.
He ruined lives, homes, families.
But so did we.
Bombing and killing innocent people
wrecking small but well-kept homes,
destroying all they had.
Some of our own,
even perished in the country.
But we kept fighting.
There's no stopping us.
We are born to fight, born to win.
We are a country that cannot lose.
If we lose, we are looked down upon,
frowned upon.
That's all we need.
To stop, make peace, not destroy it.
Let peace lead the way.
Not the Americans.

This is NOT meant to offend anyone, it is only my personal oppinions.

12-19-2003, 04:02 PM
I love that poem! Very well written, and I agree with what you said there.

12-19-2003, 04:52 PM
Wow, that's a really well written poem! You're such a good poet:p I'm the worse at poems.