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12-19-2003, 10:39 AM
Why do cats kneed you?

Everyday when I come home from school Pumpkin(our oldest cat) is laying on my bed and when I lay down to do my homework or something she ALWAYS comes and lays on my stomach and starts kneeding me. Luckily we had her front claws removed when she was little. But everytime I lay down she does that. It`s become a routine ya know! I don`t mind it, it`s just I wanna know why she does it.

12-19-2003, 10:44 AM
Kittens do this to help express milk when they are nursing. I believe they sometimes maintain the habit and associate it with pleasure and contentment. I would be flattered!:D Many people call it "making biscuits".

12-19-2003, 10:51 AM
Cats do that when they are especially happy and content. Does Pumpkin also purr at the same time?

You are indeed lucky to be chosen to be that special person to 'make biscuits' and should feel very honored!:)

12-19-2003, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by catnapper
Cats do that when they are especially happy and content. Does Pumpkin also purr at the same time?

You are indeed lucky to be chosen to be that special person to 'make biscuits' and should feel very honored!:)

Gee, now I do!!!!

Pumpkin will kneed me for like 5 min(while purring), then she lays on me and keeps purring until I have to get up, I try not to get up too much, I know she dilikes it. :D

12-19-2003, 11:00 AM
I don't think your question is dumb, kneading is such a funny behavior, all of my cats do it too but at different times and for different reasons.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the behavior stems from being separated from their mothers too early or they just continued on with it and never dropped the behavior. When they suckle their moms for milk at a young age, they knead her body to stimulate the milk glands to get milk from her. That is where the behavior is learned. It's also a great sign of affection and trust so you should feel honored that Pumpkin does it in my opinion :D

My kitten Lucky still suckles and kneads everyday, he was found at 5-6 weeks old which is still a tad young to not be with his mom and I don't know how long he was without her before we found him. He sucks on our earlobes or hands several times a day and kneads us and purrs loudly and will usually fall asleep after that. It's so adorable and so sweet, he does it to my fiance and me so I guess he thinks we're his momma, it gives him great comfort :D

My other cat Bubby only kneads when he is about to lay down on these certain blankets we have on the back of the couch. He jumps up, kneads the soft blankets and his eyes close halfway and then he just sits down.....that's the only time he kneads.

My last cat Priss kneads less than Lucky but more than Bubby. She loves stomachs. So everynight just about when we go to sleep, she comes up and kneads daddy's belly and purrs and closes her eyes and falls asleep, but she doesn't suckle like Lucky. She will also come up when we are laying on the couch and knead our bellies and she purrs then lays down on us. It's so cute.

So anyway, each cats reason for kneading is different I think. I think mainly it's comforting for them and relaxing. I take it as a great sign of affection though so I'm glad you let her do it and enjoy it. Take care!

Here is a pic of Lucky suckeling daddy's hand and kneading:



12-19-2003, 11:00 AM
Tanner does something very similar. Just before he curls up to sleep with me, he will purr, lick my bare arm and "make biscuits". There are nights when he does this for up to 15 minutes before settling down.

Enjoy it when Pumpkin does that, he is expressing his love ;)

12-19-2003, 11:07 AM

Thanks for the info!

12-19-2003, 11:08 AM
Jazz will "make biscuits" on two different throw blankets I keep on my bed. It's so funny to watch her do it because she gets so intense.

Scout has started doing it on me when she comes to sleep with me at night but she didn't do it the first few months we had her, just the past two months.

Ripley has never done it.

I think it is so sweet to watch them do it and hear them purr.

12-19-2003, 11:18 AM
I love listening to a cat`s purr is so relaxing!!

12-19-2003, 12:13 PM
It truely is a sign of contentment. You should be honored to be the reciepant of such affection. I like the phrase "making biscuits" but I usually call it "making dough". Whatever we call it.....it is special when you are the one they choose to show their affection.

12-19-2003, 12:50 PM
I love it when Grover does that, it is so relaxing, she just about puts me to sleep when she does that and she has her claws, but it feel great anyway. I just feel like its her way of showing me that she loves me.:)

12-19-2003, 04:36 PM
I think sometimes it must not matter when they are taken from their mothers because Checkers lived with his cat mommy until he was three months old and he still loves to do it!:D He likes to do it on blankets or under my arm. He really can't resist if I'm wearing a wool sweater.

12-19-2003, 07:16 PM
Pumpkin is on my lap right now kneeding/"making Buiscuts" my legs. And she`s purring she`s been at it for a while now! :D

12-19-2003, 09:13 PM
I use to think it had to do with being taking away from their mother to soon too. But cali, one of the vent kittys, does it all the time and her mother is still here.

Cali's like to climb on my neck, kneed and suck on a strand of my hair till she purrs her self to sleep. I end up with small holes in my neck and one big wet spot of hair and I love it. :D

The sucking on my hair throws me off a little, because that is nursing in a way, but she wasn't taken away from her mother. So I just take it as she loves me like a mother. :)

I really belive they are kneeding as a way of soften up thier sleeping spot, sense they not only do it to me but also to any area before they nap. Almost all of my cats do it before they lay down to sleep.

12-19-2003, 10:06 PM
We call it "tenderizing" in our house.

12-20-2003, 09:19 AM
I have bursitis in my left shoulder , and sam , the Siamese kneeds it to releivethe pain. He thinks that he is A physio Cat A pist. Doctor Sam , to the rescue.

12-20-2003, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by catmandu
I have bursitis in my left shoulder , and sam , the Siamese kneeds it to releivethe pain. He thinks that he is A physio Cat A pist. Doctor Sam , to the rescue.

awwww! that`s cute!!

12-20-2003, 12:43 PM
Gary, they know how to relax you so you will feel relaxed instead of tense too, that what I love about Grover. My RB cat Pyewackett was better at it, I could lie down on the bed and she would get on my back and do the kneading thing, and I would just go off to sleep.

Better than a backrub any day.