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12-18-2003, 09:51 PM
I dont know if anyone has had this problem, But I went on vacation for a week, and when I returned Tony had blisters on his ears, My BF was home but he works alot, and didnt notice his ears......he helps take care of his mom so at that time, he was in and out alot. Anyway, I was SOOOOOOOOO scared:o that The next day I ran out to the vet down the street, his normal vet is a hour drive away, I never went to this vet before, I go in and fill out the paper, then I realize I dont have my check book on me I left it at home, I asked if he could just take Tony back and check him out and I would run out and get my check book at home and he said NO!!! He said he wanted the money up front... and wouldnt see Tony, I started Bawling, Vets around here are more interested in money then the wellness of animals, so As I was driving to his vet I saw vet hospital I said... Why not give it a chance and they saw Tony Charged me half Price because He was such a sweet kitty and held my check for me for 2 weeks, so I wouldnt have to Scrap by for that week. Come to find out Tony has BAD allergies to dust, and a new litter my boyfriend got him had alot of dust in it, he goes outside once a day on a leash and I clean ALL the time. But he is worth EVERY cent!!!:) :D Tonys baby picture below!!

12-19-2003, 01:02 AM
Wow, Tony is a cutie!

KAK's cat's allergies show in their ears, too. I wonder if this is common, or just a coincidence? Does anyone else have any allergy info for cats?

12-19-2003, 02:56 AM
That picture of Tony is so cute, it looks like he is waving at somebody.

Sorry to hear about your bad experience with the vet, we have some of those in this area also. In it just for the money, not to help, MONEY!

12-19-2003, 07:25 AM
What a cute picture of little Tony! a cutie pie for sure! I am really glad about you finding that second nice vet! That is great news - and him holding your check is a real help too. He sounds like a keeper.:) (Maybe a nice note to re-enforce this attitude would be a good idea??) Geez..I sound like a mother...Hope Tony's allergies get under control soon.

12-19-2003, 08:27 AM
My Chuckie also has allergies. He is always very stuffed up, he snores (loudly), wheezes sometimes and sneezes all the time. His nose gets runny when he sneezes a lot and acts like a toddler when I get a tissue to wipe it for him. He also has problems with his ears. I thought maybe he had ear mites, but it's allergies that make his ears itch. His vet gave him hydrocortozone (sp?) ear drops that really help a lot and I clean his ears with q-tips almost every day. I feel so sorry for him when his allergies are bad, so helpless. But he really comes running when he sees me get out the q-tips. It must feel really good to him.

12-19-2003, 08:57 AM
OH, Tony is a doll!!! I had never heard about allergies causing problems with ears. You learn so much on PT!!
You will have to post more pictures of that cutie pie!!!

12-19-2003, 10:43 AM
I'm very glad you didn't give the first rude vet your money, he didn't deserve it. The practice should be about the cats, not the money, I'm so glad you found another place that understood how much you love your cat, who is adorable by the way. I hope he is better soon, it sounds like his Meowmie loves him very much. :D

12-19-2003, 11:51 AM
I'm sorry for your bad experiance with the bad vet. Glad you found a good one. Maybe now you can keep your kitties allergies under control.
That is a cute picture of your baby. Such a sweetie!:)

12-19-2003, 07:48 PM
I didnt think anyone was responding to this because I didnt get a e-mail. :( Boy I was suprised when I loged on I never thought I would become one of you :p Well Im glad I joined this site, its so nice to have people to talk to about my kitties. Today Tonys allergies are real bad, so I took him outside, in the snow he never had been in it before, he LOVED IT!!:D I got pictures on a normal camera I shall get them devoloped tomorrow! He kept jumping instead of walking, I had hit little coat and boots on him. Princess has a kitty cold, I dont know how she got it, she is sleeping alot, and has the sniffles, and Patches keeps falling in the toilet..... Our toliet doesnt have a lid, and if I close the bathroom door, it gets cold in there, and Patches just doesnt have the balance part in her brain....:rolleyes: Well guys thanks for posting and becoming part of my "family" :)

12-20-2003, 01:06 PM
I had to have my comptuer fixed today and lost all my pictures!!!!!!!!:o Tony has been sitting on the keyboard, and last night while I was in the shower, somehow, the little devil deleted my windows file :eek: SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.......100 dollars later, here I am again.... Now im making sure I put the keyboard where he cant reach it!!! Has anyone else had this problem or do I have a smart cat?:p

12-20-2003, 01:23 PM
LOL, sounds like you have a very smart cat. Oh my god, maybe Tony didn't like the pictures, guess you will have to ask approval of each picture before posting. *still laughing*


12-20-2003, 09:15 PM
Maybe your right tracy.. did I tell you guys that the other day I had my webcam pictures pulled up, and some how tony clicked on where it is to take pictures. and he layed on the space bar which made it click pictures there was over 100 pictures of his butt!! lol :rolleyes: :D Maybe he likes his butt I dont know, but lately he has been cleaning himself alot lol, He is my pretty boy!!!:p :)

12-20-2003, 09:42 PM
My 9 year old Tortie, Mollie Rose, who I call the "bugger queen" also has kitty asthma and allergies. She sneezes ALOT! I just run around chasing her trying to wipe her nose. I'm not worried though because she's healthy otherwise.

I've used Premium Scoopable Cat Litter for years. It's the only clumping cat litter that I know of that's 99% dust free.

As far as that buttwipe vet, he is OBVIOUSLY only in it for the money. I'm glad you don't take Tony there on a regular basis.

BTW, Tony is adorable!!!

12-21-2003, 08:21 AM
I love little Tony!! Sorry for your bad experience with that vet! If I were you, I would NEVER go there again, even not when it's urgent!
We have a very sweet vet now. She always plays with my cat before she starts the examination! The vet we used to have years ago, was not friendly at all; she also NEVER listened to my Sydney's heart. When we found out a year later that he had a bad heart-disiease, it was to late..:mad:

smokey the elder
12-21-2003, 08:37 AM
I'm glad you found a better vet. Sounds like Patches has the same condition Diva has.

12-21-2003, 08:52 AM
Thank goodness our vet understands money problems. He let us pay for Jojo's pancreatitis bill over 5 weeks. We will always be grateful to him for saving her life!:)