View Full Version : I'm scared

12-16-2003, 08:07 PM
I know that this is not an animal thread, but I just got some news that sort of made me afraid to go outside myself, or let the dogs or cats out.
A house that has been vacant for 10 years is right next to us. I found out that a child sex molester and previous animal abuser is moving in next door.:( He has abused other peoples' pets of 7 counts...
He has 4 counts of child sexual abuse.

My mom has been wanting to move, but now we HAVE to. We can't live next door to a guy like that.
He has been active in these cases when people are at home, and on probation 3 times. How can we live here?
How can I not be afraid?
Some incouraging words PLEASE!!!

12-16-2003, 08:17 PM
Take heart. Be glad you are aware of the situation - even 10 years ago you might not have been. Make sure anyone else in the neighborhood with children - even if they just visit - are aware. Keep the animals away from him. Ask the police what they are doing, what measures they can take to keep the neighborhood safe.

It is better to be aware and smart about it. Take no chances. Assume nothing.

You are luckier than lots of people - you have Shelties - alert and barkers - will will let you know if anything untoward is happening.

12-16-2003, 08:53 PM
Wow! How scary! Like Karen said, you have Shelties, good watchdogs. Give Hallie PLENTY of kisses. She'll know what to do if anything strange happens.
The young couple next door moved out because of a man that lives on our block; his wife was scared of the man, and a lot of the kids on the block (almost 10 kids on our block alone) are also scared of him. He almost hit Abby once, because she was barking at him. She's a smart dog, she knows who to trust and who not to trust; you can't blame her for barking at that drunk old man.

Anyway, enough of my blabbing. Just stay safe, Jan, and you will be fine. :)

[starts to hum "Don't Worry, Be Happy!"]

12-16-2003, 08:54 PM
karens advice is good. i'd add, NEVER let your cats out again, if he's a known abuser, they cannot be near him, and never let your dogs be out without one of your family watching them the whole time. if this scum talks to you, tell your mother right away.
good luck

12-16-2003, 09:29 PM
Thank you for the great advice everyone.:)

12-16-2003, 09:33 PM
oh jeez! This is scary I read this and I though OMG JAN MOVE! Im so sorry this crazy man is moving next door. Do your best to keep away and keep safe!!!:)

12-16-2003, 10:10 PM
BTW: Did I mention that 3 of his victims were girls, and one was a 2 YEAR OLD BOY.:eek: Yikes. ( That doesn't make things any better now does it?) Ohhh, it gives me the chills thinking about it.

( I just found that out when I looked him up.

12-16-2003, 10:21 PM
I don't get it. If this man is such a criminal................and is KNOWN to be one, why isn't he behind bars? :confused:

Either way, its a scary situation, and if I were you, I would be outa that neighborhood in no time. Stay safe!

12-17-2003, 02:52 AM
I think you should be very careful, finding out from the police as much about what they are doing and going to do, like are they going to keep an eye on him?

There is nothing lower on this earth than a child molester, my granddaughter was molested by her uncle, and she was only 5 years old. The nimrod is in prison now, may he stay there until he rots. I don't care whose son or child he is. He hurt a child! He should have been casterated.

12-17-2003, 06:22 AM
I'm sorry you are not feeling safe in your very own home!!!!
But I will say...Karen said exactly what I was thinking...Be in Touch with the local POLICE....Ask How is this person being Monitored and how Often????
It is Yours,and your Moms' rights as Citizens to know......
And like everybody else said...Do not leave your Pets Unmonitored for a Moment.....

Good Luck
All Paws Crossed for You

12-17-2003, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
I don't get it. If this man is such a criminal................and is KNOWN to be one, why isn't he behind bars? :confused:

Either way, its a scary situation, and if I were you, I would be outa that neighborhood in no time. Stay safe!

I was wondering that too. :confused: Wasn't it not to long ago some hunters moved in next to you? Your neighbors sure keep busy. We've all been on the same block for ages. :p

In any case, just be careful. Do your best to get the hell out of there.

12-17-2003, 08:54 AM
Yes, hunters were next door to us. Then their little club moved out since they figured out the city wasn't a place for a hunter's club. The child molester then moved in.

BTW: I don't know why he is not, but he should be behind bars!!