View Full Version : Cats In Your Workplace?

12-16-2003, 07:41 PM
Does anyone work in an environment that has a resident cat? I think it is a wonderful idea, but probably rather unusual, as there will always be employees raising objections due to allergies or whatever. :( I wish my office allowed a cat mascot!:D

12-16-2003, 07:53 PM
I wish!!

Prairie Purrs
12-16-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by AvaJoy
Does anyone work in an environment that has a resident cat?

You betcha! I work at home. :D

12-16-2003, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by CatsinDenver
You betcha! I work at home. :D

You've got the perfect situation . . . I'm envious!:)

12-16-2003, 09:57 PM
We have all the strays here. Two years ago, I worked temorarily in another town. They had a grey cat named Polecat. (We work for the phone company, and Polecat is the brand name of climbing gear.) Every morning, Polecat would wander into each crew room and visit each person. Once we all left to our job sites, he would park on the Linemen's bosses' desk and sleep all day. He'd sleep on top of the plastic paper sorter. Then, at the end of the day, he'd make his rounds again to say hello.

A few funny things about Polecat:

There was one particular UPS guy that he hated. Everytime that guy would come, Polecat would come and pee on his drivers side rear tire. If there was a substitute UPS driver, Polecat wouldn't pee on the tire. lmao.

Also, another time, the guy who fed him went on vacation. Due to some confusion, no one fed Polecat through the weekend. When we came into work on Monday, he was laying in the middle of our table surrounded in dead rodents. The rodents were around him in almost a perfect circle. He looked angry at us. He didn't even eat the rodents, it was like he was proving a point...Like "Look what I had to do since you didn't feed me, jerks."

When I started working there, I asked the guys if I could take him and neuter him. They were so scared for Polecat! It took me the longest time to convince them. It was cute to see all the big grown men concerned for their kitty's bells.

12-16-2003, 11:26 PM
I want a work kitty, it would help.:)

I would even make my Bob the office mascot.:D

12-16-2003, 11:41 PM
At the cancer Lodge in Vancouver we used to have a resident cat named Charlie. Charlie was a stray that wandered in one rainy day about 7 yrs ago (he was a black and white tuxie). The cancer Lodge is like a hotel where out-of-town cancer patients stay when they come for treatment. The head nurse at the time was an animal lover and decided that Charlie should stay. So Charlie was there for about 3 yrs. He absolutely loved people and his favourite activity was to ride the elevator up and down. He brought happiness and peace to so many cancer patients that were undergoing painful treatments. He would sleep with a different patient every night.

But alas, all good things come to an end. Charlie developed an infection and had to be put on the westbound train to the Rainbow Bridge.sAA bhn7y (sorry, Max just jumped all over the keyboard :D :D )

Anyway, with personnel changes, there is no longer a resident cat because some patients have complained about allergies but Charlie will always be remembered as the "happy kat". RIP Charlie.

12-16-2003, 11:51 PM
Well, Since I don't work and I go to school, there can't exactly be a cat at my "work place". There are a bunch of strays around my school that a lady feeds every night. Whenever I'm going to school I'll see piles of cat food in different places around the school on the side walk. So I guess those count as strays employees feed outside the office. :)

12-17-2003, 04:40 AM
I wish

12-17-2003, 04:49 AM
I work at a dog (& cat) grooming salon. We do not have a resident cat at this shop, but we did at the other shop I worked at. I can't actually say it is against company policy, but I don't think it will happen at this shop. If anyone brings their own pets in for the day (to be groomed or whatever) they are restricted to a cage, just as all the customers' pets. Sometimes having an animal running around is disruptive to the dogs that NEED to try to hold still. The resident cat at the other shop had JUST the right personality, not all cats would. But I always felt sorry for that cat as it never went home with the shop owner, so it was just like he did not have a REAL home.

12-17-2003, 06:49 AM
My job as admin assistant to the director for a senior center does not allow cats although I worked at it for years. I think it NEEDS a resident cat to warm the place up. I asked the director what he would do if one just showed up and he just sort of shrugged his shoulders - but I know he has to answer to a Board of Trustees and better not do that to him. The seniors would love it though!!

12-17-2003, 07:59 AM
I have two resident cats at my workplace. ;) Of course, my office is in my home as well! :)

12-17-2003, 08:07 AM
I wish. I work in a hospital so they do not allow "pets" but they do have therapy dogs, go figure. No offense to dogs but if you can let a dog into the hospital what is wrong with a cat.

I actually have an office that is outside of the hospital and I think it would really releive some of my stress if I had someone like Smokey or Abner at my desk, instead I have to look at their pictures to get my stress relief.

12-17-2003, 09:10 AM
I have been in Workplaces with Cats , and Dogs , and it humanizes the place. It lends warmth to the place , and makes a friendlier enviroment.

12-17-2003, 09:56 AM
I would love to have kitties at work. Unfortunately I work in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska which is on the Arctic Ocean. I don't think kitties would like it up here. I sure miss my two when I'm at work. (I live in Anchorage and fly up here for 2 weeks out of the month).

Someone sent me a great website (might have been someone here) that gathers stories about "Shop Cats". Some great stories. If you know of any kitties in the workplace that aren't on their list, they are looking for more stories and photos.


Edwina's Secretary
12-17-2003, 10:32 AM
Right now I work from my home so I have two feline office assistants. Here is Edwina supervising me while I do my accounting entries. :D :D


12-17-2003, 06:30 PM
Awww . . . I bet Edwina is quite a stickler . . . she looks like a boss to be reckoned with! :cool:

It is wonderful that nursing homes allow therapy cats, dogs and other animals to visit and interact with residents. Hospitals ought to take heed and get into the act, as animals are healers in their own special way. A nursing home in my area has an aquarium, a parakeet and 3 cats, all residing there on a permanent basis! :)

12-17-2003, 07:41 PM
Not me, but my moms work place has several animals. My mom works at Otterbien. Its a place for old people to go. anyways, They have a HUGE black & white cat named Oscar. He sits in the living room area where all the elerly people can pet/talk to him. I got to see him myself and he is a beaty. They also have a pure white parakeet. Some Finches, and a rabbit. And therapy dogs come to say Hi to them.

12-17-2003, 08:21 PM
I Know the local funeral parlour has a resident tuxedo kitty, as they always put his picture in the local paper, along with their advertising.,

12-18-2003, 02:36 AM
Slick, I really like your story of Charlie the cat at the Cancer Lodge. That was sweet, seems to me like that would help patients when they are going through something like that. I can see if I was in that position, I would want a cat to cuddle. I guess I would get a little greedy and want to have it in my room the whole time.

12-18-2003, 08:02 AM
I have two - one is usually sleeping on a couch and the other is usually knocking pencils off the table. The boss doesn't mind - Its me! I work from home, am self employed and wouldn't change it for the world. I have absoutely NO STRESS, thanks to my coworkers named Nicki, Allen & Pouncer (oh, I have a doggy at work too.)

I just wish they'd pull their weight and bring in some money of their own;)