View Full Version : Ah you know its Christmas ....

12-16-2003, 04:42 AM
Well I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their gorgeous christmas cards (mine are on their way - work commitments have forced me to leave it a little late and I apologise in advance if anyone gets theirs late) but 2 wonderful people I would like to thank in particular ....

First of all to Payitforward and Paysitback ... Bastet has never had so much fun carting a card around with string in it! The angel has now got puncture marks through it and she sleeps with it! Card, angel and string included!

And secondly to Cirrus and Sunny whose hair no more attached to the card but has been licked so clean its now permenantly invisible to the naked human eye. Thanks KrazyaboutKatz you have made Bastet's day.

Also to everyone who has sent Christmas cards - they have all been personally inspected by Bastet and have got teeth marks and the nose seal of kitty approval. You have made her christmas! (and mine for that matter :D)

As for the christmas decorations (other than cards) tinsel is a definate kitty gift this year for Christmas - whats left of my tinsel (that was hanging around my very flat wreath christmas tree) has been subsequently *buried* under the mat at the base of Bastet's cat tree. Next year going for ..... a string of silver beads all melted together for Bastet's safety ... lets see her destroy that! *laughs manically and breaks out the egg nog*

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-16-2003, 05:19 PM
Cute story, Bastets Mum. :D I'm glad Bastet got such enjoyment out of the cards. :D :D

12-17-2003, 12:09 AM
I'm so glad to hear that both of you enjoyed my card. It's interesting that she preferred Sunny and Cirrus's fur because it seemed that Storm's was the most popular.:) Since Sunny is an Aby mix she may have picked up on that.

12-17-2003, 03:46 AM
I honestly have no idea why she prefered Sunny and Cirrus's fur - I tried to ask her and she just rolled her eyes and went all coy :D

12-17-2003, 04:51 AM
Cute story! :D

12-22-2003, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by BastetsMum
First of all to Payitforward and Paysitback ... Bastet has never had so much fun carting a card around with string in it! The angel has now got puncture marks through it and she sleeps with it! Card, angel and string included!

LOL...He He... I would LOVE to see a photo of her sleeping with a christmas card !!!

If you would like a christmas Angel without teeth marks (or as a replacement for Bastet ;) ) PM me.

Did you manage to read the little printed scroll I tied just behind the angel ? or is that part of the toy too ?

Happy Christmas Bastet :D :D :D