View Full Version : Can you guys help me get the word out to people

12-15-2003, 01:29 PM
that a puppy, kitten, or any other animal is not just a present for the holidays. Also, if they intend to just keep it while it is a puppy, then just don't get one.
This is a really small town that I live in. I usually never see stray pets running around until the holidays.
For example:

Last year's Christmas puppies are running around town because they are big and not a little bitty puppy any more. Cats are terrible at this time of the year.
So many people buy a kitten for their kid around here, and then when they get larger they tend to throw them out.
They do not understand that when they take in an animal, that they need to KEEP IT!!!
It is the same situation with Harley. ( My rottweiler mix)
But the story is a lot worse.

I was walking down the street to pass the house with the golden retriever puppies. I noticed when I was walking down the street that some man was loading up a looked like 1 year old dog into the back of the truck.
A little boy was telling his dad that he didn't want the dog anymore, and so I guessed that they had found another owner for the doggie.
I watched from a safe diftance.

The guy went in the house and came back out with a gun. He put it in the front of the truck.
I gasped and ran toward the sceen. I asked the man if the dog needed a home. He said yes but he had already made up his mind to do away with her.
I had to fight with the man for like ever, then he finnaly let me have her. Thank goodness.
I can just remember that Harley had been that little boy's Christmas present, now he doesn't want her because she is big.

So just help me try to get the word out to others. It is for the animals sake.

BTW: Sorry if you find something wrong with this thread. I just think that it would be a better Christmas for the pets.

12-15-2003, 02:07 PM
I think most of us already are spreading this word. I know I do every Chrsitmas.