View Full Version : Help!!! Any Survivor Fans Out There??

12-15-2003, 08:44 AM
Please, don't meniton who won. I just have a question...i TOTALLY forgot to tape it!! If anyone here taped Sunday's final episode...please let me know, and i will send you postage money to have you let me borrow the tape....i can't believe after the entire season, we were out last ngiht and forgot to tape the last episode!!!!!!!!



12-15-2003, 09:54 AM
Oh, Robyn...I'm so sorry you missed it. I hate when that happens. I got lucky. My girlfriend called and reminded me it was on. I hope you find a tape out there somewhere. I thought it was a really good season of Survivor. I liked all the twists and turns that they took this year. Can't wait for the next one!!

Good Luck...Robin :)

12-15-2003, 10:10 AM
Yes, this has been the best Survivor ever!! If i dont get a hold of a copy, i will be asking you details in a few days about the last episode!! And what they all thought of John being such a slime, with that whole grandmother dying thing!!

12-15-2003, 10:19 AM
I taped it, but my mom says if we sent it to you that you'd have to send it back. :o

12-15-2003, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
I taped it, but my mom says if we sent it to you that you'd have to send it back. :o

No problem, I was planning on sending the tape back...it would be your tape and all...so just let me know what your mom says...i promise i would send it back :) Me and my husband are Survivor addicts!! heheheh :)

12-15-2003, 10:28 AM
My mom says it's okay as long as you pay for it and all. :o She seems grumpy right now, so I'll wait until after school to ask her when I can send it lol.

12-15-2003, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
My mom says it's okay as long as you pay for it and all. :o She seems grumpy right now, so I'll wait until after school to ask her when I can send it lol.

Sure, no problem. I guess we can PM each other later, so i can see where you live to guestimate how much postge i need to send you. Thanks. My husband will be so happy :)

12-15-2003, 11:54 AM

Be careful when you watch TV or listen to the radio because you might accidently find out the winner.

I watched it last night and thought it was not too exciting. It could've been because I was watching it while really upset about my sick foster. I still think you should get the tape though because there were a couple funny parts.

12-15-2003, 01:33 PM
I have good news :)

Wolfsoul- I really appreciate you giving me the opportunity to watch it by lending me the tape, but i just found out that my neighbor (5 minutes away), taped it b/c her husband was away on a business trip....yeah!!!

I dont talk to her much (really only know her b/c i watch her cats for her when she goes away on vacations)...but i remembered her saying she watches it...so i think that will be a little closer for me to be able to get it ;) Thanks you SO MUCH, THOUGH ,FOR THE OFFER!!!!


12-15-2003, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Christiansmommy
I have good news :)

Wolfsoul- I really appreciate you giving me the opportunity to watch it by lending me the tape, but i just found out that my neighbor (5 minutes away), taped it b/c her husband was away on a business trip....yeah!!!

I dont talk to her much (really only know her b/c i watch her cats for her when she goes away on vacations)...but i remembered her saying she watches it...so i think that will be a little closer for me to be able to get it ;) Thanks you SO MUCH, THOUGH ,FOR THE OFFER!!!!

Good news! :) No problem!

12-15-2003, 02:29 PM
You could always have downloaded it ;) I missed one epi of survivor last season and I paniced but realized I could download it on kazaa <33 My dad reminded me about it last night, I would have forgotten. He tells me I own him for the rest of my life and then some :(

12-15-2003, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir
You could always have downloaded it ;) I missed one epi of survivor last season and I paniced but realized I could download it on kazaa <33 My dad reminded me about it last night, I would have forgotten. He tells me I own him for the rest of my life and then some :(

Oh, good point!! Thanks, i will keep that in mind for next time.
