View Full Version : I had a lap cat for about 30 minutes - YEAH!

12-13-2003, 01:02 PM
While I was sitting on the sofa with a blanket over my legs last night Scout came over to stare at me like she normally does but then she hopped up on the sofa beside me. She sat there for several minutes making biscuits on my blanket but then she climbed up on my lap. She sat there for another five minutes or so and then curled up and went to sleep for half an hour.

I'm so thrilled. She is my first lap cat ever!!

Then last night I had all three sleeping with for the first time ever. Jazz was between my legs, Ripley was against the outside of my left leg and Scout was curled up in my right arm against my side.

Kitty heaven here - although I'm a little stiff today.

Just had to share my exciting news! A lap cat, finally!!!!

12-13-2003, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat

Kitty heaven here - although I'm a little stiff today.

Just had to share my exciting news! A lap cat, finally!!!!

What great news...that must be so lovely to wake up with three lovely cats...sigh...:)

Maybe Scout will become a real lapcat...it took Nellie years to finally nap with me on the couch while we watch tv...never give up hope!!!

12-13-2003, 01:08 PM
That sounds heavenly! Makes me want more cats than just Grover. Yes indeed, you were in cat heaven!!

12-13-2003, 01:32 PM
I myself am dusting the sleep from my eyes as I just woke up from my little nap, and I had a little somebody napping with me, on my feet. Heaven is cold toes kept warm with soft kitty belly fur!

Thats so great that you have a lap cat there... sounds as if its rubbing off onto the rest pf the crew.:D

12-13-2003, 03:13 PM
Tigris now is seven. In the last year he was sitting on my lap two times -never before:(

And he was sitting for two times ten minutes.

Me of course I didn't move. Not even breathe:D

12-13-2003, 03:15 PM
Barbara, how funny!!:D

12-15-2003, 12:48 AM
I just saw this thread, you miss one day and all sorts of things slip by.:eek:

How exciting is that? I am so happy to hear about Scout and that you had all of them laying with you.:D

I too would be in kitty heaven. Here's to hoping that it continues.:)

12-15-2003, 01:02 AM
Hurrah! Such progress, I'm thrilled for you!