View Full Version : Chance Lethargic and Not Eating

12-12-2003, 03:23 PM
For the past 24 hours or so, Chance has been pretty lethargic and he won't eat (not even canned food).

2 days ago I caught him into some beans I had on the counter. Do you think his stomach is upset from that?

I know I need to go to the vet, but I wanna give him just a little bit longer to see if he'll feel better soon.

12-12-2003, 03:25 PM
I have no advice but I hope Chance gets well very soon.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-12-2003, 03:37 PM
It could very well be the beans. Seems cats often get into things they shouldn't and get upset tummies that they are soon over. I have every confidence that you will know if it's an emergency and need to rush him right over to the vet. You do such a good job with all the fosters that I'm sure you'll know when it's time to take him.

By the way, I must have missed something....who's Chance?

12-12-2003, 03:42 PM
Maybe he is bloated from the beans. They have that effect on my husband so why not cats.:D

Seriously, does his belly seem extended and tight? Maybe you could call a vet and just ask them if the beans might be the culprit and what could be done.

12-12-2003, 04:22 PM
Thanks for the advice. I put in a call to my vet and am waiting for them to call me back. I tend to overreact and worry too much over every little sickness. I'm sure he'll be fine by tomorrow (I hope!). Lucky and Chance have also been known to munch on dog food here and there. I stop it as much as I can though. The cats are free fed, but now that there are 8 cats running around, they sometimes run out of food and migrate to the dog food until I notice.

Chance is one of my fosters I've had for a long time (hmm... for 5 months or so I think). He's the one with his eyes open :


12-12-2003, 04:40 PM
He's gorgeous!! Love his milktashe. He reminds me of a female we wanted to adopted and had her here for two weeks but she was too dominant over Ripley and my dog and she marked everthing that was theirs by peeing on it. After the vet determined no health reasons we tried for another week but she just didn't work out. She slashed poor Disney (my dog) across the nose twice. I still really liked her and wished it would have worked out but now she is an only cat and very happy.

Anyway, sorry to ramble. He just really made me think of her.

12-12-2003, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat
He's gorgeous!! Love his milktashe. He reminds me of a female we wanted to adopted and had her here for two weeks but she was too dominant over Ripley and my dog and she marked everthing that was theirs by peeing on it. After the vet determined no health reasons we tried for another week but she just didn't work out. She slashed poor Disney (my dog) across the nose twice. I still really liked her and wished it would have worked out but now she is an only cat and very happy.

Anyway, sorry to ramble. He just really made me think of her.

Thats okay, if you can't ramble on PT, then where can ya ramble?? :D

Chance and Lucky are complete dolls. I love them to pieces. They're so pretty that when I first got them, I thought they were girls :o :o They're affectionate with people and love other animals too. I'm trying to find them a home together, but I must admit I'm in no hurry, hehe.

12-12-2003, 07:25 PM
Oh they are so cute!! Beautiful eyes and coloring. What doll babies!
I hope you have heard from the vet and that all will soon be well. Get feeling better sweet Chance :) http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

12-12-2003, 10:05 PM
Hopefully it is just the beans and he just has a little gas. You have already done what I would have suggested which is to call the vet.;)

He is really a great looking Boy.

Let us know what the vet says.

12-12-2003, 10:18 PM
Poor little guy. I hope he just has a temporarily upset tummy and will feel better right away. Get well soon, sweet Chance!

12-12-2003, 11:06 PM
The vet didn't call me back for some reason.

I'm going to take him in to the vet in the morning :( :( I thought he was getting better earlier because I put some dry food in front of him and he ate some. But he's ... he's just laying there on the floor and its so not like him :(

12-12-2003, 11:44 PM
I think that taking him to the vet is a great idea. At least he ate something, I am sorry that he is not feeling well.

Is he drinking anything? If he is not on his own try to out some water on your finger and let him lick it off. That's what I would do anyway.

12-13-2003, 12:06 AM
Feel better soon Chance!!

12-13-2003, 12:26 PM
Well, after spending 4 hours at the vet and emptying the old bank account, we are still not exactly sure what is wrong. The vet did narrow it down to some possibilities including a bacterial inbalance or pancreatitis. The poor boy had to get Xrays, a blood panel, and 2 enemas. He behaved really well and CHARMED all of the vets and vet techs. The funniest part was when they were showing me the estimate. When the tech pointed to how much the enema would cost, Chance reached out, grabbed the paper and started ripping it up!!!!! Guess he really didn't want that enema.

The Xrays showed some gas in the small intestines and a whole bunch of poop :o in the colon. Other than that, they were very normal. We had been afraid there would be a blockage. I was in tears waiting for the xray results because I was afraid he'd need surgery.

He surprised me and moved around a lot at the vet. Here at home, he won't really move at all again. The vet said that was normal because outside of their environment, they don't want to seem vulnerable and sick.

I have 2 different antibiotics for him that will hopefully clear things up. If not, he'll have to go back to the vet on Monday. I'm going to call my friend soon who's ex-huisband is a vet. She might be able to get her ex to see him on Monday for free (I HOPE).

12-13-2003, 12:36 PM
Oh no. I so hoped it was just gas from the beans. Poor little guy!!! How cute that he tore the paper when he heard about the enema.

I'll say a prayer for the little sweetie and hope that the antibiotics take care of things so no more vets for him.

What a doll. If I lived closer to you I think I'd have my fourth cat!

Please keep us updated on how he is doing and give him a big scritchie from me.

12-13-2003, 01:28 PM
Wow, Chance is really a smart boy, knowing about vet bills, I am impressed!!

I hope Chance gets to feeling better soon, its sort of like when you have an infant, when they get sick, they cannot tell you what hurts, or what is wrong, and you have to just watch and see how they are acting.


12-13-2003, 03:17 PM
Oh I hope so much he's better soon. It's a pity to see them when they are just so different.
But maybe all that s*** in his colon is just the beans. Cats can't be good in digesting beans as it is non-fat vegetable.

12-13-2003, 04:41 PM
Aly, I am so sorry to hear that Chance's problem was a complicated one. He certainly was an angel at the vet's to have withstood all he did.... and then to try to protect you from the evil cash register. I know we all will be anxious for your next report. Here's hoping that the antibiotics do the trick and this little one will be feeling better SOON! Take care - Bobbi

12-13-2003, 06:54 PM
I'm getting really really really worried now :(

I find myself checking every 5 minutes to be sure he's still breathing :( He's just a lump on the floor and he won't pick his head up unless I poke him a whole bunch. He will move downstairs if I stay down there for awhile, but otherwise he's not doing anything.

I just gave him his medicine and he about spit it in my face. He really hates it.

Does anyone here have a cat that had pancreatitis before?

12-13-2003, 07:05 PM
Aly, I don't know anybody that had a cat with pancreatitis, but amoore's dog had it, and is doing quite well now. I just don't know anything about pancreatitis.

I am sorry you are so worried, I do hope Chance gets to feeling better soon. Maybe you should call your vet, or maybe a different vet and ask lots of questions.

12-13-2003, 07:42 PM
Oh come on now Chance, it's not nice to worry mommy or us like this. Be a good boy and take your medicine so you can get all better, you hear me.
Aly, prayers are on the way that it isn't anything serious with Chance and it could easily be fixed with medication.

12-13-2003, 09:49 PM
I'm so happy! He just got up and went to the food bowl and ate and drank on his own! yay! YAY! YAAAAAAAAY!

12-13-2003, 09:52 PM
Poor baby :(. But I'm happy to hear that he is eating now :) yay Chance!

12-13-2003, 09:59 PM
Way to go, baby Chance! Hopefully he'll be able to keep his food down OK. Our dog, Rat, had pancreatitis twice and pulled through both times. She was real sick, tho when she had it. Felt terrible, was on IVs, etc. Maybe Chance's meds are beginning to kick in now and he's feeling a tad better? Sure hope that's the case. Keeping paws and fingers crossed for you and praying hard. :)

12-13-2003, 10:01 PM
Great! Glad to hear Chance is eating and drinking.:)

12-13-2003, 10:53 PM
Chance, I hope you are getting a lot better now. Eat and drink so you'll feel fine by Christmas, ok? That should make your mommy really happy.

12-13-2003, 11:55 PM
I'm so confused about this. He has no other symptoms besides lethargy, fever, and lack of appetite. He's not vomiting or anything like that. He is SO lethargic though. Right now Skylar and the kittens are wrestling next to him and they keep bumping into him, but he won't even move when they do. He doesn't even pick his head up or anything. But when we were at the vet, he was walking around the room, purring, sitting in my lap to be pet and acting normal. I DONT GET IT.

I was so happy he got up to eat, but now he's back down and just not moving.

12-14-2003, 12:17 AM
Aly, I'm so sorry to hear that Chance is sick.:( Hopefully the medicine will help him and I also hope it's nothing too serious.

When my RB Pepper was very sick my vet thought that he might have pancreatitus but his blood tests didn't really reveal anything except that he had an infection of some kind. I think it's pretty hard to diagnose.

Prayers and positive thoughts are on the way for a quick and full recovery for sweet Chance. Please take care and keep us updated.

12-14-2003, 12:29 AM
Oh Aly, I'm sorry Chance is worrying you so. Little Chance, I hope you feel better real soon.
All I can add is that when I feel like cr** all I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep. Maybe that's how Chance is feeling. Just conserving energy while he gets better.
Several years ago I came home from work to find an open bottle of asprin in the bathroom. I've had Calvin rip open a can of Pounce treats so I bet he opened the medicine cabinet and upon playing w/the bottle, thought it sounded like his Pounce treats. We spent all night with him sleeping on my chest and me scared to death he'd stop breathing. We made it thru the night and he was fine the next day. Kitties are pretty resilient especially babies so I'm sure he'll be fine.
Please feel better soon little one.
Claudia, Calvin & Hobbes

12-14-2003, 12:58 AM
Aly ---

Just checking in once more before I head to bed. When can you call your vet? Is he/she available on Sun if you felt you needed them for a consult? Oh, I hope so much that Chance will feel at least a little better tomorrow. They really do worry us when they feel so bad. It's terribly hard to watch our kitties be so out of it, with us not knowing exactly what's going on with them.

Hope you have a decent night. Will be praying for you and little Chancer.

Miss Meow
12-14-2003, 01:58 AM
Aly, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for Chance ... hope he picks up soon. It's not nice when you don't know what's ailing them.

12-14-2003, 10:15 AM
He's still curled up sleeping in the same spot he's been in since yesterday after he ate :(

I woke up several times to check his breathing. Whenever I would pet him, he'd barely even open his eyes :(

12-14-2003, 10:54 AM
He just got up, peed, and ate. I went downstairs to get his medicine and my breakfast ready. When I was coming back, I found him at the bottom of the stairs sitting up. I mean, I guess its a good sign, but I still don't feel that he's better. He's got a sad expression on his face. I hope he doesn't hate me for squirting that nasty stuff down his throat :(

12-14-2003, 10:59 AM
Aly, I'm so sorry that Chance is still feeling ill....:( At least he's been eating and walking around a bit. I know you'll be the best possible mommy and get him feeling better soon!

12-14-2003, 11:05 AM
I jsut checked back in and I'm so sorry to hear tha Chance is still not well. It is a wonderful sign that he is eating and drinking. I remember when Peanut Butter did the same thing. He didn't move from the same spot for two days. He would get a drink every now and then but then right back to his chair. I found myself doing like you...checking him for breathing, and constantly watching him. When I got him to the vet it turned out he had a really bad sore throat! Medicine took care of him quickly but it was scary until then. They are so pitiful when they are sick.
We are still praying for Chance and hope he feels better soon.

12-14-2003, 11:14 AM
Oh Chance! I was afraid to read this thread, but it sounds like Chance is slowly getting better. Eating and drinking are very good signs. That blockage must be making him feel very uncomfortable - perhaps if he gets things moving again he'll feel better. Prayers and crossed paws sending white light across the miles for a speedy recovery.

12-14-2003, 02:16 PM
Aly, can you post again how Chance is doing? I know it has only been a few hours...but, I am worried. AND I won't have a computer all the way until tomorrow am....prayers for Chance!

12-14-2003, 03:20 PM
Peeing and eating -that sounds already a little better!
Way to go Chance:)

12-14-2003, 03:51 PM
Dear Aly--

I couldn't wait to check in and see how Chance was doing today. Maybe a little better? Still sending prayers and good wishes your way. It is soooo hard to see them feeling crummy. I feel bad for both of you. :( Here's {{{hugs}}} all round.

12-14-2003, 04:01 PM
Poor Chance!! :(

Did the test results reveal anything in his blood? What did the vet say about him being so lethargic?

Poor guy. Poor Aly!! I bet you are so worried. :( We'll be saying lots of prayers that Chance will get all better soon.

12-14-2003, 04:01 PM
aly, I can feel your pain and worry from your posts, all these ups and downs, between hope and fear...

I really really hope the vet will eventually find out what's wrong with him. Did you get any results of the blood work already? I hope you'll get some answers on Monday!

I hope your poor little Chance will feel better soon, it's so sad to see them like that! :(


12-14-2003, 06:03 PM
Hey guys,

I rushed him to the ER today :( I was just panicking and freaking out, although there had been no change in him that prompted me to run to the vet.

I couldn't afford extensive tests and the boogar embarrassed me and acted normal while we were there. He walked around the room purring again. I had to keep telling them he did the same thing at the other vet, but when we got home he just plopped down again not moving.

He did eat again a couple hours after he ate the first time this mroning. I think he will be ready to eat again soon. I hope so anyway because I've got to give him his medicine.

I just don't know what to do :( The emergency vet couldn't do much aside from what the other vet did yesterday. They told me to keep doing what I'm doing and maybe take him back to the normal vet tomorrow. I think I will go get some fecals done tomorrow.

He is just breaking my heart laying there like he's dead all the time :(

12-14-2003, 06:29 PM
Oh, Chance--you little stinker!!! I can't believe he was "fine" when you once again took him to a vet. Aly, I sure can understand you wanting him to be seen by a doc today. I'd be frantic, too. But, overall, it does sound maybe a teensy bit better? If Chance were in terrible pain, I can't think that he'd be wandering around the ER, purring...right? If he did have pancreatitis, I think eating would cause pain and he wouldn't give a repeat performance at his food bowl. Go figure.

Has he visited the litter box since he began eating again? If so, were his stools normal? Of course, he is on antibiotics now which can upset any tummy. :confused: *sigh* Sure wish I had something more to offer. Thanks so much for keeping us informed. I happened to have my computer in my lap when you wrote this last update. When I heard I had a new e-mail, I checked immediately in hopes it was from you. :o)

Take care and please give Chance a gentle pet for me. And here's another {hug} for you. ------ Bobbi

12-14-2003, 06:50 PM
Thanks Bobbi, you're too sweet. I have only noticed him pee so far. Hmm, I wonder whats going on in that tummy of his. I wonder if he's constipated again.

It has me completely baffled that he acts so sick here but both times at the vet he acted fine. I just can't get over how confusing that is. I almost want to move in to the dang vet office if it will make him act better. It is killing me having to watch him like this.

My vet didn't tell me anything about changing his diet, but I've read that he should be switched to a bland food like I/D. I think I'm going to go to a different vet tomorrow. A third opinion couldn't hurt.

12-14-2003, 07:10 PM

sorry for butting in, but I do have a cat with pancreatitis. Now, there are 2 types of it, one is really REALLY bad and the other isn't so bad. My Lilly has the not so bad type. She just needs to keep her fat intake to a minimum and she is fine. When she eats fatty food, she vomits a lot, and her belly hurts. Now, if the vet REALLY believed Chance had pancreatitis, then they would have had you stop feeding. They cannot eat until the inflamation of the pancreas goes down, and then it is very very bland fat free food.

I find it odd that he is only lethargic at home. Could you have something going on there that might be causing this reaction, like an allergy type of thing. What is new at your house? Think about anything new in your house lately, and eliminate it and maye you will find the cause. Just this weekend, I had to remove my evergreen wreath from inside to get my Julie's throwing up to stop. Apparently she has developed an allergy to that type of tree and she never was allergic before. Allergies can hit at any time for people and pets, even if you have never had a reaction before.

The bean he ate didn't happen to be a castor bean did it? Those are highly toxic and can kill slowly.

Just trying to cvome up with some ideas.

Sure hope this all turns out to be nothing and he (and you) get better SOON!!!!!!!

Nothing worse than worrying about our babies and not knowing how to fix them.

I'll keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.


12-14-2003, 07:22 PM
It was Campbell's Pork and Beans. I don't even know what a castor bean is. If he ate something toxic though, wouldn't he be throwing up? He hasn't thrown up. Oh my gosh, I'm scared.

My stomach is upside down with worry :(

I haven't changed anything in my house at all. There's nothing new.

This is the worst thing ever. :( :( :( :( :(

12-14-2003, 07:25 PM
Don't worry Aly, baked beans are NOT castor beans!

12-14-2003, 07:34 PM
Oh a campbells pork and bean shouldn't be anything bad at all. But I know how upset you are, I would be too. In fact, my own Julie doesn't seem normal today. She is spacey and staying by my side all day which is unusual for her. As long as Chance is eating and drinking, try not to worry too much. Impossible, I know, but at least you have an emergecny vet in your area. You can always take him back if something goes weird.

Give him a gentle kiss on the head for me, ok?


12-14-2003, 07:46 PM
I wish I didn't live alone. This is so hard to go through :(

12-14-2003, 07:49 PM
Do you guys think getting a fecal done would be a good next step?

He's had the blood panel and xrays already. I'm not even sure what other tests I could get done besides the 3 fecal tests.

12-14-2003, 07:56 PM
Awww honey, you aren't really alone--you got us!


12-14-2003, 08:07 PM
I was just writing a message and I turned around and he wasn't in his spot! He was in the bathroom looking for food (the dish was empty). So I just ran over and fed him and he's over there eating with the rest of the cats right now!!!!!!!!!!! It always gives me so much hope when he's up like this!!

And he just jumped up on the counteR!!!!!!!!!

12-14-2003, 08:37 PM

If he hasn't gone to the litterbox, other than pee, he very well may be constipated. Give him some mineral oil, that's what the vets at work seem to say to people when their animals are constipated.

Poor thing. We're here if you need to talk.

Chance...you stop your wierd behavior, silly guy! Get better soon.

12-14-2003, 08:49 PM
Would constipation make him this lethargic? Right after he ate, he was right back down again :( :( :( :( :(

12-14-2003, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by aly
Would constipation make him this lethargic? Right after he ate, he was right back down again :( :( :( :( :(
He might just be very uncomforable and may not want to move around too much?

What about trying canned pumpkin???

12-14-2003, 08:57 PM
I'll ask the vet if that will be okay to try. I'll also have the vet feel his abdomen again.

Magic is sleeping with him right now:


12-14-2003, 09:10 PM
That sounds really good!!!!!! If he's eating and hopping up on counters, I think this does say he's not in great pain. :) Oh, I know that made your heart happy when you saw him looking for his chow.

Good luck through the night. I hope all goes well and that the vet will be able to give you some answers tomorrow. Still praying and hoping ---- Bobbi

12-14-2003, 09:19 PM
Chance's coat sure does look shiny, for him to be sick. The thought about him being constipated, could make him feel bad I suppose. Sure doesn't make humans feel too well does it?

I hope he gets to feeling well really quick, it is awful to be at home alone, with a sick baby. You do what you can to feel better yourself, if that means calling a vet at home or whatever and like I said before ask lots of questions.

12-14-2003, 09:21 PM
Aly I hopping that it was better news. Although it sounds like he is still not well, eating and drinking can't be a bad sign. I am also glad to hear that he moved. It is really good that he is going to the litter box on his own, I would believe that to mean that he feels well enough to care were he is going. Sorry I have not posted sooner, it was busy day yesterday and I was not on at all.

I know that I read that you were going to see about feeding him I/D did you every start that? I also just got done going through the vet bill, and it looks like they gave here some intravenous meds. If you would like I can give you all of the names. I did notice that they gave her Pepcid, and you may want to ask the vet about that, if his tummy is not well. This may help him eat.

This sounds almost exactly like Joey, except she had become so dehydrated that she had to stay at the vet, because she was not drinking or eating at all. I mean it sounds really close, from the gas in the intestines to the lethargy. They also never really figured out what was wrong with her either, just guesses.

If you want to PM me or post here, and I will go into alot more details on what they did with Joey.

In the meantime, prayers on the way for Chance. Also for you, I know how upsetting this is.

12-14-2003, 10:15 PM
Thanks for the information, CatDad. I will probably contact you tomorrow after the vet visit when I have more information.

How long did it take Joey to get better? (By the way, I've been meaning to tell you I love the name Joey for a girl). Tomorrow will be day 5 of Chance's sickness :(

Thanks so much for the prayers. PT prayers are a powerful thing and I know you all are helping my boy. Thanks so much.

I'm really freaked out and now I keep checking ALL the cats to be sure they're breathing. And Chance's brother just came and sat by him and I started to panic wondering if Chance was getting worse and Lucky could sense it. I know I just need to chill out until I can get him back to the vet tomorrow, but its hard.

12-14-2003, 11:46 PM
Sorry for another update, but here it is:

I was just really upset and expecting the worst, so I decided to go to bed so tomorrow's vet visit would come faster.

I fed the cats while Chance was still in his spot sleeping. Then I went down and fed the foster puppies and took my own dogs outside. When I came back in, Chance was sitting at the top of the stairs grooming himself. Thats the first time I've seen him do that this week so that is a good sign. I think (not positive) he had just been drinking because he was sitting by the water bowl. Then he went and started to eat. He's still eating now. I'm worried that I don't have the I/D food yet, but I'll get that tomorrow. If he keeps eating and holding it down though, do you think the food will be that bad for him? It is the food he's used to eating, but its kitten food so its really rich. He's not a year old yet so I haven't moved him to adult food. But since he's sick, is this going to make him worse?

(He just finished eating and is grooming himself again intead of plopping back down like usual!!!!!!!!!!)

*edit* He just drank a bunch!

*edit #2* He's back down again :(

12-15-2003, 12:14 AM
Aly, I know all to well how you are feeling, especially since you are not sure what is wrong, and all you want to do is help. I think that part is the worst. I wouldn't worry about posting too much, I don't think that it is possible.:) I was creating 2 new threads a day.:eek: Nobody seemed to mind, you are worried and this is a good outlet because everybody else would feel the same way, hence we understand.;)

If he is eating his regular food that is great, and no I do not think it will hurt him. Unless the doctor finds something specific his normal food should be fine. I/D is just a bland food that is a little easier to digest and I think that is about it. I would also see it as a good sign that he is drinking too. He lethargy may just be a side effect of not feeling well. I know I get tired and just sit there when I don't feel well, maybe it is just something like that. I also see drinking as a good sign. Is his stool normal?

On how long it took Joey to get better. Let's see. I think that she must have started to get sick on Wednesday, or maybe a day before. It became very obvioius on Thursday night, and se went to the vet on Saturday. She came home on Monday afternoon and she was still a little sick. She started to look like herself on that Wednesday, but then she got that URI, and that affected her. I would say about a week, but I am still doing Half anf half on I/D and her regular food. Her stool is still a little soft, but it is looking better all the time. It is almost a normal shape again. Now, I don't know if all of the drugs that they gave her speed her recovery or not.

Please let us know what the vet says and if you need any information from me please let me know, I will get you anything that I can. I will be busy at work tomorrow, but will try to check. If not I will check when I get home late tomorrow afternoon.

Here is a big long distance hug for you:

Continued prayers for Chance and you, and the rest of the family.

12-15-2003, 12:22 AM
Hi, Aly.

I agree with Bryan that Chance's regular food is probably OK for him, at least til you talk to the vet tomorrow. Sure sounds good that he's eating, drinking and grooming. :) I swear, if he were totally out of it, I don't think he would worry about grooming himself.

Having seen him doing all this, maybe you can rest a little better tonight. If he were going downhill (as in getting progressively worse), he definitely would not be eating, etc. as he has done today.

Best to you, sweetie and to your guy, Chance.


12-15-2003, 03:40 AM
Aly, when Filou was younger he was sometimes like that: not eating and hiding from us for a day or 2 and whenever he started eating and talking to us I knew he was getting better.

At that time the vet found his bloodwork was not ok but after he grew up he was fine.

Hearing that Chance eats and grooms himself is a good sign. I understand that it's worrying not to know exactly what he had but if he feels better this is the most important thing.

12-15-2003, 04:28 AM
Aly I'm sorry this thread slipped by me - poor Chance - I'm keeping this little feller in my thoughts and prayers and tonight when I light my Monday night candle - I'll say a special one just for him. He's such a cutie-pie by the way.
If he's started eating and drinking maybe things are on the upturn - fingers crossed here.
A thought - if he had the enema he wouldn't have anything to go 'poop' with would he?!
The odd bit of grooming sounds positive as well - I hope it 's nothing more than a little 'chill' on his tummy.
{{{Hugs}}} coming across the miles to you - of course Chancexxx


12-15-2003, 06:40 AM
I missed all these updates (because I was not subscribed :( ) I am so sorry that Chance is not well ye, but it does sound like he is feeling a bit better (the eating and the bathing). He may well be lethargic if he is constipated. But remember, if he is not eating much he won't be pooping much either.

Hope he feels much better very soon.

12-15-2003, 08:02 AM
Hoping to hear good news from the vet! ;)

12-15-2003, 08:14 AM
Our appointment isn't until 4pm.

I just woke up and said his name and for the FIRST time in days, he lifted his head up in response!!!! I went over and pet him for a couple minutes and he sat up and walked over to the food. He's still over there eating.

Poor little guy has some crusty medicine on his chest from him spitting it on himself last night. The vet told me it tastes BAD. ITs really thick and icky.

I'll let you guys know what the vet says.

12-15-2003, 09:53 AM
Did he throw up after he ate the beans? I had the same problem after my Priss ate some Chick-fil-A. She threw up then wouldn't eat for several days, not even wet food and became very lethargic and lost weight. They don't eat because they think they will throw up. We went to the vet and she gave her fluids gave us some anti nausea medicine and some medicated wet food that we had to force feed her with a syringe. Once she realized she could eat without throwing up (thanks to the medicine) it took a few days, but she came around. Good luck to you, it appears that you have a similar situation.

12-15-2003, 10:19 AM
I'm so sorry to hear little Chance are feeling so poorly. :(

Is it possible to mix the medicine with something he likes? Can you wipe the medicine off with a wet cloth? (I bet you have) It must be awful for him to have to smell it. :(

It sounds as if he's moving a little more around now and eating a bit also. That's at least something. :)

Will be sending positive thoughts and keep our fingers and paws crossed. Get better sweet Chance!!

12-15-2003, 11:37 AM
He was sitting up earlier for a good 40 minutes after he ate. He jumped up on the bathroom counter where Shiloh's bowls are and drank her water. Then he looked at himself in the mirror for a little while and then jumped down and ate a little more.

That gave me good hope, but then he came back to his spot and has been laying there sleeping. The kittens keep trying to wrestle with him and he lays there growling until I pull them off. He just really doesn't want to move.

The appointment I have for him at 4 is with a different vet that he hasn't seen yet. But I think I am going to call the vet he saw Saturday and ask if we can run in for some quick fecal tests.

Lallypop - That does sound very similar, but Chance is eating on his own and keeping everything down. This is day 5 of his lethergy. I do hope it will go AWAY sooooooon.

12-15-2003, 01:07 PM
Please eat , Chance , maybe your Meowmie will get something special for eat , and you will get Turkey. Foundcats want you to EAT!

12-15-2003, 01:35 PM
Hopefully the fact that he did not go lay back down right away is good. It may mean that he is feeling better just not up to full strength yet. That is just a guess.

I am very happy to hear that that he at least showed a little interest in something.

I think that your idea about calling the vet and asking about the fecal tests is a good idea. Maybe the new vet will have something else.

If it were me, I would get the records from the 2 other vets, including the xrays. Let the new vet know that you have the records and after he makes the initial diagnosis that you would like him to take a look at the other notes. Sometimes, looking at all the information help. Just a thought.

Give Chance a Hug for me and keep us updated

12-15-2003, 01:37 PM
Is he pooping? They had us isolate Priss so we could monitor if she was eating and pooping, he could be constipated....keep up the meds and hopefully he'll come around, it's so hard having a sick baby, I feel for you. :(

12-15-2003, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by CatDad

If it were me, I would get the records from the 2 other vets, including the xrays. Let the new vet know that you have the records and after he makes the initial diagnosis that you would like him to take a look at the other notes. Sometimes, looking at all the information help. Just a thought.


Again, CatDad and I are on the same wavelength! (HI, Bryan!)

I was just going to write to say that if you can get the test resuls from the 1st vet, it would be very helpful. Also, it might keep you from having to pay to have the same tests done over again by this other vet.

Hope you get positive news this afternoon. Looking forward to hearing your news.

Take care --- Bobbi

12-15-2003, 02:03 PM
He hasn't pooped, but he also had TWO enemas only two days ago so I think its normal that he hasn't pooped yet. He was constipated before. The vet who gave the enemas said the poop was very firm, meaning it was in the colon for a long time.

12-15-2003, 02:55 PM
We're leaving to the new vet in a few minutes. I'm really nervous.

Its actually not a new vet, but new to him. I've used them for Peka and some of my other fosters and they are wonderful. They are really good about giving me whatever discount they can manage since these are foster animals and not my own. They are very caring and wonderful doctors.

12-15-2003, 03:00 PM
I'm keeping my fingers crossed here!! You're in my thoughts.

Good luck!! :)


12-15-2003, 05:26 PM
Waiting for a Chance update~ Everything is crossed, even the back ones.

12-15-2003, 05:45 PM
Hi Aly,

I was wondering if you have mentioned anything to the vet about megacolon? Please do. There are surgeries that can treat it very successfully. I have been studying megacolon for a long time in rats, and while doing that had learned a lot about how cats and dogs get it as well. Could you feed him some pumpkin? Pumpkin is sort of like a laxative, and helps soften the stools.

Please keep us updated. I will be thinking of you and Chance. :)

12-15-2003, 06:05 PM
Hope things are going well Aly! We ar thinking of you and porr little Chance!

12-15-2003, 06:06 PM
Yeah, I am getting antsy waiting to hear the latest update too! Hope all is well!!!!!!!


12-15-2003, 06:58 PM
I know that her appointment was at 4:00 PM CST.

So, hopefully we will hear soon.:)

12-15-2003, 07:17 PM
We just walked in the door and I had to run to the computer to let you all know the news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



He's wolfing down some food right now. I am literally shaking with pure joy and happiness. You guys, I cannot even tell you how TERRIBLE in has been .. well I'm sure you all know! AHHHH!! I need a few minutes to roll around on the ground with my boy, then I'll be back with more info!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :

12-15-2003, 07:20 PM
*rolling around too* (by herself) ;)

Prairie Purrs
12-15-2003, 07:27 PM
Yippeee! Such a relief! :D

12-15-2003, 07:28 PM
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Can't wait to hear more, but your baby needs some special attention right now. Come on back and tell us when you can!!!!!!!

12-15-2003, 07:54 PM
Oh my goodness, there is NO question that he is much better. It was World War III in here just now as I was trying to give his meds. I had to chase him all over and sit on him to get it down his throat. He kept growling and running! HEHE! I've never been so happy to have such a hard time giving meds!

The vet he went to was great. I really should have just gone there from the start and I am starting to seriously doubt the vet I took him to on Saturday, but thats a different story.

This vet basically said that he agreed that pancreatitis was a possibility, then he listed a bunch of other possibilities. He said there is even a fever of unknown origin that cats get and you never know why. Chance's fever was BAAAAAAAAAAD - 106.5 degrees. The vet said that was a huge concern and needed to be addressed immediately. He also wanted to put Chance on fluids and give him a couple injections that would reduce the fever. Then he wanted to recheck the temp an hour and a half later and go from there, depending on if the temp had gone down or not. So I had to leave Chance there for a couple hours :( They gave him the fluids, the injections, and put him on ice packs. My wonderful friend had met me at the vet and she took me to a dog store while we waited.

The vet told me that if his temp didn't go down, he'd have to go to the emergency room and stay the night :( So I was just beside myself with worry. He did say that his physical exam of Chance gave him good hope that his fever would go down and he'd be just fine.

So they finally called me and said his temp was normal and I could come get him!!!!!!!!!!! I got the liquid form of one of his antibiotics he'd already been taking because the pills were a struggle. He's going to finish the course of both of these antibiotics and he should be fine.

When they brought him back out, the carrier was moving a lot because he was bouncing around playing in it! It was a soft-sided carrier and I unzipped it just a tad so he could stick his paw out and touch me in the car. The naughty boy unzipped it all the way and jumped out at me purring and meowing :D

When we got home, he jumped out and went to the food bowl. When he was done eating, I picked him up and he was purring away :) Now he's sulking though because I squirted all that icky stuff down his throat again.

And another bit of good news, a tech there is seriously considering adopting Chance and Lucky :D If she doesn't, they said they'd help me find them a home!!

12-15-2003, 07:56 PM
YEAH, CHANCER!!!!!!!!!! YEAH, ALY!!!!!!!!!! SO happy to read your post. I know it's been anxiety city over the last week. Can't wait to hear the details. WOOHOO!!!!! :D :D :D

12-15-2003, 07:56 PM
Great news Aly!!!

12-15-2003, 07:59 PM
I just read up on your situation - I'm so happy to hear that things are better!! You sure do a wonderful job with all your furkids. :)

12-15-2003, 08:05 PM
Guess we posted at exactly the same time cause when my post popped up, there was yours, too. :) So now you know why Chance was so lethargic --- his temp was so high. What joy to have to wrestle an active, attitudinal Chance! I'm so thankful that things are looking up. I LOL over him unzipping his carrier and jack-in-the-boxing right out of it. Too cute!!!! :p AAAAAND if all that weren't enough, you might have a line on 2 new homes! My goodness, Aly -- what a wonderful day! I'm so happy and relieved for you. :) Please give ol' Chance a hug and a smooch for me and know that your good day has put a biiiig smile on my face, too. :D :D :D Take care --- Bobbi

12-15-2003, 08:12 PM
Thank you so much :D

I don't think I could have gotten through this without you guys. Thanks so much for all the messages and especially the helpful pm's. I really appreciate all the input everyone had. It really helped me to know experiences that you guys have gone through. And thanks for the prayers and well wishes. I am so grateful!

I am just sitting here gushing out tears of joy and relief. I could have easily lost him. I will be thankful every day for the rest of my life that he was saved :)

12-15-2003, 08:26 PM
A Big WAAAHOOO!!!!!!!!!:D

I am so happy to hear that chance is doing so well. So it was a fever that was keeping poor chance from being happy(Bobbi I see we think alike again).;)

They do sulk after meds. I am lucky with Joey and I can stick a pill in a soft treat and she just eats it.:)

It is such a great relief to hear that this last vet was so good, and was able to help. I was also very happy to read that they you will be able to get them adopted.:)

Please keep us updated on his progress.

Here's to a very speedy recover which he already sounds like he is on.:)

12-15-2003, 08:27 PM
I have been checking this thread throughout the day but I somehow missed the WONDERFUL NEWS!!!! http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif With that temp no wonder the little fella didn't want to get up!! Thank goodness you were persitant and kept taking him back!!
I'm so happy for you that I could cry!! Then possible homes too boot!! For such a horrible few days it sure is ending in the best way imaginablehttp://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif We couldn't be happier for you and I'm glad you can relax now!
PT prayers at work again!!:) :) :) http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

12-15-2003, 08:29 PM
I'm so glad it was something easy to diagnose and treat!!! Let me say that one more time...
SO GLAD!!!! :D :D :D
And a possible forever homes on top of that?!? EXCELLENT!

Consider switching vets Aly, based on the details you've provided here this other vet seems incompetent. :mad: You should not have to go through hell because a professional does not know what they are doing! Granted it is possible that when you took Chance into the first vet the stage of things was not as easily diagnosable - maybe that needs to be taken into consideration. But it seems that the first vet made this whole situation much more stressful than it had to be! GAH!

(((HUGS to you)))(((HUGS to Chancers)))

I hope tonight you can have a good night's sleep!

EDIT: Ack, Chance is TOO CUTE! LOOOOVE the new siggy pic!

12-15-2003, 08:47 PM
Glad to hear that Chance is doing better, I don't remember, but what did you say caused the fever?

Anyway glad to see you so happy again and having fun rolling around in the floor! That is really great news!:)

12-15-2003, 08:56 PM
We still aren't sure what caused the fever. It could be caused by pancreatitis which was caused by eating the baked beans, but it also could be a number of other things. The vet just wanted to treat the fever, continue his antibiotics and then evaluate how he's doing after he's done with the antibiotics.

The first vet on Saturday knew about the fever, but didn't do anything. They also knew he hadn't eaten (at that point) for two days. They should have given him fluids then. I have no clue why they didn't. To their credit, they were very busy and worked me in on an emergency appointment. They also had 3 critical cases there at the same time I was. The cases were so critical, they weren't sure if the dogs would live. That is not an excuse though and they still should have given Chance fluids. But anyway, I'm not going to go back there again.

I just went downstairs and Chance ran to me. I picked him up and he growled because he thought I was going to give him medicine again, but then he started purring when he saw I was empty handed :D What a stinker! I just chased him up the stairs like we always used to do before he got sick :) :D :) :D :)

Kate - his symptoms were just as bad, if not worse, on Saturday when he was at the first vet :( When they felt his abdomen on Saturday, he was YOWLING, but today he didn't, so I guess his symptoms were even less for this vet. Anyway, I'm not going back to that other vet.

12-15-2003, 09:04 PM
That is so great to hear that he is doing so well. I am really happy that he is back to his old self. Good luck with the meds.:)

I am also happy to hear that you found a vet that you liked. You are right even though the other one was busy, they should have given him fluids. They should of at least let you know that they could not do it and suggested that you take him to the hosptial or another vet to have it done and get him temp under control.

Well, at least it turned out OK. That really is the important part.

Once agian, WAAAHOOO!!

Give chance a hug and pet for me.:)

12-15-2003, 09:05 PM
Your very brave, everyone of you for having the courage to put your finger near their mouth claws and give medicine, I usually end up with scratches and bites, I am a very scarred person. I have been bit by so many things, from cats, monkeys to prarie dogs, my finger, hands and arms looks terrible.

So, I have to commend you all for your bravery. Sitting on top of Chance and giving him his medicine is a cute picture to add to my other pictures in my mind.

I really am glad to hear that Chance is doing so much better. Thanks for keeping us all updated.:)

12-15-2003, 09:18 PM
I am confused. Are you sure he is not going to get bad again? I mean several times you posted he was doing better, but then he got worse again.......can you just tell me it's all the way over so I can stop worrying? ;)

So a cat can get pancreatis from eating baked beans? :confused: I have never heard such a thing lol. My cats used to eat baked beans all the time and they are fine. Sounds a little odd is all. Is it something in the beans? Seriously, I am really curious now! Did the vet tell you what exactly causes it? Does pancreatis go away? If not, did they give you meds for it?

I hope you find out what caused the fever. Has he been tested for FIV/FELV yet? I am sure he has, since you take such good care of them...........don't know why I even ask. :)

12-15-2003, 09:24 PM
Yeah!! Great news!!

I'm so glad the little cutie is doing so much better. Sounds like a vet change is most certainly in order. I hope the adoption by the vet tech works out too. If not I may have to see how to get a cat from TX to TN??? LOL, wouldn't my husband just love that!

12-15-2003, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
I am confused. Are you sure he is not going to get bad again? I mean several times you posted he was doing better, but then he got worse again.......can you just tell me it's all the way over so I can stop worrying? ;)

So a cat can get pancreatis from eating baked beans? :confused: I have never heard such a thing lol. My cats used to eat baked beans all the time and they are fine. Sounds a little odd is all. Is it something in the beans? Seriously, I am really curious now! Did the vet tell you what exactly causes it? Does pancreatis go away? If not, did they give you meds for it?

I hope you find out what caused the fever. Has he been tested for FIV/FELV yet? I am sure he has, since you take such good care of them...........don't know why I even ask. :)

I posted that he was getting up and eating, but I never thought he was getting better really. I had some hope whenever he got up, but 5 minutes later, he'd always be back down in a lump on the floor again. He hasn't done that since we've been back from the vet. He's been eating and walking around and even running. And the whole time he's been sick, he has never put up such a big fight as he did tonight with the medicine. So I know he is better. He got all those injections that make fevers go away and he has a normal temp now. Thats why he's not lethargic anymore. Now since we dont know what caused the temp, there is a chance that it could come back, but the vet doesn't think it will. If it was caused by pancreatitis or a bacterial infection, the antibiotics will help that.

Most of the time, it is unknown how a cat got pancreatitis, but all 3 vets that Chance saw said that it can be caused by eating something they are not used to eating. I'm sure a lot of cats can be fine eating baked beans, but it just affected him like that for some reason.

Yup, he was tested for FIV/FELV way before I let him around my other cats.

12-15-2003, 09:36 PM
Great! I'm so glad he is on the up and up and doing so much better. :D Thanks for taking such good care of him!

12-15-2003, 09:42 PM
I just held him for a few minutes and now he went to take a nap. Instead of flopping on the floor in a miserable ball, he jumped up into a chair and stretched out :)

12-15-2003, 11:12 PM
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

12-15-2003, 11:16 PM
Aly, I'm so glad to hear that Chance is feeling much better and that you found a great vet too. Hopefully the vet tech will be able to adopt both Lucky and Chance and you'll be able to stay in touch with her.:)

12-16-2003, 03:45 AM
I saw the picture in your signature before I read the posts and I felt immediately like rolling on the floor too:)

If he had that much fever it's no wonder he was lethargic. I hope so much it's over now.

And if he was that hot, he must have been constipated too as there was not enough water left.

Has he used the litterbox since?

Kissies and scritchies:D It would be good if Lucky and Chance found their purrfect home but I would miss them terribly.

12-16-2003, 05:46 AM
Your new siggy picture says it all!!!!!!!!:D

12-16-2003, 08:32 AM
Whew.....This was such great news this morning! The director of the lab is out this morning so I couldn't wait to get on PT and check in on Chance.

There is something everyone should remember about Vets and Doctors.......

Not all of them got A's when they passed their tests.......some graduated with C's.


12-16-2003, 10:04 AM
He's definately still better, but he doesn't seem 100%. I suppose thats normal since he was totally out of it with that terrible fever for 5 days :(

I'm really worried about what caused all of this. Its terrible not knowing.

(I'm off to enter Skylar's picture in a photo contest our newspaper is having now)

12-16-2003, 10:47 AM
What a huge relief, Aly! Keep getting better, Chance!!! Hugs to both of you, and all of you!

12-16-2003, 11:54 AM
Gald to hear that he is still doing better.:) I am sure that it will take a few days for him to come back to normal. It took a couple of days after Joey got back from the vet to come around and be her old self again.

Just keep an eye on him and take him back to the vet if you notice him slipping too far.

I agree it is really unsettling not knowing how they got that sick. I would like to know just so it can be prevented.

Good luck and let us know how he is doing.:)

12-16-2003, 12:16 PM
I'm late, but I'm glad to read the good news! :)

But while reading, I was also wondering about the same things luckies4me has mentioned. I hope the new vet (who sounds so much better than the one on Saturday) will find out what caused the fever. Good that FIV/FELV are already ruled out! What about FIP? I know there aren't any reliable tests anyway, but I think he would have some other symptoms then, but according to the vet, he's in a good physical state, so FIP doesn't sound very likely.

I don't know much about pancreatitis and what causes it, but I think the beans could only have caused it when the pancreas was already sick.

I found some info on feline pancreatitis, it's here (http://www.marvistavet.com/html/pancreatitis__feline_.).

Howewer, I'm sending best wishes that Chance will stay on that level of activity now. I know when they got fluids at the vet's, it boosts their condition, and I hope it lasts!

We're sending positive thoughts for a speedy recovery! :)


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-16-2003, 05:27 PM
Wonderful news! Hope he continues being well, and it would be so great if he and Lucky found their furrever home. :D

Miss Meow
12-16-2003, 07:21 PM
Thanks for the update. I'm glad Chance is looking up a bit :) and hope it continues.

12-16-2003, 09:26 PM
I'm so glad to read that Chance is doing better. I pray that he continues to do so and he will be back to his old self in no time.

12-16-2003, 10:17 PM
I'm so glad that Chance is feeling better! I hope he starts feeling 100% soon! :D

And good luck to Skylar in the photo contest--I'm sure he'll win with those gorgeous eyes!!

12-16-2003, 10:36 PM
Well Chance has slept most of today. But its not the same way he was sleeping when he had the fever. He's still better, being responsive and more active, but not himself yet. He jumped onto my lap several times during the day and he'll get up and walk around sometimes when I get up. But I'm still worried. I'm not quite sure if he's pooped yet or not.

12-17-2003, 12:05 PM
I think my boy is a tad more active than he was yesterday :) :) :)

I really think he had (or still has) pancreatitis. It is going away for sure now though. It just seems like the most probable explanation. The vet did say that he could be sick for 2 weeks if it is pancreatitis. Its been a week now and he's still not 100%, but all the meds are helping.

12-17-2003, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Kirsten

I don't know much about pancreatitis and what causes it, but I think the beans could only have caused it when the pancreas was already sick.

Three vets told me that the beans totally could have been the cause of pancreatitis even if he was perfectly healthy before (which he was, to my knowledge)


12-17-2003, 05:31 PM
WOW! That's so scary that something that seems as innocent as a pork 'n bean could make one of our little ones so ill!!! I am so happy to hear that Chance's condition continues to improve. :) I certainly hope that each new day brings him closer to being completely well. {{{Hugs}}} of joy coming to you, Aly and Chance.

12-17-2003, 05:43 PM
Uh, ALY!

Chance doesn't **really**look back to action in that shot, you know...not really....he he he...
I am sooo glad to hear he is back at it!

12-17-2003, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Uh, ALY!

Chance doesn't **really**look back to action in that shot, you know...not really....he he he...
I am sooo glad to hear he is back at it!

Hahaha, you're right. Hehehe!

12-17-2003, 10:45 PM
Oh Aly, I am so relieved to see that adorable picture of Chance ... poor baby looks so happy to be feeling better!!! You took wonderful care of him, just as you do that precious Skylar!
Thanks for all the updates!


12-18-2003, 06:42 PM
Chance actually played with some toys for a few minutes today so he's continuing to improve :D :D

He's still not up to wrestling with the other cats though. Hopefully soon!

12-18-2003, 09:25 PM
Princess once ate some food that was left on the counter when she was a kitten, she had the same side effects and we had to take her to the vet, and more or less was the same, x-rays, enema.... and she is better now!! It took her about a week to come around, but after that she was a crazy as a new kitten!! good luck!!:)