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View Full Version : Kitty monikers

12-12-2003, 10:47 AM
This is one of my favorite topics where people's pets (and human kids, for that matter) are concerned, and yesterday's discussions of Emma/Emmanuel/Samson and Gizmo's new little buddy made me think of it. How did you name your kitties? Any good stories? Were they pre-named? Could you just simply not stop calling him Herbert, no matter how hard you tried? ;)

Rizzo is a Muppet name. I thought I wanted to name him after a Muppet before I even saw him (I'm a Henson fan, so sue me!). And after he came to live with us...well, in his awkward kitten stage, he looked rather Muppetty! But I couldn't call him Kermie, 'cause you know, only Kermie is Kermie. :D And I didn't like most of the other names for him. I really, really, really wanted to name him Sweetums, after the big, shaggy, other-Muppet-eating monster. But taken out of context, I just couldn't live with myself if I had to introduce any pet of mine as "Sweetums." So I named him after another shaggy brown Muppet---Rizzo the Rat! It probably wasn't nice to name a cat after a rat, but what are ya gonna do? The name just suits him! Rizzo the Cat. :D

Looking forward to your stories! There are some good kitty names on this board.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-12-2003, 11:43 AM
Tubby because he's not fat, he's such sort of....tubby! :D He started out with a friend of mine who thought he was a girl, and she got him when he was real young, so she named him Bitsy because he was such an itsy bitsy kitty. Don't know what happened to him after I got him. ;) :rolleyes: :D

Peanut also started out with a friend of mine who named her Peanut because she looked like a Peanut - and the name stuck. :)

12-12-2003, 01:31 PM
My favorite story is my sister's cat. He was a stray that jumped in her kitchen window one afternoon looking for a handout. He ate his fill and left. She named him Seymour because she hoped to See More of him.

Needless to say, she did. Once you feed a cat, they are never going to leave. :D

12-12-2003, 02:46 PM
We had a Sesame Street theme going for awhile when the kids were little with Ernie, Bert and Oscar. They are all RB now. The kids are gone so *I* get to pick names. I was a literature major and teacher and poetry fan so now we have a poet theme going.

12-12-2003, 09:26 PM
We named Allen because it was when the Philadelphia 76ers were doing really well.. my family are sports nuts. We named him after Alan Iverson... unfortunately, I spelled Allen wrong. Or maybe it was a accidentally on purpose thing. Anyway, that's Allen.

Pouncer came with the name. We love it and it so fits him.

Nicki was born two days after Christmas... so Nicki after St. Nick. Almost Brownie because my dad's imagination ends with an animal's color.;)

12-12-2003, 10:12 PM
When Briggs first came to us as a tiny kitten, she had a HUGE, loud purr that just went on furever. I said it was if she had a little engine inside her, like a mini Briggs and Stratton. There you go.... Briggs it was :D

12-12-2003, 11:31 PM
No great story's to ours.

Bob because the girlfriend thought he looked a little like a bobcat. Joey came with the name.

12-13-2003, 12:07 AM
When we got KC we couldn't think of a name for her so we just called her Kitty Cat or kitty. One day my mom was like, "Hey, lets just call Her KC, Short for Kitty Cat" So we did and it just stuck.

Opie we named after Ron Howard. Opie reminded my dad of him so that's just what we called him.

12-13-2003, 08:52 AM
Michael was named after The Japanese Comic series: Whats Michael. Moose was so named because of his size. Princess , her bearing, Sam and Diane , after the Cheers characters. Precious , because she is , Nugget , for his Gold Coloring ,JJJ3 , because he hads been on the radio BJ , Rocca and John Hancock wereprenamed.BoBo , after BoBo Brazil.

12-13-2003, 09:38 AM
Our cats all have names from the Bible. Saphirah is from the book of Acts. She was very selfish, thus a pretty good match for a cat's personality.;) When we got Chloe, we decided to stick with the Biblical theme. Chloe was a name mentioned in one of the epistles. When our third cat arrived, once we discovered that he was a male, he became Samson. (He is a longhaired cat.)

12-13-2003, 09:40 AM
This is how we named Maggie, My parents got me her last year on December 24. And when we were all thinking of naming her. My mom mentioned what the shelter said the she has the letter "M" on her for head. (and yup she does) and they were calliong her one of the "M"anger cats of Jesus. So we all thought and Maggie came! It's a perfect fit!! :)

I found a good picture that shows her M (look on her forhead)
