View Full Version : My urge to save money bit me in the butt :(

12-11-2003, 06:01 PM
Yeah.. SO last time i was at the commisary I was feeling particularly poor because our car insurance had just come do so I thought I'd do some bargain hunting. I love the brand of cat litter that i use (can't think of what it's called off the top of my head) It smells good and clumps hard. But the Tidy Cats Scoopable was on sale so that it would make it $1.50 less than the stuff I usually buy. I bought it and was very pleased with myself, even going so far as to use the extra money i saved to buy some tacos at Taco Bell:rolleyes: :D Sadly however, i went to scoop the box today. Now mind you, I only scoop the box one to two times a week, Boomer has a HUGE litter box that is always 5-6 inches deep and he doesn't seem to mind, so it works for me. Anyway, I get the scoop out, get the plastic bags ready, dive the scoop into the litter and every clump that my scoop touches crumbles into a million pieces. Not only that but it had the foulest odor i have ever had to smell. Sooo Boomer didn't seem to mind the new litter, but I certainly did. Yucky- so much for being frugal!:rolleyes:

Anywho, here's a pic of Boomer sitting under the litter box hood while i'm busy cleaning out the box in the other room. Sorry it's so dark, I didn't have enough battery power to use the flash.
"Hmm I don't know Mommy, but I think something might be missing"

And then here was our sunset a few nights ago over Mt Fuji, no kitty in it, but it was beautiful.


Steffi N
12-11-2003, 06:09 PM
What a beautiful sunset. Thank you for posting that picture. :)

Sorry you kitty litter was such a ripoff. I did save money with A &P litter and it makes nice hard clumps.

12-11-2003, 08:03 PM
We love the cheap stuff from Sam's Club - do you have one? It 40 pounds of litter for $8. Talk about bargain! When you foirst pour it, it is really dusty, but one day later, its fine. I'l live with a little dust to save thatmuch money. PS: It scoops just fine and Allen won't use any other liter anymore.;)

12-11-2003, 08:20 PM
I've use the Tidy Cat Scoopable Multi Cats for years, it crumbles a little bit if I'm in a hurry scooping. Not enough to make me change. I love the stuff.

12-11-2003, 09:02 PM
Sorry to hear about the litter, but live and learn. You never know if you can save a little until you try. You've tried and now you know it won't work.;)

I have to use the litter that I do. I tried to change it once to see if Joey would change a habbit, not a bad one.

I found out that the Bob did not like the new litter. A couple of days after I switched to the new littler in one of the boxes Bob came out looked at me got on my coat and peed all over it. I got the hint that he did not like it.:) It is really funny now, and it was even a little funny then.;) I changed the litter back and it has never happened again.

12-11-2003, 09:29 PM
Catdad said... I found out that the Bob did not like the new litter. A couple of days after I switched to the new littler in one of the boxes Bob came out looked at me got on my coat and peed all over it. I got the hint that he did not like it. It is really funny now, and it was even a little funny then. I changed the litter back and it has never happened again.

Gotta love our furry kids and how they tell us they tant happy with something we have done or changed. :D Did he get deducted from his weekly allowance for dry cleaning bill???? :D

12-11-2003, 09:39 PM
CatDad Hehe Bob certainly showed you! That brings such a funny picture into my mind. That "Is my message getting through to you?" look that cats are sooooo good at.
No catnapper, sadly there is no Sam's club over here (that I'm aware of) Don't know if you know this, but I'm living in Japan, so I am quite limited to what the commisary has to offer. I know we have a WalMart owned store called Seiyu just down the street at the nearest train station, but it just has people groceries. Boomer loves when I go there though because they have so much seafood that I never fail to come home smelling of fish:rolleyes: :D I've heard there is a pet store that carries name brand products with english language packaging a few train stations away, but I've never been there, and can't say I'd be able to find it as everything in these Japanese cities seems so cramped with many a 5 story building that have 20 or so different stores in them.
Steffi, what is A&P litter? I've never heard of it. Yes, it's greet to have such a beautiful view, and right out our window:)
Craftlady, I am just VERY picky about cat litter, as is my husband. He's NOT a catperson so I try as hard as I can to keep down the smell and all that. That litter worked wonders at keeping the smell down while it was in the box, it was just once I scooped it and the clumps fell apart that the odor about knocked my socks off:rolleyes: That and the fact that we're not allowed to have Boomer makes it very important that there is NO odor or evidence of his existence:D

12-11-2003, 10:05 PM
I am really glad that you liked my little story.:D I really enjoy telling it to anyone that will listen.:rolleyes:

Sometimes cats are very obtuse and leave little hints that are hard to pick up on if they do not like something. I just think that it was really cute that Bob figured out a way to be very direct. I mean VERY direct. He came out of the laundry room into the family room looked around found me. Then walk to my coat, while looking at me, sniffed it and then went. It was one of the most amamzing things that I have every seen him do. His litter was back to the old stuff in about 3 minutes. It only took that long because I put the coat in the washer. The amazhing part was that he did not hit the rug and the coat is water resistent so it did not leak onto the carpet.

Steffi N
12-11-2003, 10:52 PM
A&P is a supermarket chain, so it is their store brand. They probably aren't in Japan. Lovable is pretty good about litter. He will go in anything I put down.

12-12-2003, 12:10 AM
Kylie is soooooo tolerant of litter. I can use something different everyweek and I don't think she would care!
I am trying out this litter right now called Cat Okay. I swear that the cats on it look Oriental related so I don't know if it is based there or not. I don't mean that in a derogatory way, but that is what the pic looked like.

12-12-2003, 12:14 AM
Does she look like much bothers her!!!??? :);)


12-12-2003, 08:50 AM
I as well tried the Bargain Litter , from Liquidation world , and it was awful , as it didnt clump , and stunk. Thier mess alone would have been pleasanter!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-12-2003, 11:06 AM
I'm surprised you had a problem because that's the litter I use and it clumps just fine. And actually, I've tried to "unclump" it because we like to spread some around outside by where we park the motorhome to keep mice away, and it's the grossest thing trying to break apart these sticky gooey clumps of cat pee. :p Eeewwww Terry's like "just spread it around." I'm like "It doesn't spread, you wanna try!" :eek: :rolleyes:

Maybe it was just a bad batch or something, but I'm surprised. They also make another brand that's "continuous odor control" (red label) that I bought this time because they were out of the regular "blue" stuff that I buy. This continuous odor control stuff obviously has a lot of perfume in it - bothers my nose when I scoop it so I can't imagine how T & P tolerate it. Although I gotta admit there's no "cat litter odor" just an overwhelming obnoxious perfume odor.

12-12-2003, 11:17 AM
I was wondering if maybe you got a bad batch too! Tidy cat is usually so reliable!!

We use the Fresh Step Scoopable litter, but keep in mind that we don't have to change it very often, as both of our kitties go outside. Mimi is the one who will use the litter box, most often, but not very often.

12-13-2003, 04:51 PM
Can any of you recommend a good litter that does clump well, the last two times I bought cat litter was scoop away, and it doesn't clump very well at all. Grover makes me scoop everyday.

She cannot stand it if I don't clean her box everyday. So any suggestions? Grover is very picky about her litterbox, she spends so much time in it, like she is house cleaning. Well when she is not hanging off the side of the wall looking for that mean mouse she is after.


12-13-2003, 10:14 PM
You might want to try the Arm and Hammer clumping versions. I don't use clumping litter now but when I did use this it clumped very hard and was easy to scoop and throw away.

12-13-2003, 10:19 PM
Thanks shais_mom, I will try that. Grover just insists on such a clean box. Maybe because she started out in a trashcan? LOL. Picky, picky kitty.:)

12-13-2003, 11:31 PM
Arm and Hammer Super Scoop clumps quite well. It seems dusty to me, but that's partly the baking soda I suppose, which helps the odor of course. I usually use either that or Tidy Cats for Multiple Cats (even though I only have one--it just works better). TC doesn't usually seem to have a lot of fragrance--not like Fresh Step, anyway, which has more perfume than I can tolerate. TC holds up okay in the middle of the box but does crumble a bit on the edges, especially if it's really saturated. Hope A&H works out for you, Trayi.

12-14-2003, 12:48 AM
I have tried many many different brands of litter from the scoopable kind to the natural kind. The one that I liked the best was Everclean and that's what I've been using ever since. It forms hard clumps and keeps the odor under control. I use the extra strength scented version. It's also dust free. I scoop 1-2 times a day and it's very easy to scoop out everything. It's kind of expensive at Petco so I buy it at Pet Club and they usually have it on sale at least once a month. My cats love it too so now everyone is happy.:)