View Full Version : Did she know?

Aspen and Misty
12-10-2003, 06:12 PM
Monday dureing Gym class I hurt my back really bad. When I came home monday night I could barly walk. I layed down in my dad's bed on my right isde and instantly Nova jumped up onto the bed and layed right against my back. Her warmth felt so nice. On Tuesday I was able to walk, hunched over and limping, I couldn't stand up longer then a minute or straighten my back. All through out tuesday Nova would lay so that she was laying with her back against mine. Same thing today. I began to get better and by 1 or 2 in the afternoon could stand up straight and take 2 steps! It was an awesome job, I owe most of my recovery to my lil heating pad. Her heat always made my back feel better. Eventually I got the idea and used a real heating pad but while I was sleeping had it off and used my pup heating pad.

Do you think she knew that her warmth helped???


12-10-2003, 06:38 PM
Aspen and Misty,
I think she knew she was helping you, and she knew you were not feeling well. I think our pets know when they are needed. When my daughter was growing up, she had a little chihuahua name Bart, and when she got sick, he was right there with her. He never left her side, ever, not until he knew she was feeling better.
