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View Full Version : New Web Site

12-10-2003, 03:03 PM
As many of you know I have been involved with a rabbit sanctuary here in Michigan for 5+ years and am on their board of directors.

For a variety of reasons we decided last spring to change our focus and concentrate mainly on rabbits which are increasingly being abandoned in our area everyday; in fact this fall has seen the number of requests for us to take in rabbits shoot up dramatically. It has been a struggle and a lot of very hard work but a lot of progress has been made over the summer and fall. We have a name change and approval from the state for the revised articles of incorporation, a new logo and lots and lots of plans to take the sanctuary forward.

Please take a moment a look at our new website at www.rabbitsanctuary.org Read about our organization, it's goals and take a look at our bunnies and their stories.

The site also has our hot-off-the-press newsletter and a link to CafePress for items we sell....including a calendar with MY bunnies on the cover!!!!! (I didn't have anything to do with that decision, honest!) ;)

As I sat here a few minutes ago and looked at the website for the first time I have realized that we actually did what we set out to do. Yes, we still have a ways to go and other things we still want to do, but I had so many doubts that we could actually pull the reorganization off..... I'm kinda stunned!

We are looking for other animal friendly sites to link up with so if you know of any please forward their web addy to me and we'll get in touch with that organization.

Wow, I still can't believe it, we are really, really real!!! :cool:

Heather Wallace
12-11-2003, 07:43 AM
Daisylover, I had a look at this site the other day and thought it was really good, they have done a great job.