View Full Version : Rock Group AMERICA coming to nz.....

12-10-2003, 01:06 PM
I am so excited I can hardly breathe, I just found out a few mins ago, AMERICA are coming to Auckland on 3rd feb 2004., they are so my favourites, I actually went and saw them live on my trip to the USA in UTAH, and that was many moons ago, I have got to find a way to go, the tickets are very expensive, but I GOTTA GO, it will be so full of memories for me, of a time in my life that was so exciting, I did not even know they had re-banded, maybe just for the tour., maybe I could see if the radio have a competition going, I am very lucky at winning tickets for shows, having seen Eagles and Ricky Martin through my winnings, sorry for raving on but I am just so EXCITED.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-10-2003, 01:33 PM
I'm never heard of that band before. What do they sing?

12-10-2003, 01:44 PM
Sweetie, you are probably way too young to know who they are, they sing, HORSE WITH NO NAME, VENTURA HIGHWAY, MUSKRAT LOVE,SISTER GOLDENHAIR, and many more, popular in the 70s, but still popular now, even some of the young ones like them, I was 18 when I saw them , I am now in my forties.

12-11-2003, 12:03 AM
OK, I am really not that old, but right now I am feeling acient.

I knew the day would come that someone did not know the bands that I have listened too. However, I did not expect it now.

Anyway, enough of poor me.

I am so excited for you I saw them years back that it was a great concert.:) I have always liked there music.

Good luck on finding tickets to win.:)

12-11-2003, 07:38 AM
I hope you get to go, Carole. I certainly remember their music very well, and I always liked it too! :) Good luck!!! :D

12-11-2003, 01:26 PM
Well so far I cannot even find out the radio station that is promoting them, I also get this email today, as I am a ticketek member, saying there are a limited amt of seats going for 55dollars each, by booking on the internet, available today from 9 am, I go in there before 9 am and find they are all sold out, what a Crock, I have been had.

I guess if I cannot win them, I might just have to miss out, shame as I am sure they won't get together in a hurry ever again.

Yep makes one feel old eh, however I was walking my daughter to school the other day, and around the corner a bunch of university students live, and guess what was playing on their stereo, EAGLES my other fav, so there you are, they may be oldie's but goodies. :)

12-11-2003, 01:34 PM
I did see the Eagles in concert, Carole, several years ago (probably 5-6 years, actually), and I was on the 11th row, on the "floor"', although we were in a football stadium. What a great concert that was!!!! :)

If you don't get to go to the America concert, console yourself with a few CD's. You can do that for less than $55 and listen to them over and over!!! :D

12-11-2003, 02:04 PM
Thanks Logan, I have an old cassette of them lying around somewhere.
If there are tickets to win, I am determined to be a winner, I won tickets to see EAGLES, it was their HELL FREEZES OVER tour and it was fantastic, and I was determined there, so wish me luck, I am gonna give it my best shot.

12-11-2003, 02:17 PM
I've been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to get out of the rain
In the desert you can't remember your name
La la la la la la la give you no pain....

Of course I remember America. Great band. Take lots of pictures to share with us, OK??

12-11-2003, 02:30 PM
Thanks Slick, yes that was their first and biggest hit I think, not my favourite though, sorry not allowed to take pics at the concert, its an indoors job this time, yeah, anyway thats if I ever get there, Chicago are coming three days later, wanted to go that as well, oh geez so many concerts, so little money lol.

12-11-2003, 06:28 PM
I LOVE America. I saw them in concert almost 20 years ago, but they were very good. I love the Eagles too!! How about Styx? Queen?

12-11-2003, 06:48 PM
Mugsy I saw America perform in 1976 in Utah, they were awesome, my fav song women tonight, was the only disappointment, they did not sound like their records, but the rest was top notch.
Sorry not a fan of queen , don't really know styx.
Anyone like boz scaggs or bob seagar? the young ones say WHO? lol:)
Oh and how could I forget DEEP PURPLE ?

12-11-2003, 07:16 PM
I love Queen and I'm honestly not surprised you don't know Styx. They were from Chicago and I don't remember them ever touring outside the States. I like Seger and Boz Skaggs..but haven't heard much of his stuff in YEARS! Styx was more of a "harder" rock....more like Queen, but not as funky.

12-11-2003, 07:19 PM
Thanks for the info, yes i have heard the name, but don't really know anything about them, believe it or not I still have boz scaggs and bog seagers L.P'S , but have nothing to play them on,only cd players in my house these days.

12-11-2003, 11:14 PM
I love America, I saw them about five years ago here. Wonderful. :D

I saw Styx with Pat Benatar in 1997. They were great! Styx was also the very first concert I ever saw, waaaay back in 1983! :eek:

*Now ... where did I leave my Geritol and my Depends??*
