View Full Version : Watch dogs?? I don't think so!

12-10-2003, 12:31 PM
In anticipation of our delivery from UPS of the dog food that we need very badly, I opened the front door a little while ago.

A few minutes ago, I walked into the kitchen, and noticed that the UPS man has been here (two 40 pound boxes were delivered up the steps and onto the front porch), and not one dog even heard him!!! LOL!!!!! All four were inside as it is raining "cats and dogs", literally, here.

I guess I feel much less protected than I thought I was!!! LOL!!! :o

12-10-2003, 01:21 PM
LOL. How funny! Precious is our best watch dog. She thinks she's big and tuff and barks whenever the UPS man, or really anyone, comes to our house. I don't think she knows she a little pomeranain. She probably thinks she more like a great dane. LOL:D

12-10-2003, 01:24 PM
Heck, I have four BIG dogs, and granted, one of them (Murphy) is totally deaf, so I didn't expect her to hear anything, but the others???? :confused: LOL!!!!

12-10-2003, 01:33 PM
Logan, I can send Keegan down for awhile if you like she might give them lessons!! ;) She lets me know when my neighbor's come home!!!
She would never allow the UPS man to do that!!

12-10-2003, 01:43 PM
You know that I will welcome Keegan with open arms, anytime she is ready to visit us, Staci!!!! Maybe she could teach these scoundrels a thing or two!!! Goodness knows they will bark at the golfers..........wonder why they didn't bark at the UPS guy???? :p

Cinder & Smoke
12-10-2003, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by Logan
... Goodness knows they will bark at the golfers..
wonder why they didn't bark at the UPS guy???? :p

UPS Guy was Bringin *FOOD*!! :D

12-10-2003, 02:33 PM
That would NEVER happen here! No way the aroma would escape Star's super sleuth nose!:D Stay warm and dry, Honey, Lilly, Zipper and Murphy!:)

12-10-2003, 02:51 PM
That's really funny! Duke barks at practically everyone. He's our lookout dog.

12-10-2003, 03:00 PM
Tasha is the most attentive at being watch dog, but if she woofs, Tommy is instantly up and looking all over and woofing too. His bark is deep and loud and I think would sould pretty intimidating to someone who didn't know him.

What is really funny is if we are all downstairs in the den watching TV, and if a doorbell rings on TV, both dogs race upstairs barking bloody murder at the "intruder" lol.

York at work
12-10-2003, 03:08 PM
"Watch dogs?? I don't think so!"

My boys bark at doorbell rings off the television!!!! If someone knocks on a door on TV or says "Hello", they bark. They rule the bark yard and keep it free of brids, squirels and such. They know the sound of our cars and when we drive up........... and they bark. But other than that, I think I could probably be robbed blind. I have to give them credit though. Being little Wiener dogs, there really isn't much they could do, maybe I could just pick them up and throw them at a burglar......... :D
This is how they like to spend much of the day............. :D

12-10-2003, 03:20 PM
Sure they're good watch dogs ....

They watched the truck pull up
They watched the UPS guy get the boxes ready
They watched the UPS guy bring the boxes up
They watched the UPS guy go back to the truck
They watched the UPS guy and his truck drive away ...

How much more atching do you want? Oh - you mean you need a Bark! dog! :)

12-10-2003, 03:42 PM
LOL!!! Karen, you are probably exactly right!!!! They appreciate your defense!!!! :)

12-10-2003, 03:59 PM
Logan that sure wouldn't have happened here. My two live at the front window. They are like two fuzzy busybodies watching anything and everything that goes on in the neighborhood. :rolleyes:

12-10-2003, 04:33 PM
Don't worry Logan, my three aren't watch dogs either:rolleyes:

12-10-2003, 05:16 PM
I have two "bark" dogs and one "snore" dog! Aneko wouldn't even know if someone was at the door if the other two didn't make such a ruckus. :D

Mine are particulary good watch dogs if Michael's not home. If he's here though, they slack off a lot more. :rolleyes:

12-10-2003, 05:47 PM
I agree with Phred .......... UPS guy was delivering FOOD!!! Why on earth would you want to prevent him coming on in ....???!!! :D

......... although Ruby would NOT HAVE ALLOWED the man to even stop on the road without having a bark at him ......... :rolleyes:

12-10-2003, 06:02 PM
LOLOL, they new that it was the dog food that he was delivering!!!;)

12-11-2003, 12:15 AM
Logan, that's too funny! I don't think poor Klo was exposed to much cause she definitely is our Watch N Bark dog! I can't tell you how many times she went on a rampage in the middle of the night! AND, she's NOT satified until you check out what she's barking at and tell her she's a good girl! The new house rules are never ignore her when she's barking cause you never know! I think Cody (except for mailpersons and delivery people) got "ho-hummed" after a while! My friend's house was robbed and vandalized and his boxer, who is so friendly, apparently just followed the guy around telling him where everything was cause nobody heard a thing! :rolleyes:

12-11-2003, 05:40 AM
Karen, I couldn't help but laugh at the story of your friends boxer. I know many dogs like that.

My Draker is the creme de la creme of watch/bark dogs. He is weary of strangers that his mom and dad don't know or introduce him to. I would hate to be the burglar that tries to rob us!! Drake is always very alert. Just like Keegan, he lets me know when my neighbors are coming home.

Sorry that your "intruder" went unnoticed by your doggy clan, Logan. Maybe better luck next time

12-11-2003, 06:45 AM
I think your 4 need to come teach Malone a thing or two!!!

:D He's toooooo noisy and lets the neighbors know if snow if falling off our roof. :rolleyes:

12-11-2003, 09:42 AM
Lefty barks at T.V. doorbells too. We keep telling him we don't even HAVE a doorbell, but he won't listen. :)

Just as I was typing that last sentence he gave a low throaty growl at something he heard outside (melting, dripping snow?)--we're camped out on the couch today (I'm sick, and doing last-minute holiday shopping online).

12-11-2003, 09:46 AM
The funniest part about all of this is that my dogs don't usually bark unless they hear the truck, but they do get all excited when someone walks up the front steps. The steps and porch are wood, so it makes a lot of noise. Of course, I didn't hear him either :o , so that might explain why they didn't!! LOL!!!!

Hope you feel better soon, Smilla. :)

12-11-2003, 09:53 AM
Silly pups!!

Kia was showing off at how she could be a good watchdog.

Something outside must of been 'threatning' to her as she kept looking out the window and barking. Normally she doesn't do that and only barks if someone knocks on the door. I didn't see anything suspicious unless she scared it off.

12-11-2003, 10:07 AM
I have a 86 pound Boxer (Maximus) I think if anyone came into my house they might get licked to death. But last night watching TV I heard him bark a couple of times. Well you will never guess what he was tring to protect me from!!!! THE HOUSE PLANT Yes this dog was barking at my hanging house plant!!!!:) Whats up with that????:confused: I guess he saw a spirit up there!

12-11-2003, 10:23 AM
They are smart dogs! They did not want to bite the man that brings them food!

Jojo and Tiny barks at sounds even if it is the wind! Jojo might bite intruders but Tiny would lick them to death!

Tiny is so weird, she barks at her reflection she sees in the windows at night!:rolleyes:

12-11-2003, 01:40 PM
Thanks Logan! I am feeling a bit better already.

Good thing I'm home, because I had to call someone because the boiler was acting up. He just left. Big surprise: Lefty barked at him.