View Full Version : Introduction - Emily & Eliot meet Dylan

12-10-2003, 09:20 AM
Last night the kittens came in to meet Dylan and there was a bit of hissing followed by curious nose touching and that was it. Dylan spent the night in Missy's room and the kittens pouted and sulked. Emily sucked up to her daddy as usual but I was in exile:(

This morning, I had a secret snuggle session with Dylan (heavenly!) although he does bite! It is a love bite I think but it hurts! He rolls over to have his belly rubbed and gets all ecstatic, grabs my hand, licks it and then chomps down just enough to hurt, still purring, etc. I cry a little and he stops and looks at me.

Then we decided to let the kitties mingle a bit and it was about 30 minutes of nothing but follow the leader as Dylan checked out every square inch of the house with Eliot and Emily following like a little entourage. There were a few pauses amd nose sniffs, a few mild hisses, but mostly just curiousity. All three have stayed in close proximity for the past few hours with free rein of the house, just watching each other - no skirmishes - well one swat by Eliot but no growls or tussles or fur flying so do I dare think this will work into a tolerant relationship quite quickly? They even ate out of one another's bowls and the kittens allowed Dylan to drink from their fountain so it looks good. Here are a few pics - not too exciting but this is how it went!!

Emily and Dylan

Eliot and Dylan

Follow the leader for 30 minutes!

more of the same

are we gonna be buddies or not? Dylan & Eliot

12-10-2003, 09:31 AM
Awwwwww, it's almost like we get to see the introduction with you, thanks for sharing, I know exactly how that goes. Dylan seems like a loverboy, he shouldn't have any problem fitting in. Male cats are easier to introduce anyway. Good luck, can't wait to see more pics! :D

12-10-2003, 09:39 AM
Dont worry. In 95 % of cases , the Cats will adapt to each other and will soon be Furr Friends! And friends for life , as they look as though they are already bonding.

12-10-2003, 09:44 AM
Looks like they were playing "Follow the Leader" and looks like they are going to be best friends soon.

As for the purring/licking/biting thing, Pouncer does it too. He does it when I'm lying in bed, he comes up and sits on my chest and gets scratchies. Purrs a million miles a minute and then starts licking my finger tips. Then soft, sweet little nibbles, then CHOMP. Then me going, "OUCH." Then I go back to petting him and the whole cycle begins again.

What a pretty tail - glad you got a shot that shows it!

12-10-2003, 09:50 AM
Emily and Eliot are such good hosts :)

Dylan is a total cutie. His tail is just like Pichu's, don't you love it!

Juni's tail is like a rat tail compared to Pichu's :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-10-2003, 10:53 AM
Great pics! :D

Looks like he will fit right in. I think the kittens are still young enough to accept him without too much of a fuss.

Although.....and I don't want to scare you on this, but I remember Ally and Connor got on especially well at first too, and now it looks like Connor might have to be re-homed. So even though they appear to be ok with each other, still keep an eye on them for the time being.

Thanks for the pics, but we're going to need more as the meetings progress you know. ;) :D

12-10-2003, 11:16 AM
WOW :eek: such a smooth introduction...I am green with envy here...if only Nellie would accept a Mr.Wonderful so easily!!!

The three match perfectly!!!:) :) :)

12-10-2003, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Great pics! :D

Although.....and I don't want to scare you on this, but I remember Ally and Connor got on especially well at first too, and now it looks like Connor might have to be re-homed. So even though they appear to be ok with each other, still keep an eye on them for the time being.

I'm was so dissapointed when I read the post about Ally and Connor, it started out so well, I thought they would become good friends, it even got me considering another kitty friend for Bonnie but now I'm too scared again. It must break your heart to have to find another home for a pet even one you've only had a short time !!! I bond far to quickly, it would make me so sad :(

But hopefully in this case, things will go well, I am truly in love with Dylan, he's just so lovely, whitwhoo !!!

12-10-2003, 11:26 AM
Thanks for the pics., Debbie - Dylan is one gorgeous orangie furboy - just adore his plume of a tail.

It all looked very calm and peaceful - we get lots of action here when Dan's being a grump and swatting at everyone and anything! He tried swatting me last week - and the look on his face when it suddenly dawned on him 'It's Meowmie!!' All I could do was giggle!!

I'm keeping fingers crossed and remaining hopeful that it's a peaceful re-homing and their soon the best of friends.
:) :)


12-10-2003, 12:17 PM
I LOVE Dylan's tail! I've tried and tried to get a pic of Mishi's tail (which looks a bit like Dylan's only longer, but just as fluffy and plumed) but he always scampers away just in time for me to miss the shot! :rolleyes: Looks like you got a keeper there!

12-10-2003, 12:28 PM
Dylan is beautiful. It looks like your introduction went about like our introduction of Samson to the girls. In our case, it worked out wonderfully. We were absolutely amazed. BTW, your Emily looks a lot like our Chloe. :)

12-10-2003, 01:06 PM
They are all looking so cute together. As if Dylan was their friendly uncle who takes his nephew for an outing.

Prairie Purrs
12-10-2003, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by Barbara
They are all looking so cute together. As if Dylan was their friendly uncle who takes his nephew for an outing.

LOL! :D That is just what it looks like. It also looks like Dylan is the one who's lived there forever, and he's showing the kids around.

12-10-2003, 04:12 PM
I love when the resident cats have the need to follow the newcomer everywhere! So funny.

12-10-2003, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
I love when the resident cats have the need to follow the newcomer everywhere! So funny.
Hey Jen - I had no idea this would happen but they shadowed poor Dylan all day long. He could not even potty without four eyes watching him! Tonight he was so worn out he was getting grumpy. Nobody slept all day! I took him back into Missy's room, closed the door and snuggled him awhile, he licked my face, purred his heart out and was out like a light within about five minutes!! It was so cute - he buried his face in his paws and thern wrapped himself in that huge tail!! Hopefully he will get a peaceful night of sleep without his entourage!!

12-10-2003, 06:04 PM
That was the perfect thing to do. Allow him time back in his safe room. And a bonding time for you both. And OH YES, Jasper is an especially great "SHADOW"!! Never lets a new guy have a moments peace from blaring eyes. :p

12-10-2003, 06:47 PM

I loved the pictures, they were great! looks like all the furbabies are going to get along just fine.

I especially loved the one "follow the leader"
That one was so cute!!:)

Grover does those little lovebites too, makes my eyes water, and I really don't thinks she means it to hurt.:)


12-10-2003, 07:03 PM
It is like they play 'follow the leader' so as to make sure the new guy doesn't make off with anything!:D

12-10-2003, 11:03 PM
I love it, they are all getting along so well. I have to agree that it looks like Dylan has been there forever and he is showing the new kittens around.

Thanks for the pics.

I think you ar edoing a great job. It looks like the kitties are doing there part and getting along also. This is so cool.:D

12-10-2003, 11:24 PM
I'm so glad to see and hear that they're all getting along so well. I'm sure that Dylan will fit right in without any problem.:) You've got yourself a real sweetheart there.:)

12-11-2003, 07:50 AM
I just think Dylan is all that!! With each new post he reminds more and more of Peanut Butter. The last three kittens we brought in have not been allowed to go back outside so when Peanut Butter comes back in they follow him everywhere!! All three of them follow him and smell him! I jokingly refer to this as the "SNIFF PATROL". When Peanut comes in and I pick him up for his hug the little ones sit at my feet and cry for me to put him down. I always tell Peanut to run because the "SNIFF PATROL" is on duty!!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

12-11-2003, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
I always tell Peanut to run because the "SNIFF PATROL" is on duty
:D Well, Emily and Eliot are the sniff patrol then and they are still at it today! Poor Dylan just calmly puts up with it! Can't a guy even use his litterbox without a review?? There has been some nose touching today and the atmosphere is friendly, but Dylan politely defers to the kittens for attention. So I have to take him off privately and get my fix. A weird thing he does is when he drinks - he scoops the water with his paws and licks it off! I don't know if it is all the time but it sure is funny! Makes a mess too. Prissy little Emily has to clean up after him! Gives him a real disgusted look. He has kind of a goofy-like (not bad!) personality about him. Like - they were all three lined up watching birds out the patio door and Emily was getting all excited and pacing back and forth. Dylan practically fell over himself trying to be polite and get out of her way! He's like "what's all the fuss about?" - so laid back. I love it when he patiently let me kiss and hug him!!

Last night when he went to sleep, I was rubbing his chin. I looked and he was fast asleep so I stopped rubbing, He kept his chin in the air a moment, nose to the ceiling and just gradually let it sink down into his paws and thick neck fur. He wrapped that big ole tail around his face and he was ZZZZZZ:D :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-11-2003, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
A weird thing he does is when he drinks - he scoops the water with his paws and licks it off!

You mean like this?

Peanut does this every time she drinks, so I wouldn't be surprised if Dylan does it too. It's so cute when she does this, and it's so funny that Emily has to clean up after Dylan when he does it. :D

Thanks for the description of how he fell asleep, sounds simply adorable and I'm surprised you didn't wake him up again by having to smooch on him after being so adorable. He sounds like a real love - and just what you were looking for. :D

Here's hoping all stays calm and peaceful as they get to know each other more. :D

12-11-2003, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
You mean like this?

YUP :D Some drinking problem, eh?:D It's messy but cute.

12-11-2003, 01:31 PM
I love those "follow the leader" pictures!!!! They will be friends in no time! Can't wait to see more pictures!!!! :D

12-12-2003, 04:34 AM
The more I hear of Dylan - the more I feel he's going to be one gorgeous love bug in your life :D :D I'm so jealous Debbie :eek:

I adore your description of him falling asleep - aahhhhhh xxx
