View Full Version : Cassy falling -- we are off to vets in a couple hours

12-09-2003, 02:26 PM
I'm worried about Cassy. Yesterday he fell from the top of a bookcase (6+ feet/ ~2 m.) He did the typical "I meant to do that..." moves and after checking him over, I forgot about it. :eek:

Last night he tried to do a short cut to where I was putting up a treat and missed the top of the bed, sliding off and pulling the bedspread with him. More :eek:

This morning, he leapt from his cat tree to the window hammock and missed again. This is VERY unusual. I'm hoping his muscles are just sore, but his vet agrees this needs to be checked, just in case. :eek:

Catching him to take him to the vet will be a challenge. Please wish us well. :(

Steffi N
12-09-2003, 02:55 PM
Cassy, I am sorry to hear about your fall. Please go into the carrier like a good boy. I hope you have nothing worse than sore muscles. AmberLee, I hope all goes well at the vet visit and that Cassy will be leaping about again soon.

12-09-2003, 02:56 PM
Oh Pauline, I'm SO sorry to hear this. :( Cassy has hopefully just hurt a muscle and is sore. I do hope the pain will be gone within a few days!! However a vet check might be in order.

Sorry, I can't remember how old Cassy is? Give him lots of cuddles and treats - and kisses and scritchies from us!

Fister and Randi

Get well soon Cassy!! We love you! :)

Miss Meow
12-09-2003, 03:29 PM
All the best for the vet's visit. I hope Cassy hasn't got anything seriously wrong, and behaves for you at the white coat's :)

12-09-2003, 04:02 PM
OUCH!!! I sure hope Cassy is OK. Good luck at the vets. Please keep us posted.

12-09-2003, 04:06 PM
Poor cassy. It's hard to lose your gracefulness. I sure hope you are OK and back to your old self soon.

12-09-2003, 04:23 PM
Oh no, Pauline:(:( Poor Cassy. Hopefully he's just sore from his fall; as if that wasn't bad enough:( Be a brave boy, Cassy and try and help your mommy help you. We'll be waiting anxiously for an update Pauline. Love to you dear Cassy. All paws crossed and {{{hugs}}} to you friend. I know how worried you must be. Sandra, Mr. B and Oliver.

Killearn Kitties
12-09-2003, 04:35 PM
The best of luck with catching Cassy and for your vet visit. I hope all goes well. I will be looking out for news.

12-09-2003, 04:37 PM
Poor Cassy, losing your cool in front of mummy ;)

I do hope you get back to full jumping power soon.

12-09-2003, 04:41 PM
Oh Pauline - I'm so sorry to hear about Cassy - am just hoping it's nothing serious.

Cassy - when the 'porta prison' appears - be a good furboy for Meowmie and don't make a fuss!! :D :D

Fingers cross for you both xxx


12-09-2003, 04:44 PM
How are Cassy's eyes? I once had a kitty (Meusette) that "missed" when running and jumping. Her inner eyelid had started to grow over her eye and she had bad peripheral vision and couldn't judge distances. She'd jump too far and fly over the thing she wanted to land on or not far enough and do a belly splat.

Hope Cassy's doctor takes good care of your baby.

Edwina's Secretary
12-09-2003, 07:14 PM
Oh Amberlee...I just saw this! Lots of good thoughts for Cassy.

BTW...as I was reading I thought...perhaps he needs glasses....then I read Kuhio's comment!

Please let us know!

12-09-2003, 07:30 PM
Hi all,

The doctor has ruled out most of the likely problems ... his eyes are fine, if anything he's a little underweight (somebody's been sneaking sis's weight control formula cat food :rolleyes: ), but his bones and muscles seem fine too. (He demonstrated how well his hisser and growler work, too, but we all had doubts that that was the cause of anything.) They've done a blood panel tonight and we should know more by morning.

Tonight he demonstrated that he can jump from the cat tree to the windowsill with no problems. :eek: The vet's asked me to keep him on the ground. This is quite challenging!

By a really weird quirk, when I went to put him in the porto-prison the front door blew open on a gust of wind preceding the storm and out he scooted. Maybe it's as well that he's moving slowly, it was a LOT less trouble than usual catching him outside and popping him the crate...

I'm still worried what the blood test panel will say, but am hoping my darling is just moving a bit slowly due to bruises...

Oh! Cassy was born on 11 Jul 1999 -- he's almost 4.5 years. A bit early for 'senioritis' to hit. That was my co-workers' favorite guess as to what was wrong. Either that, or he's supposedly helping himself to my wine supply! :rolleyes: :p

Thanks for the warm wishes. I so appreciate them! {{{hugs}}}

12-09-2003, 07:34 PM
Wishing Cassy a good & safe trip to the Vets. Hope they can
help figure out what's up. Be good Cassy. :)

12-09-2003, 08:01 PM

Didn't see your update before I posted. Did the Vet give
Cassy anything for pain & soreness? My Blackie missed a jump
to a window seat once & was walking very slowly up & down
steps too. The Vet gave him a shot for stiffness. It still took a
few weeks till he was himself again. Blackie's center of gravity
has shifted (he's fat) & he has now learned to adjust for that
when jumping. :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-09-2003, 08:19 PM
Oh no! Not Cassy! I'm glad to hear so far he's checked out ok and am sending good wishes for the blood test results. :)

12-09-2003, 09:49 PM
Well I am happy to hear that you got him to the vet ok.

I am glad that all the physical stuff checked out, and I am hoping it is just moving a little slow due to the fall.

I am happy to hear that he made his jump tonight.:)

Let us know what the blood tests show.

12-09-2003, 10:54 PM
I just now saw this thread. I'm so glad to hear that Cassy's exam went well. Prayers and positive thoughts are now being sent your way for good results on his blood work. Please keep us updated.

12-10-2003, 05:01 AM
Pauline, we will be keeping Cassy in our prayers. Hope that whatever the problem, he will be over it soon. Please keep us posted.


12-10-2003, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by AmberLee
...........The vet's asked me to keep him on the ground. This is quite challenging!....

To say nothing of damned impossible Pauline!!! How on earth can you keep a cat ON the floor - does he live with a cat? Bet he doesn't!!:D :D
Joking apart - pleased to hear the initial check didn't bring up anything serious - fingers and eyes being kept crossed over here that the blood work is clear.
Maybe he was just having one of those 'off days'!
I had one yesterday and dropped every thing I picked up - aarrghhhhhh!! Don had to cook dinner - well he did want it on a plate not on the floor - fussy!!:D

Do let us know how things progress won't you? Keeping the lovely furboy in thoughts and prayers xxx


12-10-2003, 07:16 AM
I am getting in late and am glad to hear the first exam went well. I cross my paws (F+T cross theirs) and hope Cassy will be fine.

Maybe it was just something like a sprain.

12-10-2003, 10:08 AM
Cassy will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted.

12-10-2003, 10:37 AM
Oh Cassy! I hope the vet can find out what is wrong and fix you up real soon!

Now you stay on the ground so momma doesn't have to worry. :)

Felicia's Mom
12-10-2003, 11:40 AM
Prayers go out for Cassy.

12-10-2003, 08:19 PM
Okay, the blood work's back and everything is normal. Cassy hasn't fallen (that I know of) since yesterday morning. If I sit on the floor, he's more apt to hang around there too. He's probably wondering what the heck I'm up to... :p :D

The vet and I agreed that I'd keep an eye on my sweet (well, sometimes) boy and bring him in if it reoccurs...

Wish us luck, please!

Thank you all for your thoughts and concerns to date, they really helped when I was panicking.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-10-2003, 08:47 PM
I'm so glad to hear Cassy's ok! He was probably just a little sore from the big first fall, but you're such a good mommy for being so observant and making sure he's ok. :D

And isn't it funny how they have to investigate when we're on the floor. If I ever want T or P to come to me, the easiest way to do it is to sit on the floor and they're there in a flash. :D

Steffi N
12-10-2003, 09:36 PM
Glad to know everything is okay with Cassy. I'm sure he enjoys having you down at his level. :)

12-10-2003, 09:45 PM
I am happy to hear that Cassy's tests came back good. It probably was just some soreness from the fall and he will be back to normal in no time. In fact it already sounds good.

I agree that it was very observent of you to notice and be a good meowmie and took to get him checked out.

12-10-2003, 10:25 PM
I'm glad to hear that everything is fine. Please give Cassy some scritches and belly rubs for me. :)

Russian Blue
12-11-2003, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by AmberLee
Okay, the blood work's back and everything is normal. Cassy hasn't fallen (that I know of) since yesterday morning. If I sit on the floor, he's more apt to hang around there too. He's probably wondering what the heck I'm up to... :p :D

Glad to hear everything from the blood work came back normal. Hopefully this was a one time occurance!

That's funny about sitting on the floor. Nakita also loves it when I come down to her level, but I think she's more suspicious than anything else!


Felicia's Mom
12-11-2003, 12:08 PM
I'm glad that the blood work was ok.

12-11-2003, 03:44 PM
Good for you, Cassy:cool:

Miss Meow
12-11-2003, 03:55 PM
I'm glad the bloodwork is normal :) I hope Cassy is fighting fit again very soon :)

12-11-2003, 05:09 PM
So glad to hear that Cassy's fall wasn't too serious and better yet that the bloodwork was GOOD!!!!! :D

12-11-2003, 07:27 PM
I'm so glad everything has checked out O.K. for Cassy!:) {{HUGS}}

12-11-2003, 10:23 PM
Thanks again, all.

One odd thing the vet told me that may relieve some of you, too. Apparently cat's platelet clump VERY easily. Part of the reason it took soooo long to get the results was that when they did the initial platelet count they did it by machine to be faster and due to the clumping he showed up dangerously low. So they reran the test manually and he was fine. I'd no idea about this. Had any of you heard of this before?

12-11-2003, 10:24 PM
Typing slowly again. My little silver purrboy is in my arms and I'm SO HAPPY trying to type around him!

12-12-2003, 04:21 AM
Originally posted by AmberLee
Typing slowly again. My little silver purrboy is in my arms and I'm SO HAPPY trying to type around him!

I'm just so happy to read that Pauline :) :)

Pleased the blood works were negative - no I didn't know that about the platelets! How strange.:eek:

Hope our special boy is feeling much better - lots of good vibes and {{{{{{Hugs}}}}} across the miles to you both xxxx


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-12-2003, 10:42 AM
I knew that cats' blood clumped easily and that is why, if they get any kind of puncture wound it sometimes becomes abscessed, because the blood clots too easily then the sore scabs over and basically heals from the outside in, trapping the bacteria in and causing infection so the wound needs to be re-opened, drained and allowed to heal again after being cleaned out.

I had no idea it affected blood tests, but I guess we know now. :D

It's great that you need to type around him again. Awww....:D

12-12-2003, 12:34 PM
Just found out about Cassy... !

Oh, I am so glad that sweet Cassy is alright after all!! Give him a great hug :)

12-15-2003, 07:18 PM
Wow, glad to be able to check in and out of this thread, knowing Cassy is fine!