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Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-08-2003, 12:26 PM
"Well.....ok, but only until we find a good home for him." :D

updated 6/29/04 see new post

We had our Corvette Christmas party Saturday night and one of my friends was telling me this story. Her teenage daughter was visiting a friend that lives in an apartment complex. A cat showed up outside and kept begging to come in. The girl called her mom (my friend) and asked if she could bring it home - and was told no. The girl smuggled the cat in, and when the cat was discovered was told to take it back where she got it from. A few days later she visited again, and the cat was in the exact same spot where the girl had left it, so she brought it home again. The parents agreed to let it stay, "But only until we find a good home for him."

They called the manager of the complex and told them they had the cat in case anyone reported him missing, put a few posters up in the grocery store and such. In the meantime....Fergie has worked his way into all the hearts in the household. :D On Friday my friend got a call from the complex manager and was told that the manager would take the cat. She had recently lost one of hers to RB and by the way my friend described this cat, he sounded like a total love and she (the manager) would love to be able to give him a good home.

Well, my friend was sooo upset after this call! She broke down in tears in the grocery store because she didn't want to give the cat up! She says "This is terrible, he's only been here a week and I feel so bad about getting rid of him. I don't want to get rid of him!" Then she proceeded to tell me how the cat slept with her daughter every night, and he is just the best cat. They took him to the vet and he is neutered, declawed in the front and is about 6 years old. She says you can tell this cat was totally loved because he is such a lovebug. They figure someone moved and couldn't take him, so they left him - how loved could he have been? :mad:

But anyway, I don't want to digress into that. The only problem with the whole thing is the younger daughter(13) is allergic to him. They are going to talk to the doctor about putting her on Zyrtec or something and if the doctor agrees it won't be harmful for a young girl to be taking this medication everyday, Fergie will have found his furrever home! :D :D

She said he is just the best cat in the world, loves to play fetch, and obeys like no other cat she has ever known. She says all you have to do is tell him "no" once and he won't do whatever he was doing again. She also said that the other day Fergie was by her husband and he told Fergie "Take that by mommy. Go tell mommy that daddy told you to give that to her." I don't know what "that" was, but when I heard the "mommy" and "daddy" terms I knew the cat had found a home. :D

My friend also told me that if it comes down to where they really can't keep the cat because of the younger daughter, they personally will find a good home for it. She said even if she found a no-kill shelter that would take him, she couldn't do that to such a sweet cat, and after a few days of her husband getting to know the cat, he agreed emphatically and said no way is this cat going to a shelter.

I just wanted to share this story with you all. The only other pets they have are some snakes and frogs that the oldest daughter has, who, by the way, is in college right now studying to be a veterinarian.

So it looks to me like Fergie knew just which window to go beg at that night. :D

12-08-2003, 01:41 PM
What a sweet story :D

I think there is a kind of cat underground and they pass on the address of cat lovers and this includes people who don't know they are cat lovers YET ;)

Killearn Kitties
12-08-2003, 01:41 PM
Aww, I hope they are able to keep him, because it sounds like a good home.:D

12-08-2003, 05:22 PM
How do they do that???? Fergie has cast his magic kitty spell over the family! That is wonderful! http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif It sure sounds like he would be in a very loving home.

Will say a prayer and keep good thoughts that their daughter will be ok with Fergie. Great story! It is so nice to hear GOOD things like this! :) :) :) http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

12-08-2003, 06:39 PM
I am so happy to hear the Fergie has hopefully found a good home. I am keeping good thoughts that they can help the daughter with her allergies.

Kitties do have a directory that they look in to find good homes.:)

12-08-2003, 06:48 PM
Gosh as I started reading this I was thinking Fergie was going to wind up being another "Eddie" and possibly winding up with Edwina! LOL! Now wouldn't that just knock the hat off her furry little head! :D

Seriously though, what a wonderful story and I do believe it will all work out. After all, when you have become "mommy" and "daddy" to a little furry one that pretty much seals the deal! ;)

12-08-2003, 06:53 PM
been there, said that ;)

love the story!

12-09-2003, 02:45 AM
How nice of them!

I would bathe the cat regularly for the allergy reasons.

12-09-2003, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by PayItForward
What a sweet story :D

I think there is a kind of cat underground and they pass on the address of cat lovers and this includes people who don't know they are cat lovers YET ;)

I am sure there is.

Friends of ours lost their beloved cat Maunzi at the age of 18. they were around 70 and not too healthy so they decided not to get another kitten.

Ok, they are living in a very central area, not much green there but they have a house with garden. So one day after some months a cat showed up who was about 2-3 years old and looked like Maunzi. He said: I heard there is a job available at your home. First he only came from time to time and after some more months he moved there completely. They never found out where he came from. This was about 4 years ago:D

12-09-2003, 09:45 AM
We , the found Cats , some of us being homeless , hope that Fergie has found the Magic Furrever home that all little animals are searching for.Where we will have Food , Love and Dignity!

12-10-2003, 06:42 PM
That is wonderful that Fergie has a furrever home! I have a friend to is allergic to cats and had 21 of them but she takes an allergy medicine and is fine.

Good luck to your daughter!

12-10-2003, 06:48 PM
Awww what a nice story! Hope they get to keep him!

12-10-2003, 06:52 PM
What a nice story! Fergie sounds like a little doll. I am very happy he has found a happy home! :D

Felicia's Mom
12-10-2003, 07:14 PM
A very sweet story. He has a nice home now.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-29-2004, 11:55 AM

We had another Corvette gathering last weekend and I got an update on Fergie. Seems that not only has he found his furrever home, they are now fighting about who gets to take him along to college! They are all so in love with this cat, and my friend still emphatically describes what a good cat he is and how amazed they are at him and the things he does.

As an example, the other day the oldest daughter (who is studying to be a veterinarian) was giving him a bath (youngest daughter has allergies). Fergie normally has no problems with baths, but she must have lingered on his tummy a little too long and he doesn't like his tummy touched, so he nipped her. She was so upset and thought he would hate her forever for violating the "no tummy rule." After she dried him off and everything she was sitting on the couch - all upset about how he was never going to like her anymore. Well, Fergie obviously sensed she was upset because he jumped up on the couch and gave a kitty kiss, right on her face. Awww........:D

She said the girls can fight all they want about who gets to take him along to college because the fact is that he's not going anywhere! There's no way she and her husband are letting this cat out of their home.

Fergie is one lucky kitty to have found such a wonderful family, but they are lucky to have found such a special kitty too. :D

06-29-2004, 12:21 PM
it is SO nice to hear GOOD stories about little kitties finding a home!!!

Cats can telepathically transmit to cirtian people I think. They can pick up on potential cat lovers and transmit the "Take me home and love me" rutine directly into peoples brains.

How else can they always find the perfect place to be at the right time lol?

Killearn Kitties
06-29-2004, 12:39 PM
Aww, I'm so happy for Fergie! What a great story.:D

Laura's Babies
06-29-2004, 02:32 PM
Typical case of the cat selecting it's own home!! I love these stories!! One day, I will have to figure out the timeline on Midnights story and put it all in writting.. But, I will have to wait till she is feeling better cuz I will need her help...

06-29-2004, 02:48 PM
What a beautiful story, Debbie! Thanks for the "warm fuzzies"!:D

06-29-2004, 02:49 PM
Sounds as if two more cats could find a nice home over there. Look at Jen's new Miley;)

06-29-2004, 03:02 PM
Awww.. isn't that the way families often end up with cats? One finds them, and the rest is history? :D

06-29-2004, 04:03 PM
Oh Debbie, that's a wonderful story. As Barbara says, it looks like two more could easily get a loving home. :) :)

Thanks a lot for the update! Hope you enjoyed the Corvette gathering!

06-30-2004, 02:37 PM
Nice to hear happy stories :)