View Full Version : Joey News, A Short Update (Some Pics)

12-07-2003, 11:11 PM
I have been telling myself all weekend, sit down and do a Joey update. Then I got busy again.:)

So I have finally gotten to it.

Well, Joey seems to be doing OK. She is eating and using the littler Box. Her stools are a little soft, but we no longer have any diarrhea. I think that this is great news. I started to mix in a little of her normal food tonight, so we will see how she reacts. The signs are all pointing to recovery. Yea!!!!:)

All of the above is the good news. Now the not so good news, she does however have a URI.:( The doctor has given her some antibiotics and I am hoping that will clear up this week. I would just like her to be well. I know that she will, it is just so sad to see her sneeze constantly. She is still better then last week.

Also, another bit of good news, Bob has stopped hissing at her. I even caught them sitting together for a short time.:D

I think that part of Bob's not hissing anymore is that he he had to go to the vet. That was an adventure all on it's own. Bob is usually fusses at the Vet. However the Tech an I can usually hold him and get te nails done. This time was different. First, he hissed at everyone at the vet and he never does that. Then we could not trim his nails by just holding him. Then we tried a towel, he was still too much. So we had to muzzle him and get another tech to help hold him. He has never been that bad before, I was so embaressed. They said that it was OK, and that it must have been the wether, because alot of animals had been acting strange that day. Right after that the Bob stopped hissing at Joey.

I also thought at first that we got the wrong kitty. She is actually sleeping with me on the bed. She has never done that before. She has come up on the bed, but has never setteled in to stay. Maybe some good will actually come from all of this.:) Hopefully this will continue.

So the news really is good, I am just hopeful that she will be over her URI by late this week.

Now onto some Pics:
The first one cute, but after I took it I looked at her fur. It is actually 3 colors. A dark layer next to her skin and then a brownish layer. then that multi speckled gray. I am sure that it is not that uncommon but I never noticed it and thought that it was neat.

Here is just a belly cleaning shot. I was hoping to catch a better shot of her shaved belly.

Like I said she as been really lovey lately. Here she cuddled with me during an afternoon nap.

Well, if the Joey gets a couple of pics posted the Bob wants some of him too.

Here we have Bob making sure that I have gotten everything from the tree box:

Here we have bob making sure that all is well under the tree:

I am king of the domain under the tree, bow to me:

Last but not least the Bob would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas:

12-07-2003, 11:46 PM
Great pics. :) I think that Joey might feel a little bit embarassed about her shaved area. I'm so glad to hear that she's doing better. Hopefully her URI will clear up soon.
Too bad Bob had such a bad vet visit. At least they were still able to trim his nails.
Good luck and please keep us posted about Joey.:)

12-08-2003, 12:20 AM
Thanks for the update!!! Love the pics!! They look so cute!

12-08-2003, 12:31 AM
Love the pics. I'm glad Joey is doing better, hopfully the URI will be short lived. Is the vet concerned that Bob might catch it? I hope he doesn't. I was picturing Bob at the vet for his nail trim and laughing. Sometimes they just don't want to cooperate. Thank goodness Ripley lets me trim his with no hassles. I wished Scout and Jazz would let me.

Thanks for the update. Enjoy your new bed kitty.

12-08-2003, 09:00 AM
Thanks for the update. And the pics!:D

12-08-2003, 09:13 AM
*Bowing to King Bob*
Great pictures Bryan! Am so glad that Joey is doing better and that it will be a happy holiday! She must have really missed her daddy and is not going to let you get too far! Hope the illnesses are a thing of the past. Thanks for the cute pictures. Joey's fur coloring really is unique! I also love the royalty shots of Bob under the tree!

12-08-2003, 09:31 AM
Love the photos, thanks for sharing. So glad to read that Joey is doing well. :)

12-08-2003, 09:39 AM
Joey is such a charming cat! And I am so gald that she is doing better , and should be all right soon!Merry Cat Mas from the Found Cats!

12-08-2003, 10:02 AM
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the anitbiotics will probably give Joey diarrhea. So DON'T think her problem is back if that happens.

I just love the way there personalities are evolving. Cats are marvelous creatures!:)

12-08-2003, 10:21 AM
Jen, I really appreciate the information. Thank you.:)

I will not worry so much if I see it and she is still acting normal. You saved the vet a phone call from a frantic daddy. She does not know it, but I am sure that she appreciates it. :D

12-08-2003, 10:37 AM
These are great pictures. :D

Joey looks so good! No more sad face. The real question, though . . . . has she relocated any towels since being home? ;) I'm not surprised that she's being all lovey and snuggly. Nothing like a traumatic experience to make one appreciate one's parents!

I'll be King Bob's loyal subject any day. What a cat he is!

12-08-2003, 10:47 AM

Glad Joey is on the road to recovery! The pictures are great! I love the one of Bob under the tree. He looks like he needs a crown on his head.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-08-2003, 11:14 AM
So glad to hear Joey is recovering. :)

I'll have to do some searching, but Jonza wrote up a great story about how Fister - who started out feral - has turned into the big mush that he is gradually over the years, and always seems to take a huge leap in the snuggle direction after having spent time at the vets or at the place they leave him when they go on vacation. I think this same thing is happening to Joey. Once she spent time at the vet and she knows how bad it can be, she appreciates the wonderful home that she has even more.

Of course, it could jsut be that she's not feeling too hot because of her URI, but I think she's like Fister and will be more snuggly now that she knows how good she's got it. ;) :D

Also, I know it's sad that she's not feeling well, but don't you just love kitty sneezes? T & P sneeze so rarely, and it's so adorably cute when they do. But.....I suppose I think this way because neither one has ever had URI and I haven't had to listen to constant sneezing know they weren't feeling well. ;)

Good luck to Joey on recovering completely and thanks for the pics! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-08-2003, 11:21 AM
Here is the link (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26811) to Fister's story.

But Fister has many, many more wonderful stories. If you do a search for posts with the user name of Jonza, you'll find some great tails. :D

12-08-2003, 01:05 PM

A very Merry Christmas to you also Bob and to Joey and Bryan.:D

I'm so glad to hear that Joey is on the mend in regards to her tummy problems and I pray she has a speedy recovery from her URI and that Bob doesn't get it.

I just loved all the pictures Bryan. Your Bob & Joey are so delightful to see.

Thanks for the update and especially the pictures.:D

12-08-2003, 01:49 PM
Those are all great pictures, but this one turned out Christmas card quality for sure! To bad it didn't have the both of them in there.


12-08-2003, 01:50 PM
Love the photos and I am very pleased to hear how Joey is doing. :)

12-08-2003, 01:56 PM
Great pictures, you have beautiful cats! :)

Sounds like Bob had a really bad day at the vet's! Poor boy!

And it's good to hear Joey is doing better, and hopefully she will soon recover from her URI! BTW, Luna's fur has looked the same way when they shaved her back for her surgery last summer.


12-08-2003, 03:25 PM
Yeah! Joey is getting better and better! Those pics of Bob were wonderful!

12-08-2003, 03:37 PM
Thanks for all your well wishes to Joey! I am sure that she will be fine, I have dealt with URI before and this time I know what is wrong. I will give her plenty of love from all of you.;)

I have also let Bob know how much you liked his pictures and now expects homage in the form of treats and belly rubs.:)

I am worried that Bob will pick up what Joey has, but I am hoping that he avoided her long enough that he won't get it. All the same I am still keeping a close eye on him.

Debbie, it is really cute when they sneeze, but you are correct it is a little hard when you know that they are sick. I also wanted to say thanks for the thread from Jonza, I really hope that this will be a permenate thing like it is with Fister.:D

Twink, yes she is relocating towels again and I love it.:) I really missed that when she was gone those couple of days.

Tonya I really wanted to get both of them under there too. However, while Joey has become a cuddle moster, she is still leary of me approaching her. I don't blame her, I have drug her to the vet twice and to the hospital once. However, every day she gets a little better. We go through this every time, and each time she is a little faster in building her trust again.

Thanks again for everything.:D

12-08-2003, 05:39 PM
Thanks for the update:) I'm so glad to hear that Joey's on the road to recovery, I hope she gets all better soon!

The pics are great, and as usual, they both look so cute!!!

12-08-2003, 09:41 PM
Well I'm glad to hear that all is going well with Joey:)

And those pics, I just adore them!

12-09-2003, 01:46 AM
Bryan, I am very happy to hear Joey is doing so well, I was really worried about her.

I loved the photos, they were great. Thanks for sharing and keeping us updated.:)
